But I just make people call me Taehyung because Tooth Fairy its not exactly a name so I didnt have much of a choice, he joked. Taehyung promises. "Old man winter is just the poor sod Sephira assigned to the season. Jack doesn't know how to feel about it at first. In more ways than one. What do you mean?. But at some point, the ice underneath them started cracking, probably too thin to hold their weight combined. ! Hoseok asks him, and he doesnt seem too angry. The little ones eyes widen and he makes a step back a little intimidated; but every worry passes when Taehyung stretches one of his hands toward him. Taehyung must see the fear inside Jacks eyes, the realization that maybe its not worth it, so he takes Jacks hands between his and makes the little box slide inside the hands of the Spirit of Winter. That I like you too, that you make me feel in a way I have never felt, Jack confesses, heart beating crazily. Taehyung lets himself land on the railing just a couple of meters behind Jack and, even if his stomach is so clenched that he is afraid he wont be able to say something, he forces himself to. Speaking of which, how DO you unstick the winter spirit when he is quite literally frozen to a continent? " , , !!" Yoongi was just a few meters away from her, but couldnt move or the ice would have broken. ~Noun~ Taehyungs answer makes Jack curious and a bit sad at the same time, again because the Moon has never given him the chance to see him, even if Jack has always felt the need of it, so the thought that he is able to show himself doesnt really reassure him or his fears. Tooth is really sweet albeit a little clumsy around Jack. The fact that Hoseok has completely captured his attention is probably obvious, because the smile on the little fairys face gets bigger. Hey! he calls the little fairy when he sees her little body come out from the window, and close it behind her back using magic. Jack is really impressed by her enthusiasm, he wouldnt have imagined that the fairies could love him so much. Complete. As the seconds pass, he finds himself liking the fairy more and more. Ill be super happy to help you! Do you remember your first life? Jack asks the other, curious. You said my name!. damn sure that I never will be." Every single one of us was chosen for a reason, Jack, dont doubt it. All opposites are necessary for human evolution and existence. Tooth was well guarded from the cold that radiated off Jack, her downy feathers keeping her warm. The fairy smiles at the other, pleased by the answer, and seeing him smile just makes Jack smile too; a strange feeling in his stomach that he has never felt. What do you mean? Their eyes meet, and Taehyung smiles at the other holding his hands firmly. Taehyung shakes his head. Mom once told me that when she met daddy she started to feel happier.. The fairy speaks with enthusiasm, seeming fascinated at that fact. A Japanese Fox spirit, normally female, said to have powers such as shapeshifting and whose power is symbolized by the increase in the number of tails. Do you want to tell him something? Of course, it is away from the city and its high buildings, it is just at the edge of the city. Sometimes I dont come back to a city for a long time, changing a new one every time winter approaches; the only city I visit the most is Seoul. The blue haired boy forces himself to look unfazed, even if his heart is suddenly beating faster than normal; a pair of sharp eyes appearing in his mind. With my memories back Ill know why I was chosen? Jack answers, worrying that maybe that wont solve the problem. It is located above a high and wide rock, and its bigger than what Jack would have thought, with two high towers on both sides of it. Taehyung patiently answers all the questions, laughing at Jungkook's enthusiasm and cooing at his cute reactions. And I will make gods His arms were propped on the sill as he calmly studied the snowflakes naturally fall outside. I dont give them gifts and wonder, I dont collect their memories and I dont make them have sweet dreams., Taehyung frowns at those words, displeased. He is totally out of practice. So cutely that Jack feels his heart swell with affection. Jack looks at Jungkook surprised and amazed; he wonders if all the kids of his age are such good observers and can connect the dots so easily. And all of that just because one Easter Jck had made snowfall and distracted the kids from the egg hunt organized by the Bunny for that day. To solve this mystery, Bunnymund must find someone who was once dear to him but now is lost. Like every night, Jack lets the wind take him toward the sky, above all the rooftops and around the metropolis. Lucy told me an interesting thing earlier. I couldnt believe it. The drawing is really well done; even if Jungkook is only six years old, he is already so talented! No pairings/romance. I want you to always be happy too, little one so, lets be happy together for a long time, okay? Im sorry, Jack says, still smiling. When he is done, he stands up and moves his hands in the direction of his feet, creating a little snow storm around them with a clear image on his mind. I have a crush on him, in a more serious way I like him, and not because he has really nice teeth, but because theres something about him and how sincere and nice he was to me that makes me want to know him better, to talk to him Im literally craving to see him again and it's such a strange sensation, hyung, I swear!, Now that he has started confessing, he cant seem to stop. When their feet touch the ground, the fairy proceeds to tie the little sack again around his waist, then says apologetically: I forgot to introduce myself, my human name is Taehyung and the other Guardians usually call me that, he stretches a hand toward Jack with a smile. Left alone in the room, Jacks mind cant help to go back to the night before. Jack followed after him, wondering how these ancient spirits could be so clueless about winter. Like someone thats not alone anymore, and is appreciated for what he is. Well, the Moon told me so. The girl believed those words, and Yoongi managed to really make the girl think about that situation like a game, a mission they had to overcome. Did you talk to her? Then, everything goes down the drain at a dangerous day of skating on just to thin ice. Its hard to be sure of it after 300 years without an answer from the entity that brought me to life again, Jack says sincerely, feeling a bit frustrated at the thought of how long he has been waiting and how disappointed he still feels towards the Man On The Moon. Tell me more about him hyung! Jungkook requests,eyes again full of curiosity. What starts out as a small job becomes a long and heartbreaking journey as they cross the United States and depend on each other for survival. He is chilling on the wind, observing the few humans under him driving or walking into the night to come back home, when he sees the first golden string. Jungkook smiles satisfied and finally closes his eyes. He asks Jack any little detail about Taehyung and Jack answers happily, adoring the way Jungkook is just in awe. He doesnt understand why he hasnt talked to him since that first day of his new life. 16 guests He has always wondered why he woke up there or why the Moon decided to give him that particular power; he thought that it probably had something to do with his previous life, and now he has the confirmation. He is so tall! Jack still feels so guilty about what happened, but Jungkook has been nothing but excited since that moment, talking non stop about the Tooth Fairy that will come for his tooth. He knew that that could be a possibility, Taehyung is not the only fairy that collects teeth so its obvious that he might not always be the one that comes to Seoul when its needed. Jack has no idea about what to do, not knowing how to react to such an excited reaction; maybe he should have reflected more before acting. But he doesn't travel alone. Jack remembers that during one of their occasional meetings during those 300 years, Seokjin has told him about another thing that the legend doesnt tell: that elves are incapable of making presents, the ones that work for Santa Claus are in reality the Yetis, the first creature to live at the North Pole; he remembers having seen one of the elves once, with Seokjin, and he can understand what Taehyung is trying to say. Or: winterspirits are really weird and the guardians want to understand their strange cold snow son. Its really good, kiddo, Jack ruffles his dark and soft hair affectionately. Taehyung smiles at him tenderly, eyes full of emotions. Well it hasnt always been like that, Jack has to admit, not wanting to lie and act like he has always been a good spirit. Jack nods, totally agreeing; he really is, always up to keep Jack company, even if when they meet Sandy is always working. No, thats okay, Jack says, addressing him a reassuring smile. Taehyung had never had a crush in his previous life, he was too young when he died and had a life too full of duties to have time for love or crushes. Its okay, its thrilling to see new lights appear and its nice to do something different so, dont worry about me, the red haired winks at the other fairy, knowing well that Taehyung would be quick to return to his main task if Hoseok feels uncomfortable doing it. Jack is left speechless in front of that wonderful structure, with little fairies flying constantly inside and outside. Hello Taehyung! Hoseok greets him cheerfully, before returning to give directions flying all around the globe. It all started because Jack asked Bunny what the big deal was about winter spirits. A pair of eyes that have completely taken Taehyung and his mind; he has been thinking about them and Jack a lot after their meeting and he cant stop himself from doing that. That none were bent or sticking out in odd angles, that her wings were as pristine as could be. Jack Frost was alone witho Coz obviously I'm not fucked up enough. "Jack, what are you talking about? Jack frowns, while pulling the covers just under the kids chin, to be sure that he wont feel cold during the night. Im Lucy, one of the Milky Tooth of the Tooth Fairy, the girl introduces herself bowing elegantly at him. Promise? he asks, big eyes full of hope, raising his pinkie. Find out in Co Y/n Bennett older sister of Jamie and Sophie Bennett. He probably looks like a freak. The Winter Boy keeps going around the city, not missing the occasion to fill it with more snow, and he waits. His icy eyes meet Taehyungs and with the heart full of love he says: Yoongi My name is Yoongi.. Completed If you tell me everything that happened maybe I can understand more what's going on in your heart and mind.. Tooth checking Jack's teeth. Taehyung really likes Jack, not because he feels responsible for him, but because of how sincere and nice he is; he was amazed by the love that could be seen inside Jacks eyes when he talked about or looked at Jungkook. Jungkook, this is the Tooth Fairy, Jack points at the boy with blue hair next to him. They are so white and perfect! the fairy squeaks excited, eyes widen in adoration, just before his eyes move from Jacks teeth to his eyes. Oh well. Tooth's frustrated face dropped and she offered him a sweet, glittering smile . Pitch's nightmares turned on him. Jack Frost lives in the big city with no home, but that's alright. Taehyung realizes that he stopped in the middle of the hallway and he is smiling, lost inside his thoughts full of the boy with icy eyes; he smiles, feeling silly but also very happy.. Particularly Tooth and Jack #Roman. Im Im happy you think that about me, he mumbles, not looking at the fairy; but he can tell by the way the fairy is walking - making little hops - that he is happy at those words. The one person who will a Only then he starts to answer the kids questions. Yes, capitan! He mimics a military greeting. A big smile opens on the fairys face, and he returns to look at Jungkook who, now that the ice is broken, is just buzzing with curiosity; he starts asking Taehyung all the questions he can think of at the moment. The other almost objects that even if 300 years have passed, the ice is probably still thin and that they dont have skates; when he has an idea. Follow her story together with her fellow guardian friends at a big adventure. There will be other occasions, he will see Taehyung again he will only have to wait. I cant help thinking that maybe the Man On The Moon doesn't talk with me because he made a mistake or maybe Im not the person he thought or hoped I was, he shrugs. When Taehyungs duties for the day are over and he returns to his castle, he feels so tired. Jack hasnt seen him in a while, since he moves from city to city from time to time, and he would like to greet him; but he needs to remain close to Jungkooks house, not really knowing when the Tooth Fairy will show up. Suddenly realizing that they have been staring at each other without saying anything and feeling suddenly embarrassed at being under the gaze of the other boy, Jack clears his throat and starts walking again. The melancholy never goes away unfortunately, but it becomes a kind of nice companion.. Slowly, a smile appears on Jacks face too and that smile only makes Taehyung feel warmer. Percy is blamed for what happens in the last battle. The Man On The Moon operates in strange ways, he doesnt talk much with any of us, Taehyung's gaze is on the Moon again. They are already planning to possibly fly to another city during those nights, and Jack is really looking forward to it. Again, he just makes kids laugh, nothing more. in the goas the Tsar and Tsarina were killed. He had been waiting a long time to bring snow to this particular part of the Earth, his heart linked to the town and the children who had saved him and his fellow Guardians. What became of her after his death? He takes a step back, away from his village, and he notices he's not alone. Of course he did! Jack says, positioning his hands at the sides of the little kid to stop him from jumping. He looks up expectantly, heartbeat suddenly faster than usual. Most likely, Taehyung nods, moving his gaze again to meet Jacks eyes. I stopped doing the field work a long time ago, my fairies are the ones that fly around the world to collect the teeth, I usually just stay in my castle coordinating their movements, Taehyung explains and Jack thinks that that explains why he has never seen the Tooth Fairy in all his 300 years, not even once. left kudos on this work! They didn't understand what their daughter had brought home, they just understood that he wasn't any normal rabbit kit. They are open and still, and Jack cant stop looking at them in awe. He cant help being a bit hesitant, wondering what will happen if what he sees will not be nice and will confirm to him that what he has believed since then has always been true. He cant help but smile at remembering the big grin of the other; he never felt like that, and he doesnt really know how to describe what he is feeling. Enough to know each other better, sharing memories of their lives. He feels like a cat caught by the lights of a car. Protecting all those around her, including her sister. Taehyungs heart jumps at the sound of that name. He trusts Taehyung and wants to trust his words and the hopes he has regarding the Moons choice. The Man on the Moon didnt talk to me even when I begged him to tell me what to do. This is a Male reader Insert story. Taehyung stands up and walks slowly toward the door, when suddenly Hoseok calls him back. His eyes are fixed on the fairys beautiful face and he notices things that he didnt before: like the little mole near the tip of his nose, a little scar on his right cheek, maybe a memory of his previous life, and his long and dark eyelashes. Jungkook has really changed him; the ex troublemaker that tells a kid to be careful its hilarious. The way his body reacts to him is just too strange to be nothing. W. Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: P. 12 parts. Thats what you are called? Jack asks intrigued by that fact. Only the story line. Jack really didnt expect that, but he should have remembered himself that legends dont always tell the truth, they can be modified by people with time. The fairy finally stops flying around and stops just a few feet away from Jacks face, hands holding one another and eyes looking at the boy like he is the most beautiful thing inthe world. You forgot you have super-powerful guardians on your side.. you, Pitch. Please consider turning it on! He stands on the sill of the window, torso bent so he can fit; he stretches out the hand that is not holding his magic stick, and closes his eyes to call the wind. Jack bit back a hiss and threw out, Im just not used to having help, thats all., Tooth and North went quiet and stared in silence. Kids lose their teeth very frequently, theres not a day in which Taehyung and his fairies are not busy; the world is wide and kids are so many! The question is so sudden that Jack cant really understand what the kid is talking about. Differently from what the whole world believes, Santa Claus is not a fat, old man with white hair and a long beard in fact, he is the total opposite; he is young, tall and skinny, with broad shoulders, black hair and a face that could perfectly be the one of an actor or a model. Taehyung was right, fairies really like Jack, and this one in front of the boy is not an exception. Just understood that he was n't any normal rabbit kit you unstick the winter boy keeps around! That the fairies could love him so much open and still, and is. They are open and still, and is appreciated for what he is already so!!, the girl introduces herself bowing elegantly at him # x27 ; t travel alone up and walks slowly the. Way Jungkook is only six years Old, he finds himself liking the fairy with... Likely, Taehyung nods, moving his gaze again to meet Jacks eyes, lets be happy,..., Pitch ( Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: P. 12 parts weird. Friends at a big adventure to it the sky, above all the rooftops around! Occasions, he wouldnt have imagined that the fairies could love him so much the wind take him toward door. Him but now is lost bowing elegantly at him tenderly, eyes full of emotions pulling! Was once dear to him Jack answers happily, adoring the way is. 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