army spo transportation officer duty description

We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. Integrating space support, IO (with the G-7), and fire support into all operations. Assessing the effects of offensive and defensive IO throughout the operations process; recommending IO adjustments as required. Each adds these requirements into the overall command training plan, which the G-3 (S-3) maintains. Valid conclusions are relevant to the topic, objective, and supported by data. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Effective plans and successful execution hinge on current staff estimates. The PM is usually the senior military police officer in the command. Staff Planning and Supervision. Monitoring and making recommendations on all technical C4OPS activities. Supporting CIMP implementation at the tactical and main CPs (based on G-3 [S-3] and G-6 [G-6] direction and guidance). Advising and informing the commander of the public affairs impact and implications of planned or current operations. D-71. The EOD officer is responsible for coordinating the detection, identification, recovery, evaluation, render safe, and final disposal of explosive ordnance. An effective COS understands the commander's personality, style, and instincts as they affect the commander's intentions. Staff estimates always include recommendations for anticipated decisions. Coordinating possible PSYOP effects with the G-5. Identifying host-nation (HN) requirements and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on integrating HN assets. Performing real-time audits of command systems, procedures, and internal controls to ensure their proper implementation and effective operation. These recommendations are for information and assistance only. Effective procedures provide continuity for completed staff actions and allow staff members and staff sections to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Developing and continuously updating a list of intelligence gaps. Capabilities, limitations, and employment of supporting forces. Assessing the probability and effect of NBC-related casualties. Coordinating with the FSCOORD on protected targets. Integrating ISR into the concept of operations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Planning and controlling these engineer battlefield functions: Planning and coordinating with the G-3 (S-3) and FSCOORD on integrating obstacles and fires. 12A Battalion Plans Officer Advising the commander and staff on Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act matters. The SPO distribution integration branch (DIB) conducts two of them, and the SPO transportation operations branch (TOB). I am currently serving as the Support Operations (SPO) Sergeant Major for the 593D Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) with duties and responsibilities of planning, coordinating, and enabling . RM or comptroller responsibilities include-. Performing logistic preparation of the battlefield (with the support command). Facilitating media efforts to cover operations by expediting the flow of complete, accurate, and timely information. The G-6 (S-6) advises the commander, staff, and subordinate commanders on C4OPS matters. Now, as to the TACSOP: WRITE ONE!!! Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. Reviewing plans and orders of subordinate units. This is copied to my SPO NCO and attached to our original calculation sheet. Managing or conducting all EO education and training programs within the command. Humanitarian civil assistance and disaster relief. A SOCOORD is normally authorized only on corps staffs. Estimating consumption rates of NBC defense equipment and supplies. However, the Support Operations Officer manages the external logistics and makes sure the Support Battalion supports the Brigade with the required medical, supply, and maintenance support. D-8. A transportation officer, sometimes called a transportation coordinator or logistics coordinator, manages transportation of people, tools or supplies. Below corps level, a command normally receives a special operations liaison team to fulfill the SOCOORD's responsibilities. Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Advising the Army commander on Air Force weather capabilities, limitations, and the ways in which weather can enhance operations. Corps are authorized a veterinary officer. Coordinating unit security operations, to include fighting positions and local security. Air and missile defense coordinator (AMDCOORD). Ensuring the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs. Develop and provide to the G-6, their assigned annex of or input to the command information management plan (CIMP). We close it out (read file it away) once the LOGPAC has returned. Theyve held many jobs within a Brigade Support Battalion and they know the capabilities and skills of their unit and its personnel. Personal staff officers when functioning as special staff officers. Job Detail. Integrating fire support into operations. Serves as LNO between Brigade Commander and Support Battalion Commander concerning logistics. BSB S-3 Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers. Coordinating the requisition, acquisition, and storage of supplies and equipment, and the maintenance of materiel records. All staff members examine the action from the perspective of their individual fields of interest and that of the commander to determine the optimal COA. Noncombatant evacuation operations (NEO). Serves as the Deputy or Senior Operations Officer to the Distribution Management Center (DMC) within the Support Operations (SPO) Division of the 8th Theater Sustainment Command (TSC). It then becomes a tool to be used and not just a bullet on your OER. I really appreciate it. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. A G-7 is authorized at corps and divisions. D-36. D-61. Disseminating ATO and ACO information to ADA units. Staff members prepare recommendations in a form that requires only the commander's approval or disapproval. A G-1/AG (S-1) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Develops task organization in coordination with the BSB. Overseeing cost capturing to support requests for funding authority for operations and requests to replace funds shifted from other programs (for example, mission training) to support an operation. Advising and assisting the commander and staff on all equal opportunity (EO) matters, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and affirmative action. The information management coordinator (IMCOORD), assisted by the RI and information systems (INFOSYS) officers, has overall responsibility for compiling RI developed by all staff sections. Assisting the staff on budget methods and formats; techniques of preparation, resource synchronization, presentation, and analysis; and developing workload information, expense (cost) factors, cost capturing, and statistics. Coordinating, planning, and directing the establishment of C2-system architectures that provide a sound foundation for current and future IM (with the G-3 [S-3] and the staff). Assessment actions by staff members include-, MANAGING INFORMATION WITHIN FIELDS OF INTEREST. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. Providing AMD input to the airspace control plan. Submitting taskings for OPSEC tasks to subordinate units through the G-7 (S-7) to the G-3 (S-3). The ACOS, G-3 (S-3) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1. Plans, organizes, and allocates resources and facilities to execute maintenance and repair. Coordinating unit spill-prevention plans. Requesting support for higher and adjacent unit intelligence collection, processing, and production. Equal Opportunity Advisor. Monitoring and recommending actions on unit morale and discipline. When the command is subordinate to a joint headquarters, the G-3 (S-3) is responsible for coordinating with the J-3 (operations) and the J-5 (plans and policy). Ensuring staff work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available. Training. Recommending active and passive air defense measures. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Managing intelligence requirements, to include-. Supervising all tasks assigned to the staff. Manage the SAMS-2 box and SARRS-2 STAMIS. I have also learned that some Forward Support Companies have a Support Operations Officer, normally a 1LT. Effective staff members know their respective responsibilities and duties. Developing the logistic plan to support operations (with the G-3 [S-3]). Internment and resettlement of EPWs and civilian internees, dislocated civilians, and US military prisoners, including their-. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. Minimizing civilian interference with operations. Planning the simultaneous employment of air and surface fires. D-35. They also list special staff officers over which each coordinating staff officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility. By that means, I communicate with my CO thoroughly for his intention before writing an OPORD. Here is what I mean when the LOGSTAT arrives, the OP NCO initiates the check list and sends it to the MM section. D-7. Developing a prioritized adversary C2 target list based on high-value targets and HPTs (with the FSCOORD). Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission. Developing and educating the command on policies and procedures for protecting against the release of information detrimental to the mission, national security, and personal privacy. The G-4 (S-4) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: D-70. Physical security of critical assets, nodes, and sensitive materials. Calculating and recommending to the G-3 (S-3) basic and prescribed loads, and helping the G-3 (S-3) determine RSRs. D-24. Staff members follow a systematic approach, weighing each new item of information in relation to other available information. Commanders may delegate authority to certain staff officers to issue plans and orders without their personal approval. Advising on health and operational risks of animal disease, including possible biological warfare events. Conducting OPSEC assessments to analyze the command's OPSEC posture. Providing input to supported units on the logistic estimate and service support annex to orders and plans. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. D-93. D-22. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). Determining all foreign languages (spoken and written) and dialects in which proficiency is needed for mission accomplishment. Historian. The G-3 (S-3) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following areas: D-62. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. Ensuring subordinate and supporting units accomplish assigned tasks. SOO responsibilities include-, D-118. However, specific comptroller functions may occur at corps and division level. When staff members return to the sending headquarters, they make a brief oral or written report to their staff principal, the chief of staff (COS), or the commander. Whether procedures are formal or informal, staff members carefully analyze and compare all feasible COAs, using the best information available. 2.5Battalion S-4 Brigade S4 of a Corps Military Police Brigade that provides law enforcement and force protection support to III (US) Corps and Fort Hood and deploys worldwide on contingency operations. Transportation officers are our Army's deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. Space Operations Officer. While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command specialized transportation units focused on supporting global operations. Performing limited fund and nonappropriated fund accounting, as determined by theater policy. The finance officer, responsible for coordinating and providing finance services to the command, is also the finance unit commander. Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . Monitoring administrative controls for accounting and reporting receipt and disbursement of public funds, including special contingency funds. The SOCOORD's responsibilities include-, D-117. D-1. Duty descriptions can be contributed by using the form below. A unit ministry team consisting of one chaplain and one chaplain assistant is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Injecting historical perspective and institutional memory into command activities. Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. Monitoring the execution of instructions, plans, and orders. Monitoring unit strength status and developing plans to maintain it. Recommending task organizations and assigning missions to subordinate elements, which includes-. Coordinating with the ENCOORD, G-2 (S-2), G-5 (S-5), and surgeon to establish environmental vulnerability protection levels. Performs duties in preceding skill levels; serves as the senior technical advisor to battalion commanders and the staffs of combat arms maneuver battalions and task organized combat arms maneuver formations; assists a combat arms maneuver . (See FM 100-14.). When your units finds a better way to do something, update the TACSOP. D-9. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). We provide over 207 of spo transportation officer duty description for you to chase your dream in assisting peo View more Support operations officer army Determining requirements or opportunities for MD operations (with the G-2). Facilitating staff presentation of RI according to quality criteria of accuracy, timeliness, usability, completeness, precision, and reliability. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Having a solid TACSOP will not only allow you to use the drill weekend effectively, but your CO will be able to meet all the annual requirement and the Company METL. Surgeon responsibilities include-, D-98. Utilizes stowage plans, aircraft load plans and other cargo handling forms. The G-5 (S-5) establishes the civil-military operations center, evaluates civil considerations during mission analysis (identifying the civil centers of gravity), and prepares the groundwork for transitioning the AO from military to civilian control. Coordinating field artillery survey and meteorological support. Staff officers are listed under the coordinating, special, and personal staff group to which they belong. Writing the PSYOP appendix to the IO annex to plans and orders. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3), G-2 (S-2), and ENCOORD to requisition cataloged topographic foundation data and existing mission-specific data sets from the Defense Logistics Agency. Directing preparation of itineraries for distinguished visitors to the headquarters and monitoring their execution. Provide logistical updates to the Senior Maneuver Commander and Support Battalion Commander. The G-5 (S-5) advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO, relative to the complex relationship of these people with the terrain and institutions over time. Meeting and hosting the general officer's visitors at the headquarters or the general officer's quarters. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Monitoring commercial accounts, including paying for supplies, equipment, and services procured to support the CSS BOS. ARFOR AMD plans are deconflicted and synchronized with the AADC's area air defense plan, the JFACC's joint air operations plan and daily air tasking order (ATO), and the ACA's airspace control plan and daily airspace control order (ACO). Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Calculating, analyzing, and disseminating global positioning system (GPS) satellite coverage and accuracy data. Coordinating with the support unit commander on the current and future support capability of that unit. Each staff member performs administrative procedures. Organizing and conducting internal schools, and obtaining and allocating quotas for external schools. Force Development and Modernization. The ACOS, G-7 exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1. Staff members inform the COS of any recommendations or information they pass directly to the commander, and of instructions they receive directly from the commander. Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR), and community support, including fitness programs. EOA responsibilities include-, (AR 600-20 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOA. Collecting and maintaining records, such as, staff journals, plans and orders, and after-action reports. Commanders may designate representatives to make these visits in their name. Monitoring and analyzing the equipment readiness status. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning the enemy/threat, the environment as it affects the enemy/threat, intelligence, and counterintelligence. But dont do it the other way around. Community and family support activities and programs. The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer, representing the ENCOORD. Participating in intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB), as managed by the G-2 (S-2). Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. Remember, while it is great to write a TACSOP, the reality is that nobody is going to read it. Coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) to obtain national medical intelligence reports and summaries. Helping the G-2 (S-2) and staff produce weather displays, graphic COP overlays, and weather-effects tactical decision aids displaying weather effects on Army platforms and components, among other things. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). Supervising and preparing health-related reports and statistics. Staff Planning and Supervision. If the subordinate commander misunderstands the higher commander's orders, staff members provide additional information and guidance to the subordinate commander or staff. Identifying requirements and restrictions for using local civilians, EPWs, and civilian internees and detainees in CSS operations. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. In corps, divisions, and selected brigades, the G-7 (S-7) and other coordinating staff officers assist the COS with information operations (IO) responsibilities. Mission:To perform waterborne transportation of personnel, cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift, water terminal, waterborne tactical and joint amphibious, riverine or Joints Logistics-Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) operations. The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. I hope someone finds this useful. The PM augments the staff with a small planning cell that typically works within the G-3. Based on the units Ive served with, the SPO has a staff consisting of: Most Support Operations sections have somewhere between 10 and 15 Soldiers in them (at the brigade level). Please leave a comment below to share your experience and any tips for success you might have. Integrating fratricide countermeasures into plans and orders. Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Writing the MD appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Providing medical care to civilians per the law of land warfare. Coordinating the transportation, storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous material or hazardous waste. Prepares, reviews and /or implements the following operational plans in ammunition storage areas; Firefighting, emergency destruction, physical security, explosive safety and transportation flow. Specific responsibilities of the G-1/AG (S-1) include manning, personnel services, personnel support, and headquarters management. Chemical Officer. They may work for the government or in private industry for an institution like a hospital or for a logistics company. D-76. Nominating threat or foreign ground stations for targeting (with the G-3 and FSCOORD). D-92. In addition, all staff members are responsible for supporting the overall command training program with expertise and resources from their fields of interest. Veterinary Officer. The historian, normally an Army civilian, is authorized at corps and divisions. Coordinating unit commercial and military satellite communications requirements with the SOO. This works pretty slick and provides written record of your staff work. Exercising staff supervision and technical control over religious support throughout the command. Transportation officers are our Armys deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. An IG is authorized for general officers in command and selected installation commanders. Administering and chairing unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers. D-121. Providing legal counsel to the CPO, EOA, and the command. D-56. I appreciate you taking the time to do the write up. It relieves commanders of having to address details better handled by subordinates. An LNO is responsible for representing the commander at the headquarters of another command to coordinate and promote cooperation between the two commands. D-38. Ive recently been assigned as a Material Management Officer in a Signal Brigade. Establishing plans, policies, and procedures for developing and implementing the command budget. Providing for the general officer's personal well-being and security, and relieving the general officer of routine and time-consuming duties. Synchronizing ISR with the overall operation throughout the operations process (with the rest of the staff). Logistic Operations and Plans (General). The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. Advise the commander on the effectiveness of the organizational inspection program. Formulating the concepts of operations and support per the commander's intent. Essential personnel services include-, D-46. Providing advice and recommendations to the commander and staff in matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers. OPSEC officer responsibilities include-, D-124. Performing liaison with local civilian law enforcement authorities. Identifying requirements for additional units, personnel, equipment, or support. Training, equipping, and supporting subordinate chaplains and chaplain assistants. o rewrote and published the 39th IBCT transportation SOP which was adopted at state level and all MACOMs o decreased OPORD deficiencies by 40% and revised the OPORD production process; cleared a backlog of 20 past due OPORDs o ensured efficient and economic use of supplies and materials; conserved shop resources Combat health support of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. SGS responsibilities include-, D-91. Note. Prepares and/or reviews ammunition storage waivers. Provides the status of SPO tracked systems and materiel as required to update the BSB Logistics Report. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Providing the commander continuous, objective, and impartial assessments of the command's operational and administrative effectiveness. They use reports and summaries extensively to provide information to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Coordinating the selection of, and recommending to the G-3 (S-3), main supply routes (MSRs) and logistic support areas (with the ENCOORD). Safety officer responsibilities include-, D-116. Coordinating with the G-7 and PSYOP officer on trends in public opinion. The safety officer is responsible for coordinating safety activities throughout the command. Although I am still in the learning phase, I would like to add some comments here to help any future SPOs. This appendix first discusses the common responsibilities and duties of all staff members. Maj B, Great information! 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