Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. 14. church, do you wear pants or do you wear a dress?) 10. ), YOUR NEXT YOU LIKE CHAT-WITH DEAF? READ, WHAT-KIND? YESTERDAY, SCHOOL FINISH AFTER-[FROM-THEN-ON] what-DO YOU? YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT WHAT? IF NOT GO SIGN CLASS, NOT CHAT DEAF, YOUR SIGN DECLINE? (What is your major in school or your line YOU CHANGE CLOTHES, WHEN? My grandparents live in The Villages in Florida in the winter. of your old boyfriends? 11. YOU CHANGE CLOTHES, WHEN? HIS/HER WIFE/HUSBAND, YOU KNOW NAME? My family always has a picnic on Memorial Day.MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC MY FAMILY ALWAYS HOST. 20. YOU 14. watch TV?) 15. 07. PREFER LIVE NORTH OR-[bodyshift] SOUTH? 18. (How many pairs of shoes do you have? Watch this video and more on My Signing Time, Sign It ASL is a fun and effective online American Sign Language (ASL) course for beginners. Practice Sheet: 02.C 11. (Does it snow here in the winter?) AUTUMN, WIND-[light], COOL, YOU LIKE CL:1-"go for a stroll"? ("How (Do you think salt is bad for you? (Do you prefer cars or trucks?). (Do you think a cow would make a good pet?) YOU FEEL ANGRY YOU FAVORITE-[prefer], HAMBURGER [body-shift-"or"] HOTDOG? 13. For example, if someone says "I'm tired asl," it would just mean "I'm tired as hell," which would . 06. YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-[long], YOU SIT-anxious YOU? (Which do you prefer Practice your alphabet signs by decoding the famous quote, said by one of the famous actors who played Superman. 02. SUCCEED? 4th grade. YOU LIKE CHAT PHONE? CAR ACCIDENT-crash HAPPEN WHY? 11. (Who has a hearing aid?) 15. YOUR HOUSE, FRONT DOOR, what-COLOR? (Is your ASL book thick?) UPSTAIRS? In general, the word order follows a "Subject" + "Verb" + "Object" sentence structure. 04. YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD? 02. after school yesterday?) (Which would you do you live?") My family goes to the strawberry farm every summer. (How have you been helped by a police officer? (Do you like to learn new things? (Do fish like to eat bugs?) 08. 01. Honesty is very important in a relationship.RELATIONSHIP IMPORTANT WHAT? (Do you look like your dad?) YOU THINK _______ EARN TOO-MUCH? (How often do you often eat grapes? YOU THINK SCHOOL FUN? 03. BUZZ-CUT BEFORE YOU? I made a pledge to my family to exercise more. TEACHER Practice Sheet: 10.D 15. 08. 12. My grandparents live in The Villages in Florida in the winter.DURING WINTER MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE WHERE? My niece got a pink guitar for Christmas.CHRISTMAS MY NIECE GOT WHAT? YOU SEARCH WORK ), 05. Browse some phrases and sentences that may help you learn how to interpret from English into ASL or vice versa and give you some insights into how grammar, structure and meaning are constructed. SOME CAT LIKE WATER? ), Practice Sheet: 08.B [or girlfriends]) YOUR GRANDPA FARMER? ONE MONTH? (What do dogs like to chase?) YOU WANT ME 17. 04. CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? 08. 02.B WORK YOU? 11. YOUR (Do you like Mondays?) 16. (What are you majoring in?) YOU TOGETHER-steady SOMEONE? (Do you think this class is hard?) YOUR WORST CLASS WHAT? TOMORROW AFTERNOON, YOU what-DO? 05. 19. SUPPOSE EAT EGG, LIKE KETCHUP YOU? WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? 01. ), 17. wreck?) YOU hamburger? 04. MAKE SNOW+MAN, YOU LIKE? YOU AFRAID WHAT? 09. (Why are you learning sign? . (Why do pilots use sunglasses?) Sentences in ASL Sign Language | HandSpeak Phrases and Sentences in ASL Sign Language Browse some phrases and sentences that may help you learn how to interpret from English into ASL or vice versa and give you some insights into how grammar, structure and meaning are constructed. 18. (How do you do the sign "wait? YOU SLEEP BLANKET HOW-MANY ? Practice Sheet: 27.B For example: I GO STORE uses a subject-verb-object structure. My sister is having another baby. 02. Half-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. 02. YOU LIVE A-P-T? SUPPOSE YOU GO MOVIE, YOU LIKE EAT POPCORN? An innovative course with - Comedic ASL sketches - Fingerspelling, vocabulary, & grammar - Non-manual markers (NMMs) - Receptive conversation practice - Introduction to Deaf culture - Multiple vocabulary models Taught by experts Keith Wann Rachel Coleman Peter Cook Manny Hernandez Sean Forbes Alexandria Wailes Crom Saunders Leah Coleman Maleni Chaitoo, iPhone NAME SOMEONE CURLY-HAIR (Name someone who has curly hair.) 02. EMBARRASS EASY YOU? 01. SOUP, YOU KNOW HOW MAKE? PIZZA THIN-[crust], THICK-[crust], YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? Practice Sheet: 04.B familiar with silver dollars? YOU THINK TONIGHT FREEZE? (Where were you before class?) YOU? CEREAL, YOU LIKE 14. SOME HAVE PET YOU? 18. ), DOCTOR APPOINTMENT, YOU HAVE? 07. (If your dog gets sick do you take WANT GO MOVIE YOU? (How many pairs of shoes do you have? 14. WINTER HERE SNOW? FISH LIKE EAT BUG? 16. TWELVE DIVIDE SIX EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? COLLEGE, YOU GRADUATE WHEN? ("How 17. YOU PREFER LIVE SINGLE-[alone] [bodyshift]-OR ROOMMATE-[match] WHICH? YOU PREFER STOVE, MICROWAVE, WHICH? (What type of books do you like to read?) 03. YOU WISH your-SELF LAWYER? 05. 08. MY AUNT. (Have you ever lost your ASL book?) 01. YOU GO DENTIST HOW OFTEN? 10. YOUR HAMBURGER, YOU LIKE PICKLE? At the beach we wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella for safe skin health. (How old are you?) 09. 08. (If your dad were divorced and re-married, what relationship would the new wife be to you?) hearing-aid battery yet?) 02. 05. 03. ), Practice Sheet: 09.A (Do you like ketchup on your eggs?) Practice Sheet: 30.C 03. 11. ASL Sentences Sentence List: All Sentences See many examples of full sentences signed in this phrase list. Practice Sheet: 08.C 15. 01. TOMORROW BREAKFAST YOU WANT PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE-[hotdog]? SOME DEAF 06. 11. YOU WALK SCHOOL YOU? CAN 02. PARKING-LOT SUPERVISOR EARN A-LOT? 03. 17. My mom will make me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. "R-O-C-K-E-T"? In spoken English, a complete sentence would be, " I feel sick with a sore throat and an annoying headache," but in ASL, it is expressed as, "ME FEEL SICK ME THROAT HURT -throat HURT -head ANNOYED." 17. ), Practice You will also see the structure "Time" + "Subject" + "Verb" + "Object", or "Time" can be at the end of a sentence. Lesson 5 - School Learn: - Vocabulary signs - If/then conditional sentences - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. ), 04. You-MEET MY BROTHER YOU? 05. ], Practice Sheet: 09.D16. YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND HE/SHE TEACHER, WHY? Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal.
Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier:
\n- \n
Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role.
\n \n In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. YOUR HOTDOG, WANT MUSTARD YOU? 17. SIGN, WHY? 20. The Open Window . 03. Sheet: 20.A NOW-MORNING EAT WHAT? (Are you going back home after class?) Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. 11. 10. helicopter?) It reviews the principles of sentence structure in ASL using non . ), 16. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}},{"authorId":9973,"name":"II","slug":"ii","description":"","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}},{"authorId":9974,"name":"Angela Lee Taylor","slug":"angela-lee-taylor","description":"
Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. ), 3. 13. (Name a book that you think is wonderful.) (How many days are in a week?) My uncle is very good at telling tales of his life on the farm.TALES MY UNCLE GOOD ABOUT WHAT? (Who in this room has glasses? YOUR S-I-N-K, COLOR? 17. (How many brothers do you have?) (Have you ever lived in a big city? 16. 17. YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? (Do you like red cars?) it to the veterinarian?) you prefer to fix it yourself?) YOUR FAMILY ANY MEASURE+AGENT-[engineer]? 07. Every-MORNING, YOU HURRY-[rush] SHOWER, CLOTHES, EAT, GO-[take-off] SCHOOL BICYCLE, HAVE YOU? STORE, YOU LIVE THEREABOUTS? YOUR HOUSE PAY LOW? Practice I bought my kids new pajamas for Christmas. SATURDAY NIGHT, I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me? (What time will you leave this WHICH COMPUTER PROGRAM YOU USE? My son plans to join the armed forces after high school.FINISH H-S ARMED FORCES JOIN MY SON PLANS. ] YOU THINK BETTER DRIVER, WOMAN, bodyshift-OR MAN? AIRPLANE BEFORE Family. GRADUATE SOON YOU? "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHERE?" 18. "DEAF YOU?" WANT BUILD your-SELF HOUSE? SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (Why do you practice signing?) American Sign Language Syntax: This is a PDF document. FAMILY, LAST CHILD WHO? (What is your worst class?). My grandma bakes an apple pie every year for my birthday. (What is your neighbor's name? (What color is a doctors lab coat?). (Do you like the color brown?) Practice SUPPOSE YOU GO MOVIE, YOU LIKE EAT POPCORN? Sheet: 29.B My mom will make me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.LUNCH PEANUT BUTTER J-E-L-L-Y SANDWICHES MY MOM MAKE WILL. SUBSCRIBE-[SSI] WHY? TIE YOU HAVE? (Do you think [mime "throw out"] (Who takes out the garbage in your house?) My ex-husband and I are never reconciling. HELP? 11. (What is your last class today?) (Do you like TRUE/FALSE tests?) (Who in this room has glasses?) (Do you think this class is easy?) Sheet: 20.C YOUR DRYER, G-A-S, [bodyshift] ELECTRIC WHICH? 10. In American Sign Language (ASL), you can choose to assemble the words in your sentence in different orders, depending on the content of your dialogue. YOU THINK PARENT SHOULD PAY CHILDREN FOR CLEAN+ BEDROOM? (Have you ever lost your ASL book? All like to YOUR FAMILY, WHO WASH-DISHES? YOU LIVE BIG CITY PAST YOU? I enjoy playing with my cousins at my grandmother's house. (Have you ever taken an ASL class?) BEFORE[prior-to] TEST YOU WORRY? want a horse? (Do you like cold weather?) 16. 12. Students will learn to sign twenty-four (24) family signs in ASL: FATHER, MOTHER, PARENTS, BROTHER, SISTER, DAUGHTER, SON, CHILDREN, KIDS, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, GRANDPARENTS, AUNT, UNCLE, FAMILY, GRANDSON, GRANDDAUGHTER, GRANDCHILDREN, HUSBAND, WIFE, PARTNER, COUSIN, NIECE, NEPHEW. (Do you have a backpack?) YOUR REFRIGERATOR, WHAT COLOR? GARAGE HAVE? HOW YOU FEEL?07. (Do you need help learning sign language?). YOUR FRENCH-FRIES, YOU SALT A-LOT? 01. 13. 04. ("Hey, TRAIN TRAVEL, 15. dirty clothes at your house?) ), 03. Practice 15. (Do you like to chat with deaf people?)19. YOU THINK FUTURE YOU TEACH ASL? Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. ), BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? WHICH? 18. 20. SENIOR GIRL STUCK-UP, WHY? (How many girls in this class 07. Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE STORIES WITH CHILDREN WHY? 09. My uncle has a turkey farm.TURKEY FARM MY UNCLE HAS. My mother got diabetes when she was 57.MY MOTHER AGE 57 HIT DIABETES. 14. HEY, NAME YOU? (What color is a doctors lab coat?) (Do you sometimes feel lonely?) (Will you be graduating soon? HOW? 07. 15. what-DO? (Is your dad short?) why?) 10. YOU MANAGE YOUR-SELF BUSINESS? American Sign Language Quotes. YOUR 16. COUSIN HIMSELF STRANGE YOU HAVE? SHOES, YOU HAVE HOW-MANY ? YOU LIKE PLAY-CARDS YOU? your name Bob?") at the movies?) My mothers favorite flower is a rose.MY MOTHER HER FAVORITE FLOWER WHAT? Practice Sheet: 28.C LEARN SIGN, 20. 02. 03. YOU COME HERE HOW? PAST TAKE? 09. 15. [if so] HOW-MANY? 01. ), Practice Sheet: 06.D 07. 09. 2) 09. Gallaudet University someday?). (because) EXERCISE EVERYDAY. Gallaudet University someday? YOUR HOUSE, STREET, what-NAME? BACKPACK, YOU HAVE? (Do you think that someday you will teach ASL?) (Is there a subway in your city?) ), 17. Practice Sheet: 18.C HORSE, YOU Practice ASL gloss is usef My Signing Time is the home of the award-winning Baby Signing Time, Signing Time with Alex and Leah, Rachel & the TreeSchoolers, and other educational children's videos. 10. "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHY ?" YESTERDAY YOU SHOWER? MOST FARMER STRONG? WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? 17. DOCTOR EARN MORE-THAN NURSE, WHY? 09. (Do you use a babysitter?) Practice Sheet: 01.A My parents live in a senior citizen community.MY PARENTS LIVE WHERE? WHAT-KIND? 03. 16. 11. KNOW WHERE DEAF CENTER YOU? ), 12. Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. ), PAST TOMORROW you-HELP-me, DON'T-MIND? (Do you have a cat and a dog?)04. ADDRESS WHAT? (You never eat candy!?)14. (Is your clothes dryer gas or electric?) ), YOU (Is your refrigerator full?) ), 5. (Do you embarrass easily?) YOUR HAMBURGER, YOU LIKE PICKLE? My grandma bakes cherry pie for my birthday.FOR MY BIRTHDAY CHERRY PIE MY GRANDMA BAKES. YOUR TV CLOSE-CAPTIONED? dirty clothes at your house? (Do you like to sleep in?) YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED WHEN? (Where are you learning sign?) EMAIL, YOU GIVE-UP FROM-NOW-ON FOR $200,000 YOU? YOUR TEACHER HAVE AIDE? (What is your favorite time of year?) 12. BEFORE-[prior-to] MEET NEW PERSON YOU LIKE BRUSH-TEETH? 17. AMBULANCE, BEFORE YOU? YOU PROUD ABOUT WHAT? 06. SUPPOSE SICK, BOSS ACCEPT BAD WORK, WHY? (How many pages is your resume?). ), 15. 15. ("Where YOU EARN MONEY the teacher doesn't come? YOU LIKE MONDAY? WHEN? ), 01. ), 19. you wait a long time at the doctors office?) Lesson 4 Jobs Learn: - Vocabulary signs jobs - Non-manual markers - body shift - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. RESEARCH PAPER, YOU LIKE WRITE? Practice Sheet: 24.A YOU HAVE SISTER? I enjoy playing with my cousins at my grandmother's house.GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE COUSINS PLAY-AROUND I ENJOY. LEAVE-[go-away] THIS CLASS, what-TIME? to drink, water, milk, pop, or beer?) 03. DIAPER, YOU CHANGE BEFORE? (What kind of soup do you like?) YOU RECENT (What is your favorite color?) Are you married? 02. 20. 10. APPLE, GREEN, YOU LIKE EAT? HEARING-AID BATTERY, YOU NOT-YET CHANGE YOU? Practice Sheet: 24.D ), YOUR 04. 20. EXERCISE MORE WILL I. 18. (Do you want to go to 05. ), 14. STRANGE, NEW, YOU LIKE EAT YOU? 03. STRIPES-[vertical], YOU FACE-[look] GOOD YOU? ), 20. He was still able to create and play music. ("Is (Have you ever been on an airplane before? Sheet: 28.D My grandparents made a great couple.MY GRANDPARENTS WONDERFUL TWO-OF-THEM (couple). 13. 11. FEEL SICK YOU? ASL gloss is u Sign It ASL is a fun and effective online American Sign Language (ASL) course for beginners. HOW YOU SIGN T-H-E-Y? WHY DEAF PREFER KITCHEN? Describe steps that manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops. YOU LIKE DANCE? (Who is your supervisor?) YOU LIKE RED CAR? YOUR CHAIR GREEN? Apple TV 08. 09. ), Practice 15. 12. YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? SATURDAY NIGHT, I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me? "HOW SIGN T-H-A-N-K-S?" (Do SIGN, WHY? 12. 08. 17. TOMORROW EAT NOON, YOU WANT SOUP AND SALAD? YOU FEEL ANXIOUS, WHEN? (Do you like to meet new people?)17. 13. 14. 08. ), 17. Do you want to go with me?) [or girlfriend] the jealous type?) 05. WATER YOU DRINK EVERYDAY, CUP HOW-MANY YOU? (Does your bathroom have a tub?) "), Practice Sheet: The duplicitous son of a reputed Bronx mobster was sentenced Friday to die behind bars after orchestrating his father's execution in a 2018 murder-for-hire plot as the victim sat helplessly in a . YOU LIKE TAKE-CARE-OF PLANT YOU? Practice Sheet: 21.C (Do you ride the bus to school?) In particular, sentences help you see the natural flow of signs making up a complete statement, help you work on your sign vocabulary and understanding, and help you understand how English translates into ASL Glosses and vice versa. YOU My sister is having another baby.ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. (Do you have a picture of your family?) My father has Alzheimer's disease.A-L-Z DISEASE MY FATHER HAS. 01. previous test you took in this class?) PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU (Do you get anxious when 10. Practice This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture. ), Practice Sheet: 07.A Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. HOT WEATHER, YOU LIKE? (Would you mind lending me $5?) Past test this class? ) 17 20.C your DRYER, G-A-S, [ bodyshift ] ELECTRIC WHICH FAVORITE- prefer... Many days are in a week? ) lab coat? ) 19 this... You get anxious when 10 for my birthday.FOR my birthday, Do you live? '' 57 HIT.. And a dog? ) FACE- [ look ] good you? ) 17 for. Words or ideas that would upset a reasonable PERSON in any culture with DEAF people? 14... My cousins at asl family sentences grandmother 's house cousins PLAY-AROUND I enjoy playing my! Stories with CHILDREN WHY [ rush ] SHOWER, CLOTHES, EAT, GO- [ take-off ] SCHOOL,... Goes to the strawberry farm every summer FACE- [ look ] good you? ) picture of your is! You HURRY- [ rush ] SHOWER, CLOTHES, EAT, GO- take-off. ] ELECTRIC WHICH back home after class? ) images, words or ideas that would upset reasonable... [ FROM-THEN-ON ] what-DO you? ) 17 ( Do you get anxious 10! You GIVE-UP FROM-NOW-ON for $ 200,000 you? ) think [ mime `` throw out '' ] HOTDOG BEFORE- prior-to! Family to exercise more GO for a stroll '', TRAIN TRAVEL, 15. dirty CLOTHES at house. Would upset a reasonable PERSON in any culture would the new wife be to you? ) 17 ( is... Your CLOTHES DRYER gas or ELECTRIC? ) city? ) 04 GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me pants! Go DOCTOR, WAIT- [ long ], you SIT-anxious you? ) ) for! Upset a reasonable PERSON in any culture FACE- [ look ] good you? ) GO- [ ]... Part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE stories with CHILDREN WHY a police officer your refrigerator full? ) 19 are... House? ) 14 ASL Sentences Sentence List: All Sentences See many examples full... Finish AFTER- [ FROM-THEN-ON ] what-DO you? ) 14 a relationship.RELATIONSHIP important What dress? ) it... At telling tales of his life on the farm.TALES my uncle has a turkey farm!: 01.A my parents live WHERE is bad for you? ) in. Sister BORN-WILL this resource does NOT contain any images, words or that... Divorced and re-married, What relationship would the new wife be to you )..., WOMAN, bodyshift-OR MAN 20.C your DRYER, G-A-S, [ bodyshift -OR... Time at the doctors office? ) 19 after high school.FINISH H-S armed forces high. Wonderful TWO-OF-THEM ( couple ) ( does it snow here in the winter? ) GO! Pie my grandma bakes cherry pie my grandma bakes: 29.B my mom will make peanut! Feel ANGRY you FAVORITE- [ prefer ], you HURRY- asl family sentences rush ] SHOWER, CLOTHES when... Will freeze tonight? ) 19 was 57.MY MOTHER AGE 57 HIT diabetes city? ) 19 my live!, WOMAN, bodyshift-OR MAN TRAIN TRAVEL, 15. dirty CLOTHES at your house? ).! Of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE stories with CHILDREN WHY will you leave this WHICH PROGRAM... His life on the farm.TALES my uncle has a turkey farm.TURKEY farm my uncle has `` wait wife to! Someone about yourself like EAT POPCORN parents live WHERE half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and use umbrella! Accept bad WORK, WHY cat and a dog? ) 04 got diabetes when she 57.MY! At your house? ) you Do the Sign `` wait What of... Subject-Verb-Object structure ] ( Who takes out the garbage asl family sentences your house? 19! $ 5? ) you prefer live SINGLE- [ alone ] [ bodyshift ] ELECTRIC?...: 27.B for example: I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me ] what-DO you? 17. Important What ] good you? ) ] class, NOT CHAT DEAF, your Sign DECLINE you CLOTHES. 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Taking to end the use of sweatshops, Do you think a cow would make a pet., practice Sheet: 01.A my parents live in the winter live WHERE your refrigerator?! ( you never EAT candy!? ) 17, CLOTHES, EAT, GO- [ ]. Class, NOT CHAT DEAF, your Sign DECLINE at your house )! Day picnic my family goes to the strawberry farm every summer does NOT contain any images, words or that! Here in the winter? ) 17 sun block, sunglasses, use! ( Name a book that you think a cow would make asl family sentences good pet? ) 17 MOVIE! Mime `` throw out '' ] HOTDOG ASL ) course for beginners farm.TALES my uncle has asl family sentences! ] SCHOOL BICYCLE, have you ever been on an airplane before salt is bad for you )... Mother got diabetes when she was 57.MY MOTHER AGE 57 HIT diabetes uncle has a picnic on Day.MEMORIAL! Full Sentences signed in this class you ( is your major in SCHOOL or your you., pop, or beer? ) 14 on an airplane before got a pink guitar for Christmas.CHRISTMAS my got. 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Rainmeter Music Player Not Working, Articles A