moorish science adept chamber

Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. We let that song chart our course regardless of threats from any mullahs, rabbis, parsons, or priests. Everything, and every person, contains the two Elements or Principles, or this great Principle, within it, him or her. The work of the Moorish Science Temple of America is largely religious and we are committed to a plan which promotes Unity, Spiritual Fulfillment, Economic Power and Truthful Education of our Posterity. The Holy Koran of Mecca explains to us how to return the Church and Christianity back to those to whom it belongs without being radical about it. It should obviously also include a study of the practices, of the social behaviors, and of the beliefs that have been historically associated with the concept of magic. We further this inquiry by focusing this study less upon dominant cultures which have had the prerogative to define magic. Rather, we turn our attention to those minor cultures who were the targets of their slander. He teaches us that all things are thought. These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things are made of thought and where we build up character. Therefore we are returning those thoughts and that way of living back to those unto whom it belongs. Marco Pasi states in his Theses de Magia: The study of magic cannot be carried out only from the perspective of intellectual history. This is the path that will cause us to praise ALLAH properly again, as in the days of our forefathers. All individuals who have attained any degree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them. Islam means peace and ism is the doctrine; meaning, this is how we live, this is what we do. Khu/Khut Khu One of the creative organs of being. The will is the faculty of potential action. And so is man, the spirit-man. The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded for the uplifting of fallen humanity. The Grand Quran Of Mecca Sura 70. An Angel is a Thought of ALLAH manifested in human flesh whose duty is to carry messages to the four corners of the world, to all nations. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Kemetian Adept), it is possible to change the vibrations of hate to the vibrations of Love, in one's own mind, and in the minds of others. Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for the things that are concerned with time, begin and end. The same Principle operates on the Mental Plane. ALLAH. The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. He was invincible in war and violence, which were his chief means of settling differences, as well as the objects of his worship. If any of us makes a mistake, we correct ourselves. In the heart. ALLAH has no sons, no daughters, no partners or any rivals. This is because they have been indoctrinated with and immersed in the Spirit of those who were cast out of the Holy City and those who accept their teaching via the society in which we live. Through your free national name you are known and recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said national government in which they live. Those who follow Prophet Noble Drew Ali are on a high road. Many even basked in the material pleasures with which he bought them offall except Ausars two youngest sistersAuset and Het-Heru (9th and 7th spheres, respectively). The Asiatic nations and countries in North, South and Central America; the Moorish Americans and Mexicans in North America, Brazilians, Argentineans and Chileans in South America. When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then have served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more. These are some of HIS great attributes so far as we can understand. In a profound sense, they are moral and spiritual. Brother R. Love-El became a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America Inc. in 1960. We are taught about the reality of creation, about the reality of all the Thoughts of ALLAH. Yea he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide and they will lead to victory. The dividing of the land between the father and the son. Because HE in INFINITE, PERFECT AND HOLY. The Roman nations founded the first Church, of whom crucified Jesus of Nazareth for seeking to redeem his people from under the Roman yoke and law. Unnumbered foes will stand before man upon the plane of soul; these he must overcome, yea, overcome them every one. by Hakim Bey We begin to tune in to our own genetic code and start thinking and acting like ourselves thus becoming productive members of American society. Noble Drew Ali is ALLAHS Prophet. It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the "Phenomena of Life"; "Matter"; "Energy"; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. 13. We caution you that this Principle has no reference to the many base, pernicious and degrading lustful theories, teachings and practices, which are taught under fanciful titles, and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of Gender. Our initiations may be performed either together as a group or (more than likely) by oneself. This is one of the reasons that we must return the Church and Christianity back to the European nations. Adept Chamber (Third Paradise) had revealed its inner triplicity in announcing the formation of THREE ORDERS or degrees within itself, viz. Ab/Ka --- Ab This is Heart of ones (Inner Sight); That shade of the (soul) being the seat of ones dominion over life as well being the Tree of Knowledge, That of (Good) as well being (Evil) thoughts. It Symbolizes The Great God Allah In Man, As Above So Below. They are the one who brought about a discord in the Holy City of Mecca and were driven out 058. In the State of North Carolina, 1886. . Adept Chamber of the Moorish Science Temple of America (3rd Heaven). Nu (infinite energy) paired with Nut (infinite matter). This means that either one may accept the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali or reject the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. By Prophet Noble Drew Ali being to us an Angel of ALLAH, He only knows what ALLAH has taught him. We believe in one GodALLAH, who is ALL GOD, ALL MERCY, and ALL POWER. The Amen position was held by Nu. Adept Chamber of the Moorish Science Temple of America (3rd Heaven.) An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things necessary to make our members better citizens. will function to give an esoteric interpretation and an outward manifestation to this ideal. There is no compulsion in Islam. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not. The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. Brother R. Love-El is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces. Obedience is the first Maxim. Mu-Ra-Ka-Ba (The Divine Apparatus of the Moorish Adept). The American society contains truth and falsehood strangely mixed. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us that man has always existed. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us that we each have responsibilities towards ourselves, our nation and our fellow occupants of the planet. Victory slipped in and out of the hands of each combatant. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. It is not some drawn out plan that it would take a rocket scientist to figure out. We have a society that is a mixture of Nations; and every Nation has some good in it. Where did they go? KEMETIAN ADEPT CHAMBER M.A.G. the single most creative source of spiritual strength in America today. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled, any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name; because they place their trust upon issues and names formed by their fathers. And then this Ladder with its trinity of steps, Faith, Hope, and Love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life. Drew Ali taught that all Blacks were of Moorish origins but had their Muslim identity taken away from them through slavery and racial segregation. 1913 A.D. 10. Hear, now, ye spirits of the fire, of water, earth and air! Anyone who lives an evil life and represents the negative is not demonstrating Islamism. Read carefully the doctrines of The Moorish Science Temple of America. "55. And through it they and their children can receive their Divine rights, unmolested by other citizens that they can cast a free national ballot at the polls under the free national constitution of the States Government and not under a granted privilege as has been the existing condition for many generations. He is ALLAH's Prophet. the Anabaptists, the Family of Love, the Ranters, the Antinomians, the Diggers, William Blake (Christian Druidism); the revolutionary churches of Spence and Weddeburn, the religious cult of Charles Fourier, the New Catholic Pantarchy of Stephen Pearl Andrews, etc. On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the Soul planes it takes phantom forms, but the Principle is ever the same. Hear, now, oh everything that is, or was, or evermore will be, for Wisdom speaks from out the highest plane of spirit life: Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for the things that are concerned with time, begin and end. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Yea he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide and they will lead to victory. The next level involves us taking our place in the affairs of men. Upon joining the Moorish Science Temple of America, one receives a Nationality Card that reads: This is your nationality and identification card for the Moorish Science Temple of America and Birthrights for the Moorish Americans, etc. a small library for the greater Moorish community, Follow Moorish Orthodox Information Kiosk on, Moorish Orthodox Church of America Archive, Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database, Guide to Internet Resources for Ancient Egyptian Texts, The Life and Work of Saint Mikhael of California, The Greatest Story Never Told: Biography of Allah (Clarence 13X), The Seven Planes of Energy and The Five Levels of Consciousness. 59. So, I, the Prophet, am hereby calling aloud with a Divine plea to all true American citizens to help me to remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practiced by my people in the United States of America, because they know it is not the true and Divine way and, without understanding they have fallen from the true light into utter darkness of sin and there is not a nation on earth today that will recognize them socially, religiously, politically or economically, etc. "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.". Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us the truth about ourselves. It is our forefathers Divine and National Creed. Therefore he may believe in ALLAH or disbelieve in ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY GOD; and he is accountable for whatever choice he makes. Look for the best in others and give them the best that is in you. We are for peace and not destruction. Newark, New Jersey. Its structure and teachings contain Divine Instructions that will save the Moors here in America from the wrath of ALLAH. Nu was, metaphorically, an infinite expanse of water. This is the vehicle by which Man is capable of Astral Travel the emanation of the soul projecting the registry of the Universe from the very core of Mans eternal being to reflect this reality by casting its sublime image as a shadow displaying the likeness of Neteru. Therefore, we are calling on all Asiatics of America to learn the truth about their Nationality and their Divine Creed because they are not negroes. We use the Hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part. Adhere at all times to the principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. The old Kemetic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." 2. In conclusion, I urge you to remember there is work enough for all to do in helping to build a better world. It is said that a shrine to a Deity emerged at each place where a part of his body fell. We Honor all the Divine Prophets, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Confucius. Hear, now, ye cherubim, ye seraphim, ye angels and ye men!. These are the Religions as the M.O.C views and experiences them (in the light of Noble Drew Ali's Circle Seven Koran, which makes use of the esoteric Christian and Rosicrucian apocrypha by a syncretic principle we have inherited): for us, the Monotheisms are living mutating entities, interpenetrant and mutually illuminative. (The following is the version of the Sijil found online since 2001. Without the gifts of paganism, the earth would have been empty and impoverished, enveloped in a great shroud of destitution. May the blessings of the God of our Father, ALLAH be upon you that carry this card. Man has a free will. The lamb is the poor people, the lion is the rulers and the rich, and through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice all men are one and equal to seek their own destiny; and to worship under their own vine and fig tree. We must learn how to love ourselves and we must learn how to love others. Old man Cush and his family are the first inhabitants of Africa who came from the land of Canaan. This fourth rose, the Sabian Order seeks a somewhat different task. We just know that it doesnt belong to us. As one of Sets strong points was communication (Sebekthe 8th sphere was his main component), his penalty was to serve as the wind that propels the boat of Ausari.e., to disseminate the wisdom of Ausar throughout the worlds. freemasonry Adept Chamber (Third Paradise) had revealed its inner triplicity in announcing the formation of THREE ORDERS or degrees within itself, viz. We dont need anyone elses interpretation of anything. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane. the Law of God, and exercises Man's free will. The ORDER OF THE PARACLETE is Christian, but since it admits (potentially) any form of Christianity it is infinitely flexible and expansive. The inhabitants of Africa are the descendants of the ancient Canaanites from the land of Canaan. Then came the word Ethiopia, which means the demarcation line of the dominion of Amexem, the first true and divine name of Africa. Moorish Science Temple of America, is an U.S. religious movement founded in Newark, N.J., in 1913 by Timothy Drew (1886-1929), known to followers as Noble Drew Ali and also as the Prophet. Through sin and disobedience every nation has suffered slavery, due to the fact that they honored not the creed and principles of their forefathers. Others say it has a dual meaning: surrender and peace. And when the Triune Allah breathes forth, lo, seven spirits stand before his face. islam non-canonical interpretations of doctrine. Hark, now, let every creature hear, the plane of the soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essence of life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love manifest. If these Mental Attributes are mastered, One possesses the Genius to transmute from a base material nature unto Spiritual Gold. This is our contribution to America: Being ourselves. One of our goals is to make our members better citizens thereby making the United States of America a better nation. If you would understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Re-generation, you must understand and study this Kemetic Principle. 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