what is the main idea of psalm 1?

Perhaps Psalm 91, especially in these frightful times, is more of a call to fearlessly and trustingly live in the space of its first verse, to "dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shade of the Almighty. Of sinners. Sinners is the Hebrew j^ff`a. Compare Lot in Genesis 13:10f. 3:12f). I will sing to Jehovah, for he has done me much good. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. This first Psalm stands as a kind of introduction to the rest of the Psalms. Psalm one is a wisdom Psalm. 3 Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, A Hebrew And English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 343. The word delight was also used of that in which one takes delight as in ones business, pursuits, or affairs of life. They have completely different sources for living, different purposes, different character, and very different results both temporally and eternally. Matt. With all the advice that comes to us, from so many different sources, the righteous man knows how to stay away from the counsel of the ungodly. It is on his mind and in his heart at all times in every situation and area of life (2 Cor. This refers to the judgment of all unbelieving dead or those raised in the resurrection for judgment (see John 5:29). Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. But, as the next part of the verse warns, if their way of life is one of carnality, it will be futile and will perish by the loss of rewards. Hence, in a paragraph, when the main idea is stated directly, it is expressed in what is called the topic sentence. Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. READING - Main Ideas Rev. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. It is not Blessed is the king, blessed is the scholar, blessed is the rich, but, Blessed is the man. This blessedness is as attainable by the poor, the forgotten and the obscure, as by those whose names figure in history, and are trumpeted by fame. (Spurgeon). The psalm is divided into two parts: in verses 1-5, the psalmist proclaims the joy of seeing his fault remitted by God, and in verse 6 to verse 11, he shows his confidence in the conviction that God is the guide on the right path. So a fuller statement of what Psalm 1 is about could be this: "The Righteous are Blessed and the Wicked are Judged." Psalm 1 Commentary: Relevant Today Is this message needed today? The righteous man and the ungodly man are different in how they think, how they behave, and to whom they belong. Will not stand. The verb here is qWm, rise, arise, stand. It looks at standing as the result of rising up. Like the Hebrew language itself, Hebrew poetry uses vivid images, similes, and metaphors to communicate thoughts and feelings. On the surface, this verse looks like a simple statement of David. iii. The wicked (unbelievers) cant stand at the judgment and are separated and cast out because they are found without Gods righteousness. Now listen to the sound of the text in Hebrew, a~shr? In August of 2001 he was diagnosed with lung cancer and on August 29th, 2002 he went home to be with the Lord. The main idea? What did Paul tell his young coworker in the faith? While praise and prayer characterize the Psalms as a whole, they may be categorized as: Praise (33, 103, 139), Historical (68, 78, 105, 106), Relational (8, 16, 20, 23, 55), Imprecatory (35, 69, 109, 137), Penitential (6, 32, 51, 102, 130, 143), and Messianic (2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 45, 69, 72, 89, 102, 109-110). Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, It is easy because there are many things to criticize about Christians. Now, what are those things? They are often identified with but.. 13:24-42). The Hebrew word for blessing is a^shr?. 1 Lawrence O. Richards, The Teacher's Commentary, electronic media. (Rev. And sometimes God allows severe suffering for other reasons as He did with Job. A beatitude pronounces blessing upon a certain group of people. However, the believer, who is kept by the power of God, will be in eternity with the Lord. When it involves indifference to heavenly treasure as believers, it means loss of rewards and a failure to use this life as partners with Him in His life and enterprise on earth. This can be done by carefully thinking about each word and phrase, applying it to ones self, and praying it back to the Lord. In every experience of our own, no matter how deep the pain or how great the frustration or how exhilarating the joy, we can find psalms which echo our inmost being, psalms which God uses to bring comfort or to confirm release.1. The wicked will not be able to stand before Gods judgment (verse 5), but will be driven out, away from God and believers (see Rev. Lesson 1: Psalm 1 and Psalm 19 Reading: 1. The way of the wicked perishes because they have left God out and even their temporal life loses real meaning and value. We can say these speak of thinking, behaving, and belonging. Verse six presents a key to understanding Psalm 1: For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. In this psalm, the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly are contrasted. Unbelievers are separated from believers and the believers go into the Millennium. 4:14-20; John 4:37-38). It could also mean the capacity to be healthier in general, since a joyful heart is good medicine and since godliness may produce the discipline needed to eat wisely and exercise regularly. Note how this Psalm drives home its truth by the use of contrasts. The righteous man finds his delightin the law of the LORD. We are all sinners. Blessed is the Hebrew noun, a~shr?. Or, as the Hebrew has it yet more fully, The Lord is knowing the way of the righteous. He is constantly looking on their way, and though it may be often in mist and darkness, yet the Lord knoweth it. (Spurgeon). 54:12, precious, delightful stones, and Mal. When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first (1) - The Lord is my shepherd - I shall not want (lack anything) 4) How does David illustrate the physical necessities provided by the Lord? ii. To transplant includes the above, of course, but it also includes taking a plant out of one environment and placing it into another which is more conducive to production, growth, and stability. When others are putting down Christians, it is easy to sit with them and criticize them. I would emphasize how remarkable this is. First, it means to be loose with reference to morals. Fruit also has a season. Psalm one shows us a clear distinction between the way of the righteous and the end of those who are ungodly. Like chaff. Chaff is the Hebrew word mox. Sometimes God has to engineer failure and pressures before He can bring about successHis kind of successin our lives. Well, it certainly does not look like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season. What is the main idea of Psalm 13? 12:3f), including exhortation, giving, showing mercy, helping; and (c) witnessing and leading people to Christ (cf. (3) Judgment of living Jews (Matt. This verb actually means to transplant, not merely plant. This is rich and significant. Meaning of Psalm 1 verse by verse. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. It means: (a) a seat, a place of sitting, or (b) an assembly where many are gathered together to sit and make deals or have close associations. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, By position and context, the Hebrew is exclamatory. It means, Oh, the blessedness. It stresses this as a fact to those who fulfill the conditions or proposition of the passage. Blessing comes from growth in the plan of God through fellowship with Him and through the Word of God. A Psalm Of David 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. i. The opening verse of Psalm 139 tells us: O LORD, You have searched me and known me. These words also contrast the results of these different lifestyles: (a) The righteous are stable, fruitful, and will be rewarded. It takes the basic themes of OT theology and turns them into song: Monotheism. 10:4-5). The way of the ungodly shall perish: The way of the ungodly leads to destruction. 4 The wicked are not so, But they are like chaff which the wind drives away. He also prospers because, as such a man, he uses Scripture as a guide for how he does what he does. was a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. 1:22 with 29-33). Of course, but this is not a blank check to be filled in as we want. and more. d. Nor stands in the path of sinners: Sinners have a path where they stand, and the righteous man knows he does not belong on that path. Delight is the Hebrew word [emailprotected]. The first half of the verse, The Lord watches over (lit., knows) the way of the righteous, is best understood by the antithetical parallelism, the way of the wicked will perish. 3:13-15, verse 15 uses the verb form of our word delight). This psalm begins with an an assertion, saying How blessed is the man, then lists three different things that will cause the man to be blessed. Which yields is n`T^n, to give. The verb is the imperfect tense, which stresses continual action, or even that which, given the inherent power of Scripture, is always true as a general rule of life. iv. 8:28-29, 38-39). It declares the blessedness of the righteous and the misery and future of the wicked. This results in moral instability which is the fruit of the root problem, a failure to care about God. Interestingly, it comes from a word which means to go straight, go forward, advance, set right. The root verb (a`sh~r) means: (a) to proceed, advance in the way of understanding (Prov. Other things build, develop, make fruitful, and give the capacity and means for happiness through trust and fellowship with God. As it was said of King Belshazzar in the book of Daniel, You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting (Daniel 5:27). The conjunction but is a strengthened form in the Hebrew text and is somewhat emphatic. 1. But it could also mean persecution as one takes a stand for righteousness or refuses to compromise or do the things employees are sometimes asked to do that go against the righteous principles of Scripture. In fact, in Hebrew the word is actually a plural, which denotes either a multiplicity of blessings or an intensification of them. (Boice), ii. But the thing that never ceases to amaze me is the mess people can get their lives in. Some of these profess to be Christians, and I dont doubt that many of them are. . (3) It also pictures ministry. Their way of life gains them nothing with God, so it too will perish. 1:3). This confession was inspired by David's sins of adultery, deception, and even murder in his relationship with Bathsheba. a. The wicked are not in any way like the righteous or the man of blessedness of verses 1-3 in the quality, character, or constitution of their lives. Psalm 13-3. In the previous post, we started having a look at Psalm 1, which carries such a beautiful picture of the relationship between our ethics and our health and wellbeing. 3:6-7). Who is the Hebrew relative pronoun, a&sh#r. The life of the righteous man is marked by strength and stability. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul, He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. 20:11-15; 21:6-8). By-in-large, the wicked live primarily for this life. 2:2; 2 Pet. i. The passive voice is the voice of grace. 103:13; Matt. The psalms express the emotion of the individual poet to God or about God. Since we are created in God's image . Verse 1 BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO WALKS NOT IN THE COUNSEL OF THE WICKED NOR STAND IN THE WAY OF SINNERS. There are praise Psalms, lament Psalms, and enthronement Psalms and all contain wisdom, of course, but as an introduction and door to the rest of the Psalms, this Psalm declares in just a few words some of the most basic but profound truths and propositions of the Bible. Look at me; answer me, O Lord my God; enlighten my eyes so that I do not sleep dead, Psalm 13-4. lest my enemy say: I conquered him. This would also be a tree that is strong and stable, sinking down deep roots. One reason people love the Psalms is that we can each usually identify the Psalms with our own experiences. Included with this would be reading, hearing, study, and memorizing so one can accurately think about Scripture and apply it. Their way (even when religious) is the way of man, the flesh, and cannot stand before the righteousness of God. It is not only reading that does us good; but the soul inwardly feeding on it, and digesting it. 5:9-10). The Apostle Paul emphatically teaches us that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is anchored in Christ (Rom. Where is the church, indeed, even the evangelical church today? But his delight is in This statement is emphatic in two ways: by the fact it is a nominal clause (no finite verb), and by the word order. Chaff is the seed covering and the debris separated from the grain or seed in threshing. The theme of "Psalm" reflects joy in time's passing, while "Auspex" shows gloomy acceptance of it. As far as the believers fruitfulness is concerned, this means studying and becoming prepared to serve in special ways according to ones gifts and Gods timing (compare Moses, Paul and Christ). In New Testament terms this means: (a) daily time with the Lord (Hebrew 3:7), and (b) weekly times of assembling together with other believers (Hebrew 10:24-25). He has taken us out of Satans domain of darkness and placed us into the kingdom of His dear Son (Rom. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Nor stands in the path of sinners, Hampton wrote many articles for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on More, 9. These verses pose a warning to us. Way refers to lifes course or path. 4:1-4). The main themes in 'A Psalm of Life' are living in the present and the meaning of life. John 15:16 with verse 27). This is to be our habit, and it will be if we obey verse 2 and Gods commands. Essentially, the services are man-centered rather than Bible-centered and God-centered. So Psalm 1 focuses on obedience no matter what is happening all around one (a wisdom approach to life), and Psalm 2 focuses on trusting God to fulfill his promises of justice on the earth some day by installing his king (a prophetic approach to life). First, it means the righteous man knows how to discern the counsel of the ungodly. The righteous man is not afraid to take a less-traveled road, because he knows it leads to blessing, happiness, and eternal life. However, if we look deeper , you will see a more special meaning. This does not mean there is never adversity or failure. Above all else, it summarizes all that is to follow in the rest of the Psalms, and, for that matter, in the rest of Scripture. As to this life, the wicked, those who walk independently of God (believers or unbelievers), are driven about by the false counsel of the world, by satanic and human viewpoint (Eph. It specifically applies this to work and to our desire for success. As a result of Gods judgment at the Great White Throne, sinners, those without the righteousness of Christ, will be excluded from the eternal blessings of Gods presence to be enjoyed by all those who stand in relation to God by faith in Christ. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Chaff was light enough that it could be separated from the grain by throwing a scoopful into the wind and letting the wind drive away the chaff. The Hebrew word is r`sh`u. These cover a wide range of topics from joy to depression, from peace to persecution, from contemplation to confession, from praise to prophecy, from creation to coronation, and from anxiety to adoration. One reason people love the Psalms is that we can each usually identify the Psalms with our own experiences. For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence." If it is an oak, it gives shade. PSALM 1: This is a psalm that invites the reader to delight in and be devoted to God's word. Here we see patterns forming and becoming entrenched. (3) Then there is the contrast between the results of the two ways of life; the godly are stable and fruitful, but the ungodly are unstable and face sure judgment. They teach us how little by little we can step out of the place of blessedness and into the place of misery and cursing with horrible consequences. But the way of the ungodly shall perish. The research efforts of Gallup, Barna, and Hunter all indicate that evangelicals are, for the most part, as secular in their orientation as non-Christians. Have these people been going to church? In New Testament times we have pastors or elders who are to teach as well as other teachers (Eph. a. Since this is true, should we not pursue the way of blessedness both for now (Gods glory and spiritual stability in this life) and eternity (Gods glory and eternal rewards)? (5) The Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The man of blessedness is one who has determined to walk by the whole counsel of the Word, not by his emotions, experience, tradition, by popular opinion or by what is politically correct. As I observe much of the church today, at first glance it looks like wheat, but on closer observation, it is often more like the chaff that the wind drives about with every wind of the various doctrines of man and the modernity of our secular society. h~ash a&sh#r. The righteous man is delighted with the word of God! Our word P#l#G refers to canals or water courses provided for irrigation. There are no barren trees in Gods orchard, and yet they may have their fits of barrenness, as an apple tree sometimes hath; but they will reflourish with advantage. (Trapp). It is the principle of living life independently of the details of life for ones happiness (Phil. Let me close with this interesting illustration of the power of the Word. While believers have a heavenly position and an eternal inheritance secured by the work of Jesus Christ, the experience of their blessings, the increase of their capacity to appreciate the Lord, and their capacity for happiness is directly proportional to their knowledge and application of the Word. The poem is written as a monologue from a young man's heart to a Psalmist, wondering what the best way to live out one's life is. Psalm 1 is about the blessings of the righteous. But since Christians too can live like mere men, like the wicked to some degree, Scripture exhorts us to live as sojourners, as aliens who seek to lay up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys (1 Pet. The righteous cannot perish because they are in both the hand of the Father and in the hand of His Son, the Lord Jesus (John 10:28-30). It also means being prepared to bear fruit when opportunity knocks (2 Tim. Because they do not have Christs righteousness, they are cast into the lake of fire. Psalm chapter 16. Blessed is the man who. Who is a function word which introduces us to the person who is so blessed, one who has the qualities of life which lead to blessedness. One is reminded of Pauls statement in 2 Timothy 2:19-20. 1:8). 104:27). T/F Psalm 137 was written by David. They need to be preaching and teaching the Scripture. It refers to one who is actively engaged in putting down the things of God and His Word. Some get discouraged when they begin to walk as righteous men, and fruit is not immediately evident. Law is torah (tor> or Tor`H) meaning law, teaching, instruction. So tor> means direction, instruction, but also law, because it contains the authoritative principles and instructions which are to guide mens lives. It is a short Psalm with only a few main points, but these points are immensely significant. It is the believers responsibility to respond to Gods provision and to plant themselves regularly in a seat where they can drink from these water resources. (2) The way of the godly is set forth by way of a contrast: negatively, what the godly do not do (1:1), and positively, what the godly do (1:2). (b) The wicked forsake God, ignore His Word, and as a result are unrestrained, oppressive, and unjust. Gods word is always the best counselor, and godly counselors will always bring the truth of Gods word to help someone who wants counseling. who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. (a) By blatant ridicule or rejection. It means to mock, deride, ridicule, scoff. Grammatically, it is a participle of habitual action. 90:1 ), present love ( Ps. 17). 7:23).5. 6:32; John 15:1f). 15, 33, 102, 103, 111, 113 . This is a preface or introduction to the whole book of the psalmist and it describes a Blessed man, also be referred to as "happy man" and the wicked. The ungodly are not so: Everything true about the righteous man stable as a tree, continual life and nourishment, fruitful, alive, and prosperous is not so regarding the ungodly. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart will rejoice in your salvation. Below you will see how the 150 psalms are categorized by their overall subject matter. It connotes movement toward the formation of habits or patterns. The three things that cause a man to be blessed, happy, or fortunate are if he is a man: Very likely not. But why? 24). 12:33-34). The basic meaning is obvious, but lets dig a little deeper to see exactly what this means. It is conditional and this is strongly stressed. (4) ClimacticThe second line repeats with the exception of the last terms (29:1). 6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish. The righteous man only has Gods word on his mind two times a day: day and night. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . Literally not so the wicked. There are two different negatives in the Hebrew and each expresses a very different idea. (3) There are three degrees of evil that result: wicked / sinners / scoffers. Fruit bearing is the result of deep roots' finding an abundant supply of nourishment from underground streams of water. The man who experiences great blessing is one who has a love affair with Gods Word. This is the emphasis and declaration of David in Psalm 19:7-11. How would you summarize the main point(s) and idea(s) of this psalm? If not filled with the best things, it will be filled with the unworthy and disappointing. (Spurgeon). It involves only the church, the body of Christ. Psalm 1 The Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Ungodly. Truth God desires in the heart. This is why Christ had to die for our sin so we might have His righteousness. The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. 18 being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; 19 and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality, for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. 4:2-3). But for the complete picture we need New Testament revelation. Many fail at this point. It has turned aside from the Word as its authority and sufficient source for life and godliness. The man of blessedness prospers first because he always seeks to operate in the framework of Gods will according to Gods values and purposes. Its organization, its fellowship, its works, testimony, witness, and giving. Lets look at each of these three negative statements in their three-fold breakdown: Does not walk. Walk is the Hebrew h`l^K which metaphorically means, to go along with, follow a course of action, or to live, follow a way of life. It has the idea of go along with, use, follow. The tense is decisive, he is one who has chosen not to follow this path. Later he wrote, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction, and then he quickly warned, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths (2 Tim. Psalms with our own experiences our desire for success is r ` `. Is on his mind and in his heart at all times in every situation and area of life ( Tim! 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