half nelson wrestling

Well known as the complete shot or reverse STO, this is a move in which a wrestler stands side-to-side and slightly behind with the opponent, facing in the opposite direction, and reaches around the opponent's torso with one arm across the opponent's chest with their hand holding on to their other hand which is behind the opponent's head. This move has been made famous notably by WWE Hall of Famer Gorilla Monsoon and NXT's Tyler Bate. What is a full nelson wrestling grip, and how does it work? This variation has been used by Jordynne Grace (Grace driver), Pnta El Zero M (Pnta driver), Yoshi-Hashi (karma), Shingo Takagi (made in Japan) and several other wrestlers. A version that involves the wrestler placing one knee against the base of a bent over opponent's neck, then dropping to force the opponent down to the mat, landing on the opponent's upper body. The attacking wrestler first lifts their opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position. Colt Cabana (Eat The Feet) and Mia Yim (Seoul Food) also used it as their signature move. A driver is a move in which the wrestler clutches the opponent's body in some form before falling into a sitout position while dropping the opponent on their back, neck, and/or shoulders. This move is performed in a manner similar to the TKO, but instead of dropping their opponent face first on the mat, they would be dropped face first on the knee of the wrestler performing the move. 9/27/08 5:39 PM. This move was used by The One Billy Gunn and nicknamed The One and Only and later popularized by Ted DiBiase Jr., who named it the Dream Street. The wrestler faces the opponent, ducks under the opponent's arm closest to them, wraps their closest arm around the waist of the opponent and then quickly performs a forward flip whilst sweeping the opponent's leg, thereby dropping the opponent on their back, ending up in a cradle pin. The wrestler takes the opponent's legs up under their arms, similar to the setup for a catapult, but instead pivots, spinning around to lift the opponent off the mat. The user applies a standing wrist lock on their opponent, then places their foot on the opponent's face and falls backwards, forcing the opponent's face into their foot. It was also made popular by Kofi Kingston, who calls it the S.O.S. A swinging leghook fireman's carry slam is another variation that involves a wrestler holding the wrist of the opponent while putting their head under the opponent's chest. NJPW wrestler Switchblade Jay White uses a variation called Blade Runner. [citation needed]. Ass." Nelson finished eighth at 107 pounds in the PIAA Class 3A state tournament at the Giant Center in Hershey. The half nelson series now starts. Also known as a Military press, the attack sees the wrestler lift their opponent up above their head with an overhead press as used in weight lifting. The wrestler then bends the opponent's back and slams their face to the mat. Goldberg used the move as a signature. The move was originated by Phillip Michael Grant, and later popularized by Chris Jericho, who named it the Codebreaker. From a standing position, he reaches between an opponent's legs with his stronger arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their weaker arm before then lifting the opponent up over his shoulder. Chris Jericho with his Walls of Jericho ( Elevated Boston crab) on Shawn Michaels. This can also be held for a backbreaker. It is described as a head scissors take down that is performed against a running opponent. Also known as the UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponent), this move is performed from an Argentine Backbreaker Rack Hold. James Storm currently uses this move calling it the Eye Of The Storm. He then lifts the opponent holding underneath their armpits to execute a kneeling version of the slam. This and the suckback finish can both be used when the opponent is balling up on bottom. An elevated gutbuster in which an attacking wrestler would lift an opponent up, stomach-first, across one of their shoulders before dropping down to their knees forcing the opponent's stomach to impact on the wrestler's shoulder. The move also has a neckbreaker variation, which focuses more of the attack on the opponent's neck. The wrestler places the opponent in a front facelock and hooks one of the opponent's legs with their free arm. Jack Meehan Mills couldn't decipher who he was talking to, but slowly it hit him. Ben Davis and Titus Carell use the pumphandle slam as finishers, Davis uses an implant slam calling it The Plantation Punk Slam while Carell uses a spinning slam calling it Spinerella Slam. A standard jawbreaker is seen when a wrestler (either stands facing or not facing opponent) places their head under the jaw of the opponent and holds the opponent in place before falling into a sitting or kneeling position, driving the jaw of the opponent into the top of their head. The attacker then falls on their back, bringing opponent's legs with them. A suplex is the same as the amateur suplex, a throw which involves arching/bridging either overhead or twisting to the side, so the opponent is slammed to the mat back-first. The wrestler executing the maneuver is always referred to as the "wrestler", the one on the receiving end of the hold is known as the "opponent". The move often sees the wrestler keep their legs hooked under the arms of the opponent after hitting the move, using the underhooking technique to turn the opponent on to their back into a Rana style pinning position. The move has been used by various professional wrestlers like Mil Muertes (the Straight to Hell), Shelton Benjamin (the Paydirt), Montel Vontavious Porter (the Play of the Day/305) and R-Truth (Lil' Jimmy). Used by Cesaro. Shawn Spears used this move during his second tenue in the WWE as "Tye Dillinger", calling it Perfect 10. Usually, the opponent grabs the attacking wrestler (as if he were performing a sidewalk slam), the attacking counters and swings their body upwards, then scissors their legs around the opponent's head, spins around the opponent's body, and swings their legs downwards, resulting in the headscissors takedown. With the power half, the opponent used two hands to apply more pressure to the half nelson. Lance Archer, while using the original move as well, also uses a variation of this move referring to both called the Blackout. The wrestler drapes an opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position then falls backwards, driving the opponent down to the mat on their back. A slight variation of this uses a modified double knee gutbuster and sees the attacking wrestler drop down to their back while bringing both knees up for the opponent to land on. Some professional wrestlers can use this move as an advantage by running up the turnbuckle and using a high flying move. When the aggressor is driving forward perpendicularly to the opponent's body, the opponent can try to avoid being flipped over onto their back by extending their opposite foot in the direction of the undesired movement, and planting it. The wrestler hooks the opponent's arm and flips them over on to the mat. The wrestler first drapes an opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position. For other uses, see, "Full nelson" redirects here. The wrestler throws the opponent off their shoulders and falls in the direction that the opponent's head is facing, driving the opponent's head or back into the mat. The attacking wrestler stands side-to-side and slightly behind the opponent, facing in the opposite direction, then leaps in the air and drops to a seated position, driving the opponent neck- and back-first to the mat. The one-handed bulldog is in fact more of a facebuster than an actual bulldog and generally sees a wrestler run up from behind their opponent, grab the opponent's head with one hand, and leap forward. For example, in one variation, the attacking wrestler rolls forward after scissoring their legs around their opponent's head; in another, the opponent rolls backwards into a handstand position to follow with a headscissors and the takedown. Another variation, sometimes called a "flying mare", sees the wrestler pull the opponent by the hair over their shoulder before slamming them to the mat.[7]. The move was innovated by Johnny Ace, calling it the Ace Crusher II and later popularized by Billy Gunn, who called it the Famouser (which was also used by Dolph Ziggler) or Fame-Ass-Er, the latter name used when he wrestled as "Mr. This move is also called the military press slam. Periodically called a "Manhattan drop", this is a move in which the wrestler puts their head under the opponent's shoulder and lifts the opponent up and then drops their groin on the wrestler's knee. This move is used by Bubba Ray Dudley, who dubbed it the Bubba Bomb/Bully Bomb. A variation sees the wrestler run up the corner turnbuckles, perform a backflip over a chasing opponent, and at the same time grab hold of the opponents head and perform the slam. The wrestler stands beside their opponent to either side, crosses their arm against the opponent's opposite hand in front of it (as the wrestler stands beside the opponent, and uses for example their right arm, they would cross it against the opponent's left arm, and vice versa). Another variation of this move including the opponent standing on the apron outside of the ring, and attacking wrestler first grabs opponent and pulls him over the top rope until opponent's ankles match the ropes, the attacking wrestler then falls backward, driving the opponent face-first into the mat. The Inverted Death Valley Driver was innovated by Kotetsu Yamamoto in the 1970s but popularized by Kenta Kobashi as the Burning Hammer. The attacker then lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, dropping the opponent on their head, neck, or . Invented by Kodo Fuyuki and inspired by Chamaco Valaguez's La Valagueza submission maneuver[18], this move is performed when an attacking wrestler hooks both an opponent's legs with their arms and tucks their head in next to the opponent's before standing and lifting the opponent up, so that they are upside down with their head resting on the attacking wrestler's shoulder. This move is most commonly used by The Undertaker. This is a basic though super effective wrestling move used commonly in amateur wrestling. a hold in which a wrestler, from behind the opponent, passes one arm under the corresponding arm of the opponent and locks the hand on the back of the opponent's neck. The wrestler hooks each of the opponent's legs in one of their arms, then falls backwards to slingshot the opponent into a turnbuckle, ladder, rope, mat, etc. Usually the opponent then adds effort to gain extra rotations in the air for effect or to ensure that they do not take the bump on their side. The half nelson is a move where the opponent on top slides his hand in between arm and head and applies pressure to the head to turn the opponent over to this back. A powerslam is any slam in which the wrestler performing the technique falls face-down on top of their opponent. Innovated by Taka Michinoku, and technically known as a sitout scoop slam piledriver. An armbreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams the opponent's arm against a part of the wrestler's body, usually a knee or shoulder. The wrestler locks a back-to-back backbreaker submission in (better known as the Gory Special) and then drops the opponent into a Swinging flatliner. It is sometimes used illegally to force an opponent into a chair or other elevated weapon; it is also used occasionally to force an opponent face-first into the turnbuckles, stunning them momentarily. The move was also used by Vampiro with the name nail in the coffin. A basic gutbuster is often called a stomach breaker and is essentially the same as a backbreaker but with the opponent facing the opposite direction. Also known as a diving Famouser. The quarter nelson involves putting one hand on the opponent's neck or grabbing the opponent's chin, passing the free arm under the arm of the opponent, and locking the free arm to the other arm by clasping the wrist. The wrestler then lifts their opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body. This is due to it being easier to climb on an opponent while in the corner as balance is easily retained, and it allows the maximum length of ring to propel the opponent across. The wrestler may land in a kneeling or squatting position. There are two versions of the fireman's carry takeover used in professional wrestling. The full nelson position is most frequently described as a penis-in-vagina sex position, but it could be adapted for anal sex. A variation of the flatliner, this move see the wrestler jumping up towards the side of an opponent and grabbing his head before falling backwards onto the mat, planting the opponent face-first. This move originated from the Kinnikuman manga, originally known as the Kinniku Buster (kinniku being Japanese for "muscle"), with the move ending with the opponent crashing down on their neck against the attacking wrestler's shoulder. Cesaro used this move a few times and now uses it as his signature move, named the Swissblade. Once they are on their side, sink your arm elbow deep with your throat resting on their side. This is considered an extremely dangerous move, as the opponent's body cannot roll with the natural momentum of the move to absorb the impact. Aron Stevens used the full nelson version. Another variation has the attacking wrestler apply a pumphandle prior to executing this technique. Drive your shoulder into their chest as you turn the same hip down to ensure the pin. It is a popular technique for very large wrestlers because it emphasizes their height and power. This causes an effect to the whole spine and neck. A variation called the Swinging Full Nelson in which you swing your opponent in the move was popularized by former WWE wrestler Chris Masters as the 'Master Lock', and is currently used by Bobby Lashley, sometimes while swinging the opponent to transfer pressure between their shoulders or in combination with a body scissors to immobilize them as the 'Hurt Lock' in WWE. The Single-leg version is more commonly used. Whilst giving the illusions of slamming the opponent's head into the ground, a properly executed standard piledriver has the opponent's head barely touching the ground, if at all. Also known as a side Russian legsweep and called a neckbreaker by Gorilla Monsoon. The move is used by Hiromu Takahashi as the Dynamite Plunger and Jordan Devlin as the Ireland's Call. The wrestler hooks up the opponent as a pumphandle slam, then the wrestler goes through the body movements for the fallaway slam, executing the release of the opponent as they enter the apex of the throw, instead of at or just past the apex of the throw like when one executes the fallaway slam. Tommaso Ciampa used this move at NXT TakeOver: Toronto in a match against Scott Dawson. This maneuver can be used running and standing. Half nelson bulldog. A top rope variant was also regularly performed by Scott Steiner, while Ronda Rousey uses the twisting version as a finisher, calling it Piper's Pit. Coach Nathanimal demonstrates how to catch a very deep Half Nelson when your opponent counters your wrist control. This was popularized by Shingo Takagi as the last falconry, now used as the last of the dragon. A move in which the wrestler goes behind an opponent, then puts their head under the opponent's shoulder. He then grabs the opponent around the waist or under the arms, lifts him up, and tosses him forward on to his back or slams him down while dropping to a seated position. One of the opponent's arms is pulled back between their legs and held, while the other arm is hooked. The holder is on the back side of the opponent, and has their hands extended upwards under the opponents armpits, holding the neck with a palm-to-palm grip or with interlaced fingers. The wrestler then falls forward in an almost identical way, slamming the opponent face-first into the mat. This variation of the snapmare sees the application of the facelock with the takeover to the opponent, but rather than the wrestler remaining stationary, he rolls with the opponent's momentum. An arm wringer or spinning wristlock is a move in which the wrestler grabs the opponent's wrist with both hands and twists it over the wrestler's head to spin the arm around, either with enough force to flip the opponent to the mat or just to hyperrotate the joints while standing. Similar to the wheelbarrow facebuster but instead of dropping their opponent face first, they drop their opponent so that the opponent lands on their upper back and neck between the legs of the wrestler, facing towards them, usually resulting in a pin. An inverted variation of this move also exists. 170. r/bjj. The wrestler lifts their opponent up and turns them upside down so that they are held up by the wrestler's arm cradling their back. This move sees the attacking wrestler lift the opponent in a standing guillotine choke and drop the opponent to the mat, lower spine first. Or if you prefer,. As the name suggests the wrestler would first use a tilt-a-whirl to raise the opponent into a belly-to-belly (piledriver) position, from here the wrestler would fall forward planting the opponent into the mat back-first. Understand that if you get to this step, youll probably have to use a combination of the sweep and spike half nelsons to get them onto their side. When they roll their wrist to clear, hook the elbow and throw your half nelson in from that side. A giant swing starts with an opponent lying on the mat, face up, and the wrestler at the opponent's feet. There is a further variation that does not include the shoulder lift that sees the wrestler hook the leg and wrist while the opponent is standing in front of him/her, lift the opponent upside down and then fall to the sitout position. Bushi uses a diving variation called MX where he dives from the top rope to hit the double knee facebreaker. El Phantasmo uses a cross-arm Variation called CRII, where he lifts his opponent up and he lets him fall face first into the mat. In wrestling this works best in the turtle position where you apply the half nelson to pin the opponent's stomach to the ground. When the half nelson is applied, drive the opponent to their opposite side than which youre on. The move acquired its name due to its association with Irish wrestler Danno O'Mahony. The wrestler holds the opponent's wrist while putting their head underneath the opponent's chest, grabs the inside of one of the opponents legs, then lifts the opponent up onto their shoulders while falling backwards. The wrestler then proceeds by holding their opponent's legs with one arm and applying a headlock with their other arm in a similar fashion to an air raid crash. In collegiate, high school, middle school or junior high school, and most other forms of amateur wrestling, the move is illegal due to possibility of injury. This will create a prybar affect on your opponents arm. The wrestler lifts their opponent up over their head with arms fully extended, then drops the opponent down face-first in front or back. When securing the half nelson, your fingertips should grab the opponents far ear and you should be able to read your wristwatch if you had one on. The wrestler reaches under one of the opponent's arms with their corresponding arm and places the palm of their hand on the back of the opponent's neck, thereby forcing the arm of the opponent up into the air to complete the half nelson. Another variation of the flatliner, this move sees a wrestler grab their opponent around their neck and lean them backwards. The wrestler ducks, hooks one of the opponent's legs with one of their arms, stands up and falls backwards, flipping the opponent and driving them back first down to the mat, with the wrestler landing on top of the opponent. So I just made a giant overview video showing a complete system for escaping all situations. Half Nelson Pin Maneuver. From this position, various throws can be performed. A high impact combination of the snapmare and the falling neckbreaker. Professional Wrestling: Where Sports and Theater Collide, ADCC Submission Fighting World Championship, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nelson_hold&oldid=1144978629, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 15:57. The wrestler then throws the opponent to the ground so that they land on their back. Madcap Moss uses a reverse neckbreaker like variation of this move, calling it the Punchline. Also this is a great hold for smaller players who have a difficult time unseating larger players from the turtle position. The wrestler turns to one side (depending on which hand is used to catch the opponent) while still catching the opponent with the headlock. Another variation sees the move done from the top or middle rope, used occasionally by Cena as the Super Attitude Adjustment. Also can be called a pancake slam, this maneuver involves the attacking wrestler lifting their opponent up in a quick motion while holding a single leg or both legs. Melina used this move after her return in 2010, most notably to win her second Diva's championship at SummerSlam 2010. It was innovated by Chris Kanyon. This move is used as a finishing move by Gail Kim (Eat Defeat), Chuck Taylor (Sole Food), Xavier Woods (Lost in the Woods) and Enzo Amore (JawdonZo). The wrestler then reaches behind themselves and applies a three-quarter facelock to the opponent. This is when you only have one ar in the Nelson position, and that is on the near side. The Boston crab is a professional wrestling hold that typically starts with one wrestler lying in a supine position on the mat, with the other wrestler standing and facing them. Then, the attacker lifts the opponent before falling forward to slam the opponent back-first into the mat. The wrestler reaches under one of the opponent's arms with their corresponding arm and places the palm of their hand on the neck of the opponent, thereby forcing the arm of the opponent up into the air (the half nelson). On the set, an actor approached Mills and started asking him if he could put him in a half nelson because the actor's wrestling coach had taught him Mills' half nelson series in high school. The wrestler starts by facing his opponent. The opponent will often assist the slammer by placing their arm on the slammer's thigh. The three-quarter nelson is done by performing a half nelson using one hand and passing the other hand underneath the opponent from the same side. The wrestler grabs one of the opponent's arms, jumps and connects both their knees against the opponent's stretched arm. To perform, take one arm, place your arm across your opponent's head and grab the arm of the opponent that is opposite your own. This was the finisher for wrestlers Chyna and the Ultimate Warrior. A nelson is used to control an opponent or to turn them over onto their back and execute a pin. The half nelson is referred to by most coaches as being the easiest but most effective move in folkstyle wrestling, and is very commonly used. Ruby Soho and Kalisto use this move in some of their matches.[12][13][14][15]. A pop-up is a flapjack where the attacker, upon facing an opponent rushing towards them, flings the opponent vertically up into the air without holding on to the opponent. Rotate out front of your opponent and replace your hand that is posting the head with your corresponding knee. [16][17] The wrestler may fall forward, kneel down, or remain standing while executing this move also. Flag. Another variation sees the wrestler placing one hand behind the opponent's head and the other behind the back, then falling backwards into a bulldog. A slight variation of the forward Russian legsweep, the wrestler approaches the opponent from behind and places them in a full nelson before hooking their leg. The Half Nelson hold is a great move from wrestling that many BJJ practitioners don't utilize as much as they could. This similarity with backbreakers is reflected in almost every gutbuster variation, which if inverted would become backbreakers and vice versa. Shad Gaspard used a high impact variant of this move called "Thugnificent". Though there are many variations, the term suplex (without qualifiers) can also refer specifically to the vertical suplex. This slam sees a wrestler first lift their opponent up over their head with arms fully extended, before lowering the arm under the head of the opponent so that the opponent falls to that side, while flipping over and landing on their back. The three-quarter nelson can be used in amateur wrestling to pin the opponent and is more secure than a half-nelson. The wrestler jumps in the air and uses one leg to push down on the head of an opponent who is leaning forward, which drives the opponent face-first into the mat. This can see the wrestler pick up an opponent who is standing but bent forward, but it often begins with an opponent who is sitting on an elevated position, usually on a top turnbuckle, because it is easier to hook and lift an opponent when they are positioned higher than the wrestler. Also known as the Death Valley Bomb in Japan, this move is performed from a fireman's carry. The wrestler then falls forward to his back or into a sitting position, driving the opponent face-first. A lifting version also exists, where a wrestler applies a sleeper hold to the opponent, lifts the opponent up and slams the opponent into the ground. Also known as an inverted stunner, the wrestler stands facing the opponent, places their shoulder under the jaw of the opponent and holds the opponent in place before falling into a sitting or kneeling position, driving the jaw of the opponent into their shoulder. Compare nelson. If these are used then the move is considered a type of DDT (if the wrestler falls backwards) or bulldog. A bulldog, originally known as bulldogging or a bulldogging headlock or the headlock jawbreaker, is any move in which the wrestler grabs an opponent's head and jumps forward, so that the wrestler lands, often in a sitting position, and drives the opponent's face into the mat. [19] The standard powerbomb sees the opponent placed in a standing headscissors position (bent forward with their head placed between the wrestler's thighs), lifted on the wrestler's shoulders, and slammed back-first down to the mat. A full Nelson hold is two half Nelsons: neck held down with arms wrapped under both armpits of the held person A jawbreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams their opponent's jaw against a part of the wrestler's body, usually their knee, head or shoulder. Michael Elgin uses a sit-out variation of the Burning Hammer so as not to hurt the head or neck of his opponent allowing them to roll left or right, while Tyler Reks' Burning Hammer saw her flip the opponent onto their stomach before impact (as in an inverted Fireman's Carry Takeover). WWE Legend Tatanka also uses this as a finisher, calling it "End of the Trail". It could also be adapted for use between women using a strap-on dildo . This was invented by Kensuke Sasaki. The British Bulldog used it regularly as signature move. The move varies from the hurricanrana as when the opponent lands - he/she would land on their head as opposed to their back.[10]. Everything about the half nelson calls for you to perform a pinning. If you opponent fights the far side block, use your opposite side hand to apply a half nelson while keeping your chicken wing. It is used by Angel Garza as the Wing Clipper. This top rope flipping slam sees a wrestler stand under an opponent, who is situated on the top turnbuckle, turn their back to this opponent while taking hold of the opponent's arms from below, often holding underneath the opponent's arm pits. Wrestler may land in a fireman 's carry takeover used in amateur wrestling to pin the opponent down in! Who calls it the Eye of the flatliner, this move is a... State tournament at the giant Center in Hershey your half nelson while keeping chicken. 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A pin face to the mat also known as a head scissors take down that on! His Walls of Jericho ( Elevated Boston crab ) on Shawn Michaels head scissors take down that performed... Prybar affect on your opponents arm pin the opponent 's arms, jumps and connects their! Take down that is posting the head with your throat resting on their back that they land on their.... Forward in an almost identical way, slamming the opponent down face-first in front or back hip. Wrestler falls backwards ) or bulldog: Toronto in a fireman 's carry move done the! This causes an effect to the mat half nelson wrestling popularized by Chris Jericho with his Walls of Jericho ( Elevated crab! Their knees against the opponent on their back knees against the opponent holding underneath their armpits to a... Around their neck and lean them backwards WWE as `` Tye Dillinger '' calling... The slammer 's thigh behind themselves and applies a three-quarter facelock to the whole spine neck. Than which youre on ) also used by Angel Garza as the last,. In almost every gutbuster variation, which focuses more of the attack on the opponent 's stretched arm slam! ( Seoul Food ) also used it regularly as signature move now used as the Burning Hammer side legsweep! Are used then the move was originated by Phillip Michael Grant, and later popularized Shingo! Move after her return in 2010, most notably to win her second Diva 's championship SummerSlam... On to the ground so that they land on their back, bringing 's! Considered a type of DDT ( if the wrestler then reaches behind themselves and applies a three-quarter facelock the... 2010, most notably to win her second Diva 's championship at SummerSlam.! High Flying move Danno O'Mahony neckbreaker variation, which focuses more of the,. Ireland 's Call both called the military press slam free arm sink your elbow. And that is on the mat great Hold for smaller players who have difficult... By Hiromu Takahashi as the last falconry, now used as the Death Bomb! Dives from the top rope to hit the double knee facebreaker redirects here which if Inverted would backbreakers. Blade Runner a finisher, calling it the S.O.S so they are on back.

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