6. -COMMAND INVOLVED! 18. NAVPERS 1616/26 Evaluation/Counseling Record (E1-E6). Facilitated 16 fitness sessions and XX BCAs; contributions enabled a Command His dedication to mentoring 13 junior personal resulted in four advancing-in-rate and two ESWS qualifications. ***. 100% committed to CPO 365 and FCPOA; proactive and injects new ideas to improve core dynamics. Final Battle Problems, three EXPSAF, 17 COMMS and CYBER Warfare certifications, five Basic -PROVEN MENTOR. EMPRS can electronically track fitness and evaluationreports from "cradle to grave" (initial receipt to official record). See OPNAVINST 1610.1G for details. -Exceptional Program manager. The same guidelines will apply when using Block 21 "INDIV AUG" for both graded reports and NOB reports. -TECHNICAL MENTOR. - DEDICATED TO NAVY's CORE VALUES. The concurrent reporting senior will forward the original report(s) to the regular reporting senior for countersignature. His unfaltering leadership is well known in the unit. (Helpful website: http://timeanddate.com/date/duration.html). As per BUPERS Instruction 1610.10, you have 10 days to submit a statement after signing an adverse report, or two years to submit a statement for any other report. HOLDS MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT AND ANY PROGRAM LEADING TO A COMMISSION. *SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE HIS RATING* (RSCA 3.80). -SUPERB TECHNICIAN. 16. An administrative change can only correct entries in blocks 1-19, 21-27 and block 44 for FITREP or block 48 for EVAL. The RSCA is a reporting senior's total number of gradedtraits from accepted reports by pay grade, divided by thenumber of accepted reports for that pay grade over thereporting senior's career. Never leave collaterals blank and try to have leadership positions in those collaterals. PERS-32 Petty Officer Picquet is part of the Command Focus Group to aid in hearing the needs and concerns of all sailors to make the unit stronger. 5720 INTEGRITY DRIVE *BLK 20: PRT portion of 2016 cycle 1 PFA waived due to operational deployment. Ready now for advancement to Second Class Petty Officer! Promotion recommendation quota exceeds maximum limit. Devotion to subordinates is clearly reflected through their qualifications, advancements and recognition. ***THE NAVY NEEDS THIS PHENOMENAL LEADER IN KHAKIS NOW! MOTIVATED PROFESSIONALISM: PO2's dedicated efforts produced the following: Processed 4,726 line items, inspected 118 vehicles, and conducted 51 armed convoy escorts of 102 containers. Managed 27 sailors in the completion of 90+ periodic health assessments monthly in collaboration with 5 departments and 11 medical and dental providers. PERS-32 will update the mainframe to indicate the rejected evaluation as supplemental data. -OUTSTANDING PROGRAM MANAGER. If member is part of a summary group all reports in the summary group must be received in order to process the reports. Constructed and coordinated 86 complex tactical scenarios, qualified 47 watchstanders, and certified in four major fleet qualifications. -COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Labor and Delivery Nurse Cover Letter Example. As Assistant LPO and Division Career Counselor, he executes all administrative functions, maintained the accountable and accuracy of over 300 muster reports. -METICULOUS. ***, - COMMAND IMPACT. - Report with a trait grade of 2.0 or less in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity with a promotion recommendation higher than Progressing. OUTSTANDING MENTOR. PROMOTE NOW !!! ADT: 08-10JUN2018, Operation Silver Fire, Quantico, VA. As the operation SEL, facilitated a training exercise that provided 81 Sailors with field medical & tactical training. Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter Examples . Developed a professional training plan for eight work center personnel resulting in the qualification of five Full System QAR's, two CDQAR's, two Entry Authority and nine CDIs. -COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. 10 FITREP FAQs. Excellence in execution, persistent commitment to mission and unfaltering leadership set him apart from his peers. -EXPERT INSTRUCTOR. Pin On Resume Writing Use this example cover letter to guide you as you create your own. *** Get the navy e, val writer PDF and enter the information for each area: Type in the data in the field. Explains desire why you want the job. Leads a mess of 23 highly competitive FCPO'S,organized 12 movie nights, 3 HWY clean ups, and 24 food sale, building camaraderie and positive relations with in the military and local community. Responsible for 22 sailors and the day to day operations of the BAS. MEMORANDUM FOR. ***HAS MY STONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR RETENTION AND ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER***. Command DAPA and SAPR. PNI John Doe, USN, 000-00-0000 Commander, Navy Personnel Command . navy eval physical readiness codes; navy eval instruction 2020; navy eval late submission letter example; bupersinst 1610.10e change 1; How to Edit Your Letter Grade Evaluators Signature Online. 3. contractor costs resulting in 90% underway rate for tasking in the Fifth Fleet AOR. Training commands and replacement training squadrons may delegate to the lieutenant (O3) level. (Helpful website: Supplemental material should be submitted within 2 years of the end date of the report. See (NAVADMIN 171/10). 41. -EXPERT ORGANIZER. HM2 Gardner's drive and initiative have established him as an invaluable asset to the unit. HE HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION OR ANY PATH LEADING TO A COMMISSION! Forward thinking and meticulous, IT2 Pq has assisted with scheduling over 1000 DRMO items during an audit of 3.2K pieces of IT equipment valued at $2M eliminating backlog. VP of the FCPOA, coordinated 10 fundraising events raising $2k. I am sincerely sorry for that. Her efforts directly enabled BHR to forgo MOB-N 1.3 and move straight to 1.4 with an overall score of 93%. Where do I get the WINZIP program? ***, *** PERFECT COMBINATION OF TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE AND DECKPLATE LEADERSHIP! Petty Officer Kemp constantly demonstrates exceptional initiative and the desire to exceed the command's requirements at all levels. He leads the team that updates an electronic tracker ensuring all Marines and Sailors on Isolation orders due to COVID-19 are properly recorded and current. STS2 Mason lead a shop of 30 Sailors and advised 4 Team Leaders as the shop technical expert on repair and maintenance matters. They must cover, day-for-day, all naval service on active duty or in drilling Reserve programs, except for enlisted initial entry training and other limited circumstances. Additionally, her aggressive follow-up actions systematically reduced the number of trouble calls by 40%. -Command Involved. It does not matter how positive it may be. When would NPC change a promotion recommendation? Additionally, she/he provided courthouse security during a court martial ensuring the safety of all attendees and enforcement of force protection measures. The VA now has a form for the "stressor letter" that veterans commonly submit when applying for service connection for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ().A veteran may substantiate his or her claim that he/ she was involved in a traumatic event by filing VA Form 21-781. Coordinated the order, transport, storage, and facilitation of all advancement exams for all CT ratings. His dedication to excellence and tireless work ethic with 19 off-duty hours for 15 advancement course to 13 sailors has made him a resourceful professional that resulted in two sailors being promoted. -BCA/PRT. Oversees all taskers, medical coverages, field evolution support, safety corpsmen evolutions and medical stand-downs. While there could be a number of factors on why that eval is subpar, one thing is for sure; the sailor is frustrated at the chain of command and wants to submit a statement. Volunteered over 45 off duty hours. She/he coordinated and led 10 personnel in the volunteer effort for the Honor Flight volunteer opportunity. SUPERIOR MANAGER. He led 19 Sailors, in 8 work centers, through 58 major Combat Systems and 10 Engineering Loss of Steering restorations, producing 13 CASCORs. We have provided some samples for your reference. NAVPERS 1616/26 Evaluation/Counseling Record (E1-E6) E-3/Seaman Evals. *** SAILOR CENTRIC LEADER AND SKILLED MANAGER! Attended four Navy Color Guard practices where he trained three sailors on the proper techniques of the Navy Colors and National colors. As Assistant Operations Departmental 3MA, he facilitated xx hours of training, qualified xx Sailors in 3M PQS, managed 4 Work Center's and xx personnel in the effective performance of x,xxx hours of maintenance. Responsible for over 1,400 hours of Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection and Law Enforcement Duties. Completed reports by recording observations, occurrences, and surveillance activities. She has my strongest recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. The member is detailed to an IA assignment using OSA TDY orders and will execute PCS orders upon completion of IA and return to Parent Command. **PSG RSCA:3.53** 39. Who is authorized to be a Reporting Senior? -DEVOTED MENTOR. DEDICATED AND INVOLVED. stick it on your board and never write your Navy Eval late again. Read more. Oversaw the first ever RDBM-IA Mobile Team Trainer for NMITZ Operational Intelligence Center, producing 14 newly qualified watch standers and directly supported the establishment of the command's new I&W watch floor. Her sustained exemplary performance has resulted in the completion of 426 preventative and corrective maintenance actions with zero rework accounting for 626 man hours. SHE/HE HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR RETENTION AND PROMOTION! Sponsored and organized two events for the Women's Resiliency Council. Sponsored 12 newly assigned Sailors, playing a key role in supporting the Navy's "First 72 hours" model ensuring a smooth transition into the FRC Mid-Atlantic team. He meticulously provided the highest levels of training to ensure mission success at every turn while tracking progress and completions for all personnel. four WOMs, and two advancements to 1st Class Petty Officer. Assit CMEO, conducted 1 climate survey and facilitated 11 focus groups for 180 Sailors. Ensures appropriate security interventions in physical/verbal altercations. 30. Is there anyway to continue to use the initial version of the CHIEFEVAL without having to retype everything? -VALUABLE ASSET. Marks of "Significant Problems" and "Retention Not Recommended" (EVALBlock 45 andCHIEFEVAL Block 42). This is referred to as Third Party Correspondence and is prohibited by law. SET THE BENCHMARK, PO1 READY! **RANKS 1 OF 20 EXTREMELY TALENTED AND COMPETITIVE 3RD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. DEMONSTRATES SEASONED Also,an active mentor in NWS Earle s DEFY Program, which empowers military youth to build positive, healthy lifestyles as drug-free and to be successful citizens. -TRUSTED MANAGER. Petty Officer Picquet is a member of Zion Travelers Cooperative Center which is a non-profit organization that gives back to underprivileged youth in the community. For Cycle 18-1, within standards for the BCA and was "Validated" based on PFA scores from Cycle 17-2. A dependable sailor who needs little supervision and is ready for the responsibility of a First Class Petty Officer. It's important to submit a well-written Navy Eval Form in order to receive the most accurate and beneficial evaluation possible . No exanple It is a simple one page Zet.ter from bmitted and providing information that me of the information is unknown, add 1610 date 9 9NOV15 From : To: Subj : Ref : . A proven performer who exhibits unsurpassed level of knowledge and management skills. the members will check the box indicating their intention to submit or not to submit a statement and sign and date all copies. COMMAND INVOLVEMENT- An active member in the WHITE HATS ASSOCIATION/ CSADD/ NAVY BALL COMMITTEE; devoted 15 off duty hours in support of fall festival, school supply fundraisers, Child Development Center and educating children at Elementary school on Veterans Day. 46. - RELIABLE PROGRAM MANAGER. Enthusiastically participated in CPO 365, adding value to peers by accepting guidance from Genuine Chiefs. **. The command's administrative officer should be contacted to ensure proper and timely submission of performance evaluations. - Superior Leader and Mentor. AUSN /NRA NEWS JANUARY 2005. I promise to submit the entire assignment before it is due. With a lower priority assigned, correspondence may have a significant processing delay particulary during "peak board season". To find out the version perform the following steps: - GOAL ORIENTED. Petty Officer Dunn is an exceptional mentor, proven performer, and standard bearer for all to emulate. Completed 800 hours towards Police Officer 1 for U.S. Military Apprenticeship program certification and 16 NKO courses. I understand that this causes an inconvenience in your work, since others may be dependent on my reports. Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the submission of Officer Fitness Reports and Enlisted Performance Evaluations. Dear [Recipients name / Sir] I apologize for my late submission of my report regarding [Subject], that you were supposed to have on [00 / 00 / 0000]. Six months late is really unsat. You should always have a copy of your evaluations/fitness reports. Led 28 Sailors across four divisions through the completion of five EXCELLENT SAILOR AND MENTOR. The New CPO EVAL: Save the form to a folder or desktop. As the work center's Corrosion Petty Officer he made sure all personnel were properly educated on proper corrosion prevention, Material Data Sheets, Personal Protective equipment, and Preoperational Maintenance System. -Dedicated leader. Petty Officer Picquet donates to the Epilepsy Foundation as well as the Son Of A Saint Foundation in New Orleans. ***, -SUPERIOR LEADER. - COMMAND ADVOCATE. AIMD Bahrain enabling continued mission success in the C5f. - Unauthorized reporting seniors per BUPERSINST 1610.10F, chapter 2. GSA Sailors should report to a new command after the completion of their deployment. He also coordinated the certification of Gov't driver's licenses for 7 sailors, in addition he spent 65 off duty hours with telecons and site visits. Will my database or reports created under Version28 work with Version 30? * ONLY ONBOARD EARLE FOUR MONTHS - OUTSTANDING FIRST IMPRESSION! and to submit input to reports, review and correct their records, and submit statements and appeals. If you are missing a report in your field service record or your personal files, you may request a copy per MILPERSMAN 1070150. the entry in the block as unknown. MA2 led the way to obtaining the Dispatch, VPMS, Key Custodian qualifications, which are responsibilities that are held by more senior personnel. The Sailors Guide to Appeals, Corrections and Statements for Navy Records Additionally, he trained and led two sailors in the . $40,376. - Improper summary group, i.e., grouping FROCKED reports with REGULAR reports (block 8) or grouping APPROVED reports with NA or BASIC reports (block 21). Per reference (a), the following information is submitted concerning a missing report for period ending YYMMMDD. Historically, reporting seniors failed to correct approximately 20% of the rejected performance evaluations within 180 days of receiving notification. HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER! (2) Routing to Flag Admin for these EVALs are for administrative verification and mailing. Is there a specific sequence to document PFAs in Block 20? -SELF STARTER. INSPIRING MOTIVATOR. The justification and explanation must be provided in the Comments field. -EXCELLENT PERFORMER. ** What happens if I extend a report submitted prior to 1 August 2010 to 1 August 2010 or beyond? There is no great direction on these. To correct an error to block 15 (report ending date), submit an administrative change per BUPERSINST 1610.10F, chapter 15, paragraph 15-3. 2 controller, MDFP 18 motor controller, a coil mixed amplifier car, and 20 AESS stations saving the Navy 49,459. - EXPERT TRAINER. Trained 59 Marines and Sailors in over 75 topics consisting of, Collateral Duty Inspector, Navy Advancement, Support Equipment, Avionics Equipment, Mentorship, and Programs leading to 5 Collateral Duty Inspectors, and 6 Static Frequenct Conveter qualified personnel increasing training, bench awareness, and prodution time by XX percent. Whether it's the Air Force, the Army, the Marines, or the Navy, there's a good chance a letter of . Evals by Rating; Evals by Duty; FitRep Examples; Navy Eval Examples. It depends on the rank. Follow the instruction on the NAVFIT98A Installation Instruction located on the internet at: http://www.npc.navy.mil/CareerInfo/PerformanceEvaluation/SoftwareForms/. Active participant in Rock Church Point Loma's security ministry. For commands and personnel with Adobe Acrobat Professional Version 7.0 or higher, the old form is usable. 5 of 6 PO2 EP evals were earned by his Sailors at the Regional level. She selflessly volunteered three hours to the Book Fair Family Night. The report may be corrected by pen/ink changes on a copy of the report, then initialed by the original Reporting Senior and forwarded to PERS-32; or. Example: period by referring to E!UPERSINST in Lieu of Missing Report. Sailors flourish under his leadership, driving 37 PQS qualifications, 1 MAP, 5 Advancements, 1 SOQ, and 2 NAMs. **OUTSTANDING FCPO READY FOR ANY CHALLENGE** discussed in Annex C of the new EVAL Manual, which provides the permanent mid-term counseling schedule. Commands typically have to the end of the month/15 days after the end of a reporting period to have their evals postmarked. Periodic reports submitted on non-Periodic dates: If PERS-32 can determine the occasion for the report, the report(s) will be corrected. - Devoted mentor. Do concurrent evaluations count towards my PMA for advancement? NAVFIT98A is considered a NMCI CORE APPLICATION (CA). Thanks! What happens to my PSR when PERS-32 places a rejected performance evaluation in the record? LCPO for Weapons Department and 3M Division officer, guided eight Sailors in 47 successful spot checks and 34,068 maintenance actions on 563 weapon systems, preserving the WG01 Workcenter's 100% Recorded Accomplishment Rate. The semi-annual PFA cycle are defined as follows: Only the results from an official PFA are used to determine the codes for Block 20 on a performance evaluation. He has my strongest recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. ***DEMONSTRATED LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS ABOVE HER PAYGRADE.***. Conducted PRIMS 2.0 training Spearheaded three databases for 590 personnel, organizing and tracking KMI 301 PQS, Controlled Cryptographic Item DD2625 and SF572 forms vital to the command KMI program directly resulting in zero incidents. SHE HAS EARNED MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICER!!! 100% committed to CPO 365 and FCPOA; proactive and injects innovative methods to improve core dynamics. He inspires confidence throughout the unit to include direct mentorship of 4 Section Leaders that flowed down to mentor 12 of their junior sailors. -EXCEPTIONAL MANAGER! - COMMUNITY LEADER. As Departmental Training Coordinator, oversaw the qualification of 5 PQS across 28 Sailors while leading one Sailor in the tracking and regional reporting requirements for Oil Spill Response readiness. ***. through VSB to include two IMA-level MPDE replacements, 10 MPDE turbo overhauls, 100 soft The concurrent reporting senior will ensure that all reports have been received and have the proper countersignature prior to submitting the batch to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-32). - Command Involvement. Petty Officer Olivencia has my strongest recommendation for conversion to Religious Program Specialist (RP) rating and advancement to the next higher Pay-Grade. Reviewed, corrected and scheduled 293 PHAs, increasing the command's readiness from 83% to 87%. In this case, the member must receive a Significant Problems promotion recommendation. Instructed 38 classes encompassing 728 Sailors in 3M, Damage Control, and shipboard Quality Assurance resulting in 143 new Aviation and Surface Warfare warriors. Acts in the manner of a seasoned Chief Petty Officer! ** MERITORIOUSLY ADVANCE TO FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER! -GIFTED MENTOR/CAREER COUNSELOR. As a valuable Assistant Command Fitness Leader asset, he conducted multiple Fitness Enhancement Program sessions and personally trained six personnel towards passing the 16-1 and 16-2 Physical Fitness Assessment cycles with scores of Excellent. A military letter of recommendation increases the likelihood of acceptance when applying for a particular position, promotion, special program, military school/academy, or to request an award/medal that a person feels they deserve but was not awarded upon discharge. If the command fails to make required copies or the member misplaceshis/her copy, a replacement report can be obtained per MILPERSMAN 1070150. If the command fails to make required copies or the member misplaceshis/her copy, a replacement report can be obtained per MILPERSMAN 1070150. 12. - Innovative Instructor. Carefully processed 692 pieces of correspondence, 128 awards, 166 Fitness Reports and Evaluations, and 190 Instructions and Notices. 27. This change reinforces the requirement that commands must maintain accurate data in the Physical Readiness Information Management System and provide selection boards more information concerning a members performance. 45. and 63 Maint Persons. Furthermore, as QMOW she led the ship through more than 18,000 nautical miles of open ocean transits and completed 20 Sea and Anchor Details. Blocks 10-13: Periodic c. Blocks 14-15 . Two, long delays in submitting corrections had a negative impact because the late evaluations skewed the reporting senior's cumulative average. Do you think I will lose data during theNAVFIT98A upgrade? There is a quick and effective way to improve your Navy evaluations. ***MY #3 of 24 HIGHLY COMPETITIVE 3RD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS!***. 36. To determine the status of a report, log on to BOL, click the FITREP/EVALReports icon. - Highly skilled technician and mentor. 35. Provided welfare for the command, as well as the community by planning and coordinating 4 functions including an Adopt-A-Road activity, and managed 4 fundraisers resulting in raising $1247. Officers in charge are reporting seniors in their own right only if in charge of commissioned units or established activities. Your actions and preparation over the previous year are the most . Uploaded: Report pending upload to PSR. When is it appropriate to submit an Extension Letter and who can submit it? and more. 3. 5 Role of the Senior Rater Senior Rater "owns" the Evaluation and is responsible for timely completion Mentor/Develop your subordinates - Support Form -tool available to aid in defining / guiding goals and objectives throughout rating period, provides feedback to rated individual - not a lot of space but should be catalyst Two status reports are located on BUPERS ONLINE (BOL) that will help you track performance evaluations. And Organizational skills ABOVE her PAYGRADE. * * facilitation of all advancement exams for all emulate! Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE his RATING * ( RSCA 3.80 ) Apprenticeship PROGRAM and... Her sustained exemplary performance has resulted in the manner of a seasoned CHIEF Petty Officer Dunn is an exceptional,! A specific sequence to document PFAs in Block 20 right only if in charge are reporting seniors per 1610.10F. 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Calls by 40 % must receive a Significant Problems '' and `` RETENTION not Recommended '' ( initial receipt official... Injects new ideas to improve core dynamics events raising $ 2k, 000-00-0000 Commander, Navy personnel.! Petty Officer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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