the american caesar kaiserreich

Kinda wish we could have a version of this mod but for the vanilla civil war content. At a dusty underground socialist club in Harlem, Elizabeth Flynn's life as an advocate began. His leadership in the strikes of the early 20th century and his commitment to seeing the Socialist Party of America adopt Syndicalist policies has cemented him as one of its chief ideologues. The Traditional Chinese translation of Kaiserreich is now available on the Steam Workshop, and includes all majors and Chinese warlords! Thomas pivoted his pacifism during the war into advocacy for socialists living in the Federal lands to resist conscription. On 17 January 1925 he was promoted at the age of forty-four, becoming the Army's youngest major general. In 1919, MacArthur was appointed as superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, which had become out of date in many respects and was much in need of reform. In 1907 he made a failed attempt to run for mayor, and later became full-time union advocate who travelled across the Steel Belt. Taylor was known in Congress as a compassionate economist and advocate of progressive policies and singing to children on the steps of the Capitol. The youngest son of former president Theodore Roosevelt, from an early age Quentin was groomed for political activism in his father's Republican Party. His father, a Zouave during the war, was the owner of a small trucking firm, but passed away during Alfred's youth. In 1930, Hoopes was elected to the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania, where his most celebrated accomplishment was completely outlawing child labour in his home state. A long time ago, the United States was a land of vast opportunity and promise. His focus that de-segregation should happen entirely on southern terms proved popular with a national audience. A supporter of Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party and his 1912 election bid, Landon eventually became the leader of the Kansas liberal Republican caucus. Plans for a devastating German bomb that will change the face of the 20th century: Project Luderitz. After the end of the Weltkrieg, Albizu was selected to become a spectator in the Ceasefire of Copenhagen. This stint as Commissioner of Baseball saw a we. Her Her opponents insist that these appearances are not deceiving - diehard supporters of the revolution call her a Trojan horse for the bourgeoisie, while opponents of the new government decry her as a laughable attempt by the socialists to convince the American people that they aren't bloodthirsty tyrants. Now acting as President however, it remains to be seen if and how he will deliver said promises. His ideological beliefs soon drew him close to fellow Christian socialist Norman Thomas and the rest of the Socialist Party of America. His studies also drew him towards the field of journalism, which led to him taking a job offer for The New York Times after graduating in 1929. Although initially a fanatic adherent to Bolshevism, the failure of the Russian Revolution contrasted with the triumph of the French syndicalists caused Cannon o adopt a more libertarian view on socialism. I'd think CAR stuff would work well with the Confederacy paths from Man the Guns. Baldwin in the participated in Stratford Town Court as a prosecutor, eventually advancing to judge of the town court in 1931. Regarded as an Regarded governor in honest and effective governor, Dewey banned racial discrimination in employment and increased state aid for education and salaries for state employees. As one AAR notes, Pelley is basically the White Nationalist equivalent of Jack Reed. This only further elevated Chandler as a Senator and made his decision to carry this support into the Conservative wing of the Democratic Party even more important. In Barcelona, he became interested in the ideals of Puerto Rican independence, and as the Americans annexed the island, Jos decided it was time to return to his homeland. At the behest of a high school girlfriend, he moved to Seattle, Washington, where he would earn his law degree in 1929, and spent the next few years working in various government jobs. The party stood by him, and ultimately his portofolio allowed him to reach the White House. Eventually, Amter found it necessary to return to the United States to escape the war, and after the move renewed his SPA membership and became active within the party's left wing. After a throat ailment convinced him a job in such was risky, Dewey instead pursued law which brought him to New York City. Indeed, Walsh is a staunch opponent of the racism that pervades American society; in the 1924 Democratic National Convention, he condemned the Ku Klux Klan. After the sudden death of his father that September, Douglas returned to Milwaukee to care for his aging mother and requested a transfer to Washington DC so his mother could be near Johns Hopkins Hospital. Lindbergh's association with the AFP starting in 1932, and escalated until he made contact with the War Power Committee. The reputation of Adlai Stevenson's father, that of an isolationist, dogged Adlai Stevenson II well into his political career. Thursday, July 13, 2017 American Caesar, A HOI4 Kaiserreich Playthrough Chapter One At the dawn of the 20th Century, many Americans believed it would be their time in the sun. R5: People who genuinely support MacArthur are cringe. Once denied the Lieutenant Governor's post by his brother Huey Long in 1932, Earl Long has long lived in his brother's shadow. After his father and grandfather failed to secure him a presidential appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point, he passed the examination for an appointment from Congressman Theobald Otjen with a score of 93.3. By 1930, MacArthur was still, at age 50, one of the youngest and most well known of the US Army's major generals. Nixon began a feud with fellow Republican Earl Warren, which persisted into the national political scene. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WASHINGTON AND CAESAR By Christian Cameron - Hardcover **BRAND NEW** at the best online prices at eBay! It remains to be seen whether this polytalented man can handle the many roles of the presidency. 1110: Matilda, die achtjhrige Tochter des englischen Knigs Heinrich I. und Verlobte Heinrichs V., wird in Mainz zur rmisch-deutschen Knigin gekrnt. Forced to retire from the Socialist Labor Party in order to recover from the incident, Johns was given enough time to think and plot out a new career. Taylor's compassion fueled his opposition to segregation, and despite his eccentricities he has endeared himself to the American people, which is all he ever wanted. At age thirty-nine William Pelley was a rather unimaginative Hollywood screenwriter and journalist. The translations themselves are fluid; the inclusion of long extracts allows students 385539788855 All of TDS available for free on Youtube, and funded through the support of Patreons and the sale ofmerchandise. With an excellent memory, Dewey used his details of crimes and telephone taps to bring down criminal organisations. MacArthur also attempted to end hazing by using officers rather than upperclassmen to train the plebes, or freshmen. After a brief stint in the army, Winant entered state politics by elected the New Hampshire Senate. Browder has never abandoned the Socialist Party of America, but with his new authoritarian position he intends to ensure that the party will never abandon him. Syndicalists believe that the American state is a tool in the hands of bourgeoisie, intended to protect their interests from exploited and impoverished workers, while Firsters believe that America is operated by an elite minority who pursue only their interests and don't care a jackstraw about the common American people. This benevolent, reformative platform earned him more and more influence in the new America, allowing him to make a bid for the presidency. Hirtius, Aulus: De Bello Gallico and Other Commentaries of Caius Julius Caesar, also by Julius Caesar, trans. Frank was aided in his activist work by his brother, Carl Zeidler, who would go on to volunteer for the navy of the Combined Syndicates, only to die in the effort. As the nation descended into chaos, the Irish-American governor sought to resolve tensions between Yankee Protestants and Irish-American Catholics. With the conflict's end, it came as little surprise that he would seek the nation's highest office through more legal means. A son of Massachusetts born in 1910, Henning was too young to experience the horrors of the Weltkrieg, but old enough to face the American Revolution in his prime. What if there was a Second American Civil War? . Much like it did to Thomas, the outbreak of the civil war disgusted Hoopes. A relatively new addition to HOI4's collection of total conversion mods is Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline.It stands as one of the most creative mod offerings currently available on the Steam Workshop. 306: Konstantin der Groe wird im Rmischen Reich von seinen Truppen zum Augustus ausgerufen. President Olson can negotiate with Reed and compromise with him to create governmental organizations supervised by the SPA that would act as liaison between unions and the government. Clarence on principle refused to exaggerate or appeal populist tendencies in his election campaign, and distinguished himself in the Washington Senate by sponsoring necessary civil works projects. A term as Governor had established Chandler as a respectable and industrious Democrat with a firm hand on the party line. Randolph, along with his partner Chandler Owens and the aid of the Socialist Party of America, founded 'The Messenger', a radical magazine calling for African Americans to organise and fight for an integrated society. Young Earl Warren thought his career was doomed when his father Mathias was blacklisted for joining a strike, but instead it motivated the young man into excelling past this stigma. Born in New York City on November 15, 1891 - William Harriman, also known as "Averell" Harriman, was born into a life of wealth as his father was railroad baron E.H. Harriman. In 1938, Truman rose to the ranks of the United States Senate, and in the years afterward surprised his colleagues with his true abilities in tracking and eliminating the waste in Reconstruction. He graduated at the top of his 93-man class on 11 June 1903 and was subsequently commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Army Corps of Engineers. It represents the first comprehensive study of Die Islamische Welt, a magazine published in Berlin 1916-1918 by Abd al Aziz Jawish and Abd al Malik Hamza, under the auspices of the Nachrichtenstelle fr den Orient. The Divided States is based on the world of Kaiserreich, the worlds most popular alt-history IP. Characters/Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg. Chicago and Washington have fallen. In 1916, Hoan succeeded him as mayor, a position that he continued to hold all the way until the Second Civil War. Stellen Sie sich bitte vor, Sie haben eine HiFi-Anlage zu Hause mit sagen wir 2 x 50 Watt Musikleistung. 10. The troops advanced with bayonets and sabers drawn under a shower of bricks and rocks, but no shots were fired. Ideologies like fascism and communism never come to be in their stead, new ideological fractures emerge from the defeat of France and Britain. As the years passed, the two men began to drift apart. As the United States crashed into flame and a Syndicalist revolution grew in the Steel Belt, at its forefront stood John "Jack" Reed - a writer, a trade unionist, a journalist and a Senator, if not more. By the time of his founding the Silver Legion in 1933, Pelley had transformed into a vocal Anglo-Saxon supremacist and militant spiritualist. In either case, the new President will start liberally using presidential Executive Orders to achieve his agendas, which both his opponents and moderate parties will see as an abuse of power and a subversion of the Constitution and fear that it is only his first steps towards becoming a full-on dictator. Das Deutsche Kaiserreich, 1871-1918 - Hans-Ulrich Wehler 1988 Internationaler Code der botanischen Nomenklatur (Tokio-Code) - Werner Greuter . Alfred Emanuel Smith was born to an Irish-American mother and an Italian-American father in 1873, a few years after the American Civil War. Nevertheless, with Puerto Rico's liberation, it was clear that the best choice of a Provisional President was to be none other than Pantn himself. However, they were cruelly disillusioned. Personally mentored by Big Bill Haywood and well-versed in the struggles of the American left, James Cannon became an unshakable presence within the Socialist Party of America. With the war won, Cannon immediately began to build the momentum needed to run for President, and has now finally fulfilled his ambition! A Republican, he ran unsuccessfully for the Vermont House of Representatives in 1922, but he ran successfully in 1930 and 1932. One of MacArthurs most controversial acts came in 1932, when the "Bonus Army" of veterans from previous American wars and interventions converged on Washington DC to demand early cash redemption of their service bonus certificates. Prior to the civil war he had served as New York City's mayor and Jack Reed's vice-presidential candidate. He briefly worked at Conway Leather and New England Telephone after graduating from Boston University until he entered politics as a protege of the esteemed Democrat James Michael Curley. MacArthur married socialite and multi-millionaire heiress Louise Cromwell Brooks at her familys villa in Palm Beach, Florida on 14 February 1922. Stargate. He ascended to the position of Lieutenant Governor in 1934 and became governor in 1936, just as the nation descended into chaos. Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. and as such US Forces managed to quickly seize much of its territory. He has been quoted as saying that he wouldn't want to be any politician, from 'dogcatcher to Grand High Supreme King of the Universe.' Born in 1878, in Baltimore, Upton Sinclair was an aspiring author from an early age. When the American Revolution ca came, he had made up his mind for which side to stand on. As governor of Vermont during the civil war, Aiken helped organise work projects to alleviate the economic stress caused by years the great depression. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. MacArthur sought to modernize the education system at West Point, expanding the concept of military character to include bearing, leadership, efficiency and athletic performance. President Garner can try to pass an Emergency Austerity Measures bill, for which he requires votes from the Congress. After a narrow victory in the 1948 elections, he now looks over an America ready to begin helping itself and the world in a way it never could before. Increasingly disillusioned with competitive capitalism, Lewis struck up negotiations with the Socialist Party of America and the IWW. $16.00 - $39.00 Syndicalist Sticker Pack - The World Revolution Collection $8.00 Kaiserreich Sticker Pack - The Faction Collection $8.00 Kaiserreich - Dominion Of Canada Propaganda Poster - Return Home $16.00 - $39.00 Kaiserreich Flag (Single-Sided) $33.50 At the dawn of the 20th Century, many Americans believed it would be their time in the sun. If the negotiation fails, either both the CSA and AUS will rise up while Olson remains in power, or MacArthur removes Olson, leading to the CSA, AUS, and PSA all rebelling. Thereby destroying the stability of the Roman world forever. His career as mayor was rocked by the Coconut Grove fire, but the scandal did not stop the ambitious Tobin from running for President. He returned to Puerto Rico in 1926, where he began writing for the newspaper 'La Democracia' ('The Democracy'). A left-wing Syndicalist revolution has collapsed Federal authority. In the backstory, Long formed political alliances of necessity with racists he holds little common ideological ground with, such as William Dudley Pelley, as well as Henry Ford and other corporations that hate syndicalism and espouse extreme nationalism. Specialties: The Wheel focuses on American cuisine brimming with locally sourced ingredients in an industrial chic, waterfront setting. Flynn helped found the ACLU, which organised legal defence for strikers in the days before the International Labor Defence. They separated in 1927 and filed for divorce in 1929; they had no children. This paper was completed as my MPhil thesis at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Prof. Eugene Rogan. Born in Spain and nationalised as a Puerto Rican, Santiago Iglesias is almost a living legend of the Puerto Rican Socialist movement. Just how Caesar crossed the Rubricon and showed every Roman general since that he could be emperor if only he had the alligience of his legions. Son of Civil War veterans, Frank Merriam was born in Iowa and planned for a legal career in the Midwest. MacArthur rose rapidly in the service; he served as aide-de-camp to his father in the Philippines and attended the Engineer School of Application in Washington DC, and by 1911 he had achieved the rank of captain. His famous manifesto, "Toward Syndicalist America" has served as the guidebook for every aspiring Totalist in the country, containing Foster's culminated ideals for how to build America into what it is today. Running for Governor as a Republican and promising to promote Veteran Pay, Lee had had also become acquainted with the old boys' network of politics. While not as violent as other anti-riot operations, it was nevertheless a public relations disaster and massively tarnished MacArthurs image. If the compromise is made, the CSA will not rebel, but the AUS will instantly rebel. As a formal representative of the SPA, he spent much time abroad in France and Britain, before returning to America after the outbreak of the civil war. Since then the party exploded in popularity, but as it did, it became clear that his largely moderate and reformist stance towards independence was in decline to Albizu's more revolutionary doctrine, forcing him to leave the party in 1930 and returning to his brother Cayetano's party, the Union Party. He was baptized at Christ Episcopal Church in Little Rock on 16 May 1880 and lived on a succession of military outposts in the Old West. Both were respected journalists sent to cover the Russian Civil War who eventually radicalized and came to admire one of the belligerents. With rumors of armed radical uprising growing louder every day, Hoover finds himself increasingly looking for help from the military to maintain stability. The United States is one of the largest and richest countries in the globe in 1936 and the only major power outside of Europe and Asia. He and Charles Curtis easily won the 1928 elections, but soon found his platform stalled by the realities of the increasingly polarized American electorate. Within a shockingly brief time, he was already one of the most famous politicians in Louisiana, and so became one of the youngest governors in its history as a result. Although Butler has confided to friends and political allies that he is uneasy to now be in the spotlight, he has agreed to take on the job as the temporarily acting President of the new America until the scars torn open by Totalism can be healed. Now championing a E.P.I.C movement applied nationwide, Upton Sinclair has won the recent presidential election with a startling margin. The, There is also that many in the CSA including Reed himself . Reed and Long both condemn the federal government and rebel. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on April 5th, 1901 - Bowles came from a Republican family who hated and feared big government. Israel Amter was born on March 26, 1881 to Jewish parents, namely a father that was immigrated from the city of Riga, then held by the Russian Empire. Boston, Massachusetts, on May 22, 1901 - Tobin's Catholic and Irish heritage has led him to become deeply popular among Boston's Irish population. Soon climbing his way up the political ladder, Henning Blomen has continuously made a name for himself with his unshakable optimism and iron will, running over a dozen major political races in his lifetime, the most recent of which has carried him all the way to the presidency. He was promoted to first lieutenant in Manilla in April 1904, but his tour of duty was cut short after he contracted malaria during a survey of Bataan. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Born in Belgium, Vincent grew up between the bunkers of the World Wars . His time traveling and working in the south of the US inspired him to come up with stories set in a Second American Civil War. After two terms at the state level, he was elected to national office in 1902 with the backing of the white landowners that control voting in South Texas. Schriftsteller und Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar gehrt zu den bekanntesten Persnlichkeiten der Weltgeschichte. To ensure the safety of the people of New England, Baldwin supervised complex array of civil defenses and statewide services on the homefront which grew his popularity within the Republican Party. His Postwar "Reconstruction Fund" helped the city of New York recover after years of brutal civil war that had utterly devastated the metropolis, and with such fame, he achieved the Republican nomination in 1952. In April 1908 he was posted to Fort Leavenworth and given his first command, Company K, 3rd Engineering Battalion. Never watched B5 and I've only watched the very first Stargate movie. Merriam was able to use the public outcry against Hearst and MacArthur to gain the executive seat. Bulgaria loses to the Belgrade Pact and aligns with Russia in the aftermath of their defeat. Reed and Long both rebel, citing the violence perpetrated by the government. As the pre-determined successor to Huey Long years before his death, Earl displays the same reformist agenda, but with a more socially conservative and indulgent touch. The assassination attempt fails, and the plan is exposed to the public. The most successful son of Lt. General Arthur MacArthur, he followed the steps of his father and enrolled in the United States Military Academy at West Point, then - immediately to fighting against insurgencies in the Philippines and the occupation of Veracruz during the Mexican Revolution. However, Bowles' political views were shaped by his aunt Ruth Standish Baldwin, a socialist and friend of Norman Thomas. He has recently publicly expressed his distaste for the current political climate in America via the newspapers of William Randolph Hearst. Some thought it absurd that a woman would stand at the forefront of the revolution, but the rebel girl herself had been at the spearhead all along, fighting since the founding of the IWW and now ready to build up a socialist America of her dreams. The Cairo Pact wins the Ottoman-Pact War, leading to the indepdence of Syria, Iraq and Armenia; Greece grabs Cyprus, while Cyrenaica annexes Ottoman Tripolitania. Washington and Caesar. However, his route weakens both of them, possibly allowing for an easier Federal victory. The crackdowns eventually turns bloody, with strikers and Minutemen clashing with the police, National Guard, and each other. On 28 July, however, two veterans were shot and killed in a clash with DC police, and President Hoover ordered MacArthur to "surround the affected area and clear it without delay". Silent on social matters and bolstered by his support of science education, Sparkman spoke out against defensive US foreign policy, and eventually left for the Constitution Party, where his reputation put him on the fast track to presidency. How to get the 'American Caesar' focus Nearly four million American deaths on all three sides and 3 years in and I finally won the American Civil War as the Federalists..except that I never realized that MacArthur took control therefor he didn't have a chance to not step down and therefor I can't get the American Caesar focus. A proponent of spending projects for rural America, Aiken holds great affection for the beauty of his home state, although these natural beauty views put him at odds with old-guard Republicans. Whereas many southern populists fell to Huey Long's charms and deserted the Democratic Party, Harry F. Byrd stood his ground. Floyd B. Olson was never supposed to become President of the United States. Minted, Minted gnstig bei MA-Shops kaufen. $33.50 Kaiserreich - German Empire Propaganda Poster - Stark, Wachsam, Bereit. With the profits from his from his literary career, Sinclair pursued politics in California, launching the "End Poverty In California" campaign. When asked about his reasons for reasons for supporting socialism in 1933, Zeidler cited the tenets of international brotherhood, the struggle for peace, the equal distribution of goods, cooperation, and democratic planning. The C.S.A. This last lasted until his commitment to radical politics own, and he was became more publicly known, and he was arrested in the middle of a seminar over having contributed money to the defence fund of arrested IWW members. Douglas Big Chief MacArthur is a United States Army general who serves as the 13th chief of staff of the Army. Born to a poor rural family in Louisiana, he clawed and bit his way to a legal career over the course of his life, all while gaining notoriety as one of the most talented legal minds of recent history, and as a dedicated defender of the interests of the poor. Following the revolution, his close comradeship to Reed and his zealous socialist beliefs has made him an obvious candidate for the presidency. Culbert Olson had faced both the stigma of running as a Mormon politician, and running as an atheist in his lifetime. Kostenlose Lieferung ab EUR 99. Their cargo? Leading member of the progressive Farmer-Labor Party. In the wake of the destructive 1938 New England Hurricane, Hurley oversaw the relief and rebuilding efforts for the city of Boston. Across the continent, former brothers clash in the Second American Civil War. As mayor, Hoan codified what is sometimes called 'constructive socialism', emphasizing practical reforms over haughty revolutionary ideals - some more itinerant socialists derisively called the Milwaukee branch members 'sewer socialists' for their constant touting of their city's sewer system. My colleagues selected me because I am the preeminent expert in what we historians have named the 'MacArthur Years' and the periods immediately preceding and following President-General . Russell Jr. is the final stroke in a long game that extends even before his time in the Democrat party. A gifted student, Randolph enrolled in the Cookman Institute - then the only high school in Florida for African Americans - before being forced by employment segregation to move to New York City to study at City College. Hiram's gubernatorial race in 1910 was funded by the liberal Republican group 'the Lincoln-Roosevelt League' Johnson's campaign ran in opposition to the Southern Pacific Railroad corporation, who sought to lobby within the Republicans against Hiram. With chaos breaking out, J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, proposes to the President to assassinate Long or Reed (the FBI only has enough time to enact one of them), which will collapse their faction. Wendell Willkie has been many things in his life efore the presidency. A strong advocate of Puerto Rican economic welfare and independence, Muoz's support base largely lay on the rural peasantry who responds positively to Muoz's promises of social justice and subsidies. Andreas Gryphius' Sonette Trawrklage des verwuesteten Deutschlandes, Threnen des Vatterlandes/Anno 1636 und Johannes R. Bechers Doppelsonett Trnen des Vaterlandes. He departed for the Philippines in October 1903 as a member of the 3rd Engineer Battalion, and supervised the construction of a wharf at Camp Jossman as well as conducted surveys of local cities and towns. His efforts were greatly appreciated by his more radical co-workers, who nominated him as a Massachusetts representative to the Combined Syndicates and helped him cross the front lines to New York City. Forced to drop out of parochial school, Smith worked at a fish market to make ends meet during the height of the Gilded Age and never attended high school. macarthur offers to lead the government hoi4microbiology: an evolving science 5th edition ebook. 18% Yes, and mental health services and awareness need to be improved to prevent suicide. he was chief torturer in chechen army. MacArthur's main programs included the development of new mobilization plans, grouping the nine corps areas together under four armies charged with responsibility for training and frontier defense. In his teens he wrote pulp magazines and poetry to make a living, eventually moving into investigative journalism. I think otherwise this might just be abandoned. Despite this, traditionally Republican papers resisted Merriam's tax reforms. Born in Rye, New York on August 31, 1893 - Raymond Baldwin's home state became Connecticut after moving there at a young age and spending his college years ears at Yale. Norman Thomas has seen the lows and the highs of social stature, and remained dedicated to socialism the entire way through from newspaper boy to Princeton magna cum laude to conscientious objector. Darlington Hoopes came from a notable family of Pennsylvania Quakers. Mac Arthur grab at power in an attempt to save democracy, destroyes any hope that democracy will ever truly work in America 13 However, the surviving radical leader accuses the federal government of being murderers and rebels soon after. As Governor, Hiram supported anti immigration bills, and paved the way for a later Congressional career. Several of Foster's older, more socially ambitious ideas now come to the fore. Emboldened by his heroism and having narrowly avoided death, Johns later threw himself into the Second American Civil War as a capable and courageous militia leader. With Pelley's spiritualism being reserved for trusted allies only. Or follow us on all social channels, support us on Patreon: All rights reserved, Kaiser Cat Cinema (Atelier Vincent De Nil BV), Belgium. An aspiring author from an early age Tokio-Code ) - Werner Greuter made him an candidate. Time of his founding the Silver Legion in 1933, Pelley is basically the White Nationalist equivalent Jack! Brief stint in the CSA including Reed himself des verwuesteten Deutschlandes, des. Tochter des englischen Knigs Heinrich I. und Verlobte Heinrichs V., wird in Mainz zur rmisch-deutschen Knigin gekrnt his weakens... 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