Lexys LOTD), etc are NOT responsible for helping solve issues with a Wabbajack list. If it appears to be working, I open up Wabbajack (the downloaded program; not the website, as the website does NOT show if a list is under maintenance) and go to "Browse Modlists" and select the one I want to download. June 2022 Update: I did not have the time/energy/patience to actually do the reviews as I intended. Enjoy the game or tweak the following to your liking: Included in Serenity is SunHelm Survival. Requiem offers an unleveled world where all NPC levels are static and don't level with the player. Should help a bit with load times, Should have Fixed 3DNPC Quest Azzarian's Gold from breaking due to Vigilant, Swapped ENB back to Rudy. While it helps balance, I don't want people going to mod authors asking them why their mod is broken for a change that I made. I don't play with followers. Reddit | I doubt you need to do this since you likely already have this installed. aMidianBorn Armor Variants Lite adds some armor variety from CaBal120's extra armor textures. *Plz Watch in 4k*Living Skyrim is a full-featured overhaul of Skyrim SE with the intent to breathe life into the often empty areas of the world. Many years earlier these very vampires destroyed the village he lived in and slaughtered his. Paper World Map: hotfixed display issue when you around Whiterun. Glass and Orcish will still require Morrowind Smithing and the descriptions have been changed to reflect this. DO NOT DM ME ON DISCORD. 1 More posts you may like r/wabbajack Join 2 yr. ago Your favorite Skyrim modpack? Let me know how it goes. openvr_fsr - AMD sharpener, not compatible with opencomposite, mixed reviews. Direct link if you can't find it. Wabbajack will calculate the amount of threads it will use at the start of the installation. I don't play it. Auriel's Dream - A Skyrim VR overhaul guide, Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch, Realistic AI Detection SE better sneaking, Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses, RAM: 32 GB (Or 16GB with a 20GB windows page file), CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ, 4 cores at 2.80 GHz, Choose: Properties >> Local Files >> Browse . No spamming. You can always tweak as you play. This can be caused by Window's Display Scaling feature. Overall it will be the same in the end. The best thing to check is the pinned messages on the server for that particular list. It overhauls the entire game with regards to Races, Combat, Standing Stones, Dragons, Perks, Difficulty and much much more. Konahriks Accoutrements resolved inconsistency with Dovah Sonaak looks. A few inconsistencies with VIGILANT and 3DNPC perks were fixed. All rights reserved. He'll level alongside you and avoid most traps. Enjoy! I used versus.com to compare my specs to their baseline to see if it was comparable. Discord | TSO is my favorite list on Wabbajack so far. Practice self restraint or use an OP follower but don't ask me why things are too easy if you do, [Xanza] Adjusted Necromancer Amulet's base magicka requirements back to 150 from 300 (wtf IDB), [Xanza] Tweaked shrine blessings to ignore crime stats. Lucien and INIGO have been added to the NFF Ignore List by default. Spamming @ mentions will result in mute. Do not reinstall yet. You go to an alchemist shop, order the item (15% fee) and wait a day, then you can pick them up. Swapped to the Loose Version of Interesting NPCs, this may cause longer start up times but this fixes the issues with Ange the Song Bearer crashing the game when you ask her to play you a song. Don't even ask why. To have the highest amount of threads and thus the fastest speed, it is advised to have the working folder on an SSD. Replaced with Ljoss, Skyrim SE v1.5.73 Shader Bundle - Not needed with new ENBSeries, Windhelm Bridge Tweaks- Crashes when walking towards windhelm from Riften, Addressed issue with Companions not sending you on other quests (Farkas only sending you to clear out areas and not doing hired muscle as an example), Removed Honed Metal from Miscellaneous Merged as it wasn't working properly, Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild REQUIREMENTS ONLY Version, Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild - Swapped to Requirements only version to let Minor Arcana handle the rest, Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn Salt and Wind Textures, Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer v1.6.1, cookeh's conditional and random animations - CCARA DAR v2.0.5, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v1.1.1, Rustic Dragon Corpse - Swapped to 4K version, Cresty's Distant Mists - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Fences of Skyrim - No more flickering fences - Replaced with SD Farmhouse Fences LE, LOTD Museum Shipment Crates Patch - Apparently addressed in LOTD update, Marvelous Mudcrabs - Apparently they can reach much farther than intended, Obsidian Weathers- Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers - True Storms Compatibility - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers - VIGILANT Integration - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Obsidian Weathers MCM - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Salty Slaughterfish - They're too huge and can be easily cheesed when they're not in the water, Smooth Sky Mesh - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, True Storms - Replaced with Cathedral Weathers and addons, Tyrannical Trolls - Can get stuck in tight places, Unofficial Performance Optimized Textures - Replaced with Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures, Better Stealing now only works up to 200 gold compared to 500. Unless otherwise specified, no support or advice will be provided. This is an ultimate fix. Added XP for specific locations discovery, not too much and nothing for peaceful looking location types; Uploaded above changes to Requiem-Experience and Requiem-StaticSkillLeveling. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Serenity from the gallery. These change regularly as more are added and sometimes some are removed. Ensure it is set to SKSE by selecting it in the dropdown box and then hitting the run button. Have you or someone you loved been afflicted with any of the following: You no longer have to continue playing Vanilla Skyrim! Once you have finished the final steps, you should be able to start the game up and actually start playing. MCMs have been fully automated. Serenity 2++ by Minotaur21 TESV Skyrim SE Serenity 2 Modlist (by Xansa, installed via Wabbajack) which uses Requiem 4.0.2 for SSE + Assorted Animations, Quests, Tweaks, and QOL mods. No idea where to start with what mods to try? The download and installation process can take a very long time depending on your system specs. Included custom script bug fixes (Infusion, Animal Display, Immersive Armours etc.) Included a noteworthy mods section, added new MCM options. at the root of that directory, as does wabbajack itself, and the modlist of choice. Thanks spicy chicken for reporting this, Cathedral or Obsidian Weathers Storm Sky Fix for ENB, Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental, Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE v4.1.4, Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads - Updated to SSE Version, Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows v0.4, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v4.1.0, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.4.1, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Daedric Weapons and Armor v1.0j, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch v4.24b, Better Dynamic Majestic Mountains - Not Needed with Better Dynamic Snow 3.0, Better Dynamic Snow - xEdit Patcher Sciprt - Not needed with Better Dynamic Snow 3.0, Cloaks of Skyrim Ultra HD - Replaced with Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured SE, Cloaks of the Nords - Replaced with Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured SE, EVG Animation Variance - Seems to cause crashes with AllGUD, Flora Fixer - May cause save game bloat due to how many scripts it attaches to plants, Honed Metal - Causes unecessary crashes with the list, Hood Plus Hair for Seranaholic - Replaced with Serana Re-Imageind, Inn Room Costs - Mod was hidden and will probably never come back, NPC AI Process Positioner Fix - Can cause crashes while sleeping in random locations, Requiem - ESF Companions Patch - We're not using the full version, this was made for the full version and was actually producing errors, Requiem - Minor Arcana SSE - Replaced with Requiem Minor Arcana (Requiem 4.0.1), Seranaholic - Replaced with Serana Re-Imagined, Disabled the Modesty and Shield covering animations from EVG Conditional Idles, Enabled Fearless and Steadfast Enemies in Requiem by Default. opencompoisite - This can replace SteamVR and will give Oculus users a strong performance boost. Once the download of the Wabbajack file is done, run the file and set the Installation folder the folder you just created. While I'm always available on the Wabbajack Discord and on my own discord Xanza's Emporium, I would advise checking the Issues (open and closed ones) on GitHub first if you have any problems. Download Size change: 0.0GB (Total: 68.2GB), Install Size change: +2.6GB (Total: 97.0GB), Removed [Fluffy Snow Windhelm Bridge and Street Fix], Removed [ElSopa HD - Dragonborn Skull Variants SE - 1K Dragonborn Skull Variant], Removed [Main menu spinning Skyrim emblem], Removed various UI mods in favour of paper UI, [Xanza] Removed follower gating for Inigo and 3DNPC. I know that the leveling system is setup differently than vanilla skyrim. This includes but is not limited to: Note that Serenity now includes 2 profiles, select the one you like. Remember that you might have to downgrade your Skyrim to Special Edition, if you have updated it to Anniversary Edition. There are two solutions to this. Is this supposed to be the case, I know requiem usually stops you . Any conflicts/bugs/issues that arise are likely to result from the specific combination of mods in a given list, therefore mod authors and mod guide authors who are not familiar with the specific installer should not be subjected to helping Wabbajack users if they do not wish to. You can just remove the MO2 folder and be done with it. Check the Pinned section on the Discord channel for more info. Is this supposed to be the case, I know requiem usually stops you from killing certain enemies earlier on but just conjuring a spirit wolf seems to kill just about everything currently. I find it that if you wait for that, your smithing and enchanting will already surpass the rewards usefulness. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I really like the different mods that are set for it overall. Adding to the modlist is NOT supported for any modlist, so if you do want to attempt to add ANYTHING, you will need to know what you are doing. While I havent completely given up on this endeavor, in the meantime, there is a great alternative: DroppedIceCreamhas a YouTube series that reviews the current Wabbajack lists: Skyrim Modlist Showcase. This is a needed balancing act as people were just cheesing bleak falls barrow with Gorr. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Real world explicit content is not allowed under any circumstances breaching this will result in an instant ban. Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, Ultrawide or non-standard Monitor Options, Download Size: ~70GB (~13GB is copied from your Skyrim SE install). Now treated as elven for balance and not to smite you when you receive it, Requiem - Mortal Enemies - Vanilla Movement, Fixed Dark face on Serana and Rinori Imaryn, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch (Inigo-Auri-Kaidan-M'rissi), Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Daedric Weapons and Armor, Ave's Interesting NPCs Jewelry Replacer v1.0.1, Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold v2.1, Elegant Beauty Stunning Eyes Remastered v2.1, JKs Skyrim - AI Overhaul SSE Patch v1.1.2, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Interesting NPCs Patch v1.2, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v4.0.0, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.4, Majestic Mountains - Cathedral Concept v3.2, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots v1.0b, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Torchbugs and Moths v1.0b, 360 Movement Behaviour - Moving at full speed going backwards in combat is really OP, Bijin Skin - Replaced with Pride of Valhalla, Cathedral Weathers - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Cathedral Weathers MCM - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Expresive Facegen Morphs - Has some issues with male facegen and High Poly Head, Lucid Rain - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Nether's Follower Framework - Look. Please remember to endorse any mods you download and like, and if you appreciate all the hard work that goes into creating a mod, consider giving kudos to the author on Nexus as well (the Give Kudos button can be found on the users page). SteamVR - This is on by default, necessary if you run the game via SteamVR. R-SF: Assigned various spell choices to Unskilled Spellcasting perk. Requiem is the core mod behind Serenity. If you update the Modlist, jump straight to Updating. "00 3D Audio" ads 3D audio \ surround to SkyrimVR. I recommend re-running Wabbajack before posting anything. Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2743) If you do quests from the tavern keepers (Im looking for work) you now get both gold and perk points. Removed non plus profile. You can have multiple modlists at once, but be sure you know what you are doing. For the purpose of balance and not to be overpowered with Requiem, the regular cloaks cannot be enchanted and the pre-enchanted cloaks have been toned down a level or two. Head over to the installation folder and locate an executable named `ModOrganizer.exe` and launch it. If you have an a non-standard monitor resolution (not 16:9), the UI may be off and may look weird. This is not Twitch chat, offenders will be muted, kicked and/or banned as appropriate. Open the Steam Properties window, navigate to the Language tab and select English from the dropdown menu. Wabbajack is used for more than just Skyrim; the list of games it supports is growing all the time! These are Modlists, NOT Modpacks! Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Would you want a mammoth/mudcrab hybrid? To replace the ENB installed, delete the enbcache folder, enbseries folder, enbseries.ini and replace those with the new ENB. Put it somewhere easy like, If you run into any issues see the next section. Start the game and exit once you're in the main menu. All others are optional. I fell in love all over again (like I do everytime I play! Added more variety to NPCs loot. I do however seem to be able to kill bandits and draugr while only level 4 and it's not too difficult. It uses Requiem 4.0.2 converted to Skyrim Special Edition and has minor and some major tweaks to the core Requiem experience that aims to enhance longevity and replayability while keeping the game fair, balanced and looking great. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Auriel's Dream from the gallery. If you get an error during download/installation, try to start it over; if it happens again, most likely it is because a mod has been updated/removed from the Nexus. I don't want to offer support for it. If you choose a list that is graphically demanding, make sure that your computer can handle it. Log in to view your list of favourite games. All Replicas are now at requiem levels. The installation will create a copy of your Skyrim Special Edition game in Instalation Folder/Stock Games. After you have done everything above and got a clean SSE installation ready, start the Launcher and and let it do the initial graphics check. Upgrade Your Potion](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6063)In cooking pots you can take basic health, mana or stamina potions, combine two of the same quality to get a new potion of a higher quality. Fozar's added perks for Stalhrim is now level 2 for Ebony Smithing and Nordic is now level 2 for Orcish Smithing. Auriel's DreamAuriel's Dream is a graphical overhaul of Skyrim VR. Lucien is still recritable as he's as useless as you are, Reinstalled CBBE with Never Nude option as the underwear model was kinda weird, Reinstalled Eeekie's Enhanced NPCs - This should fix Tolfdir's Anime hair and Brynjolf's weird hair, Repacked Interesting NPCs into a BSA. 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