Look out for signs of shock, such as weakness, severe depression, and pale mucous membranes. World Rabbit Sci., 14, 147-155.https://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/9587/559-1047-1-SM.pdf, Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Why is My Rabbit Losing Fur around His Eyes, What are the 15 Reasons Your Rabbit is Losing Patches of Fur, How Can You Tell If Your Rabbit is Losing Fur, Is It Normal for a Rabbit to Lose Patches of Fur, What Could Be Causing My Rabbit to Lose Patches of Fur, Should I Be Worried If My Rabbit is Losing Patches of Fur, Hair Loss in Rabbits: Causes Diagnosis and Treatment, Why Do White Rabbits Have Red Eyes? They are not always serious, but they can be a result of tooth problems if they appear around the jawline or skull. More common in guinea pigs than in rabbits, burrowing mange mites can cause itching that is so severe that your rabbit may become aggressive, resentful and unsociable. Here are 15 possible reasons why your rabbit might be losing patches of fur: There are no recognized hairless rabbit breeds, but if the genetic discrepancies can be addressed, then it is possible such a breed may exist in the future. Dental issues can cause fur loss because it prevents the rabbit from being able to clean themselves properly. Rabbits lose patches of fur due to parasite infections (lice, fleas, mites, and fungus), urinary tract disorders, dental issues, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial . These may include: If a rabbit is stressed and they pull their hair out as a consequence, you are likely to see clumps of fur on their front paws falling out. A rabbit losing fur around their eyes is often a result of ocular discharge. If your This will eventually cause saliva burn, where the wet fur around their mouth, chin, and eyes can eventually wear away the fur and cause irritated, bald patches. Mange mites (Sarcoptes scabiei or Chorioptes sp), Saliva burn (fur loss on the dewlap, under the chin and on the chest), Urine burn (hair loss on the hindquarters), Your rabbit may dislike being touched at the ears due to pain. If your rabbit isnt getting enough fiber in their diet, they may shed more fur. Mild infections may be treated with ear drops. Urine burns can also cause the skin to become red and raw. Reports have also been received of severe shock or deaths in rabbits after the use of baths of insecticidal dips that are usually considered safe. the feet and up the belly, chances are your bunny has a urinary tract By themselves, fleas dont cause much fur loss, but they can cause your rabbit to itch excessively, eventually causing bald patches. While not very common, rabbits can develop a skin disease that causes them to lose patches of fur. If your rabbit is obese, weight reduction is a possible cure. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit. 1. What to Do if My Dog has Something Stuck in his Throat? I recommend using a pet playpen as their enclosure instead, Learn more about why its important to get your rabbit spayed or neutered, Why flystrike is so dangerous and how to prevent it, Learn more about the symptoms of URIs in rabbits, Second Cutting Timothy Hay from Small Pet Select, Read more about why I recommend this product, Jenkins, Jeffrey DVM. Always seek help from a veterinarian who has experience with rabbits for rabbits. Abscesses are large, bald bumps on a rabbits skin. However, some rabbits seem not to have any set pattern and will lose fur in patches from all over their body at the same time. Avoiding hard surfaces, wire bottom-cages and cleaning up moisture in the cage are also necessary for preventing sore hocks in the future. This doesn't mean you won't see the rabbit pull hair from other parts of the body. Simply brush your rabbit's coat regularly during periods of heavy shedding to help loosen the dead hair, and make sure to wipe down the bunny's food and water bowls daily to keep them clean. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. A lack of dietary fiber might lead to a rabbit pulling their fur out. So you want to get a pet rabbit, but youre a little bit afraid of those long front teeth. Many rabbits who are overly stressed or anxious will end up comforting themselves by self-grooming. Mites will also cause crusts to form around these same areas. A doe (female rabbit) would nest by pulling its hair out and lining it with hay to prepare for her litter. This parasite gets into your bunny ears and produces red-brown crusts in the ear canal, causing severe discomfort for your bunny. This can mean that one rabbit is anxious in the pair and trying to appease the other, more dominant rabbit, but its not necessarily indicative of any behavioral or health problems. Rabbits show signs of false pregnancy or nesting should be spayed immediately to avoid the risk of uterine cancer, mammary cancer, and other health concerns associated with an intact reproductive system. consistent process. 6. Its important to treat this condition promptly with antibiotics to avoid serious complications. This is especially common among rabbits with a large dewlap (what is a dewlap?). Other bacterial infections on the skin can lead to scratching and itching, leading to hair loss. Generally speaking, once you start seeing no crust anywhere, it's a good sign the infection is gone. If the condition is not addressed, it can cause an infection on the skin. Its an area that tends to get worn away and causes inflammation, especially as rabbits age. 2. However, many of the wounds will be caused by the animal scratching themselves out of frustration. If you think this might be the case, try switching to hypoallergenic products and see if the problem clears up. If fur loss is Like humans, rabbits could also get bacterial infections that affect the urinary tract (kidneys and bladders). Even pseudopregnant females sometimes pluck in . Avoid using preparations designed for humans as theyre unsafe for animals that groom themselves. Urine scalding is a condition that occurs when urine gets onto a rabbits fur and skin and sits there for long periods of time. If, after discovering the cause, theres only little you can do on your own to stop the hair loss, take your bunny to see the vet for immediate and proper treatment. While shedding is perfectly normal in rabbits, abnormal fur loss associated with flaky skin and dandruff, crusty appearance, inflammation, and open sores are causes for concern. Make sure to keep your rabbits habitat clean and scoop out their litter box every day. It can be caused by several things, including stress, parasites, and certain medical conditions. result of stress, boredom or poor health. Poor nutrition is one of the most common causes of fur loss in rabbits. Right after you sign up, youll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. Animal biotechnology, 33(1), 159166. When female rabbits are pregnant, they will pluck their fur from their dewlap, chest, and forelegs to use as a lining for a nest. Ordinarily, healthy rabbits do not drool at all. If your rabbit isnt getting enough nutrients from its food, this can lead to poor coat condition and excessive shedding. These infestations and infections can often result in a dermatological disease such as ringworm. Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does. hard, wet or rough surfaces. He stop drinking water and just eats carrots. It could also experience urine dribbling. rabbit sheds and the length of the molting period varies from one rabbit to 3. There are many potential causes of this condition, including dental problems, viral infections, and malnutrition. An overweight rabbit might be too large to scratch themselves properly, something which can lead to a rabbit barbering out of frustration. The same goes for fleas. severe signs of ear mites in rabbits include spasms of the eye muscles and If you think stress might be the cause of your rabbits hair loss, talk to your vet about how best to reduce stress levels in your pet. One of the many reasons your bunny could be experiencing abnormal hair loss could be due to parasitic infections. Your rabbit is shedding due to changes in season or temperature. (sore hock) is common in rabbits that have been housed on wire flooring, or Learn more about common but subtle symptoms of illness in rabbits. Irritated or reddened eyes. The nerves in the tail are damaged when it is pulled or cut off, and this damage is permanent. The hocks are the heel of a rabbits foot. However, the time duration differs from one breed to another and between two different rabbits of the same breed. can lose at a time. If you notice your rabbit losing patches of fur, take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes. Typically the hair loss will be accompanied by other symptoms that will help you figure out the underlying cause. Although healthy rabbits will shed a certain amount of fur throughout the year, alopecia in rabbits is an amount of hair loss which is considered abnormal. Superficial pyoderma can also lead to hair loss, itching, and ulceration of the skin. Though fairly uncommon in rabbits, the burrowing mange mite can lead to extremely uncomfortable and painful itching, which can further lead to severe hair loss. They feed on rabbits and many mammals. Your vet may recommend This is because tropical rat mites permanently reside on a primary host, which is often rats and sometimes pigeons. Spaying and neutering are also important for your rabbits health and longevity. Rabbits lose patches of fur due to parasite infections (lice, fleas, mites, and fungus), urinary tract disorders, dental issues, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial infections. Fur loss on the around the mouth and the chin can be treated by solving the underlying dental issue. If you notice that your pet bunny is suddenly covered in bald patches, this may be because it is shedding excessively. If left untreated, it can be fatal. If your vet suspects that your rabbits fur loss may be associated with a hormonal imbalance, he may order a blood sample for an analysis of your rabbits endocrine systems, such as its thyroid function. If you want to either treat a rabbit which is already stressed or reduce the chances of becoming stressed in the first place, you should consider the following: If a rabbit has been stressed to the point where they have removed hair from their body in clumps or patches, then they should be take to the vet for assessment. Contact your vet if you notice your rabbit losing fur. The treatment for ear canker in rabbits is 3 treatments of ivermectin injections once every 10-14 days, or one moxidectin injection every 10 days for two treatments. Required fields are marked *. Its also helpful to have your rabbits have large running spaces so that the rabbit getting groomed can keep away from the groomer if needed. Rabbits have long teeth, with equally lengthy roots. A natural molting pattern is consistent: rabbits tend to lose and grow back fur at a uniform rate. However, some types of fur mites are not easily identified upon visual inspection or on skin scraping. Symptoms of hair loss can progress slowly or suddenly. In some cases, increasing your rabbits quality of life will help them recover and regrow their fur quickly, but in other cases, it will require professional diagnosis and medication. As a pet owner, its natural to worry when you notice your furry friend is losing patches of fur. Getting your rabbit spayed should solve this behavior. Although barbering is a normal behavior, it can be avoided. Flystrike is a condition that occurs rapidly. Keep an eye on the area over the next few days to be sure the wound is healing and doesnt become infected. While shedding is perfectly normal in rabbits, abnormal fur loss associated with flaky skin and dandruff, crusty appearance, inflammation, and open sores are causes for concern. Rabbits five years or older also have a higher risk of dental issues. - Parasites Their breathing is different Image Credit: Xaya, Pixabay. as flakes in the skin that resemble dandruff. If you think your rabbit may have this condition, its important to take them to the vet right away. [Ear Mites in Rabbits: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Recovery, Cost, Prevention]. Learn more about how you can get quality hay (even ORGANIC hay!) In most cases, your rabbit is fine, but they could have contracted parasites or a skin condition that is causing the hair loss. Leaving the condition untreated causes the crustiness to progress until raw lesions cover extensive regions of the body, causing itching and subsequent hair loss. Urine scalding will often happen as a result of an unclean living environment. parasites are not difficult to eliminate and treatment often leads to immediate infection your rabbit is suffering from. Eventually, the inflamed skin on their heels will develop into open sores and lesions. Wet fur and skin can cause a lot of irritation and itchiness, which will result in fur loss, rashes, or sores. Another possible cause of hair loss is stress. If you want to read similar articles to My Rabbit Is Losing Fur - Alopecia in Rabbits, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category. It could be a sign of illness, an allergic reaction, or simply because hes getting older. Its much more likely that rabbits will develop sore hocks if they have improper flooring (wire cage floors are bad for rabbit feet), toenails that are too long, or they are obese and putting extra weight on their feet. own. In many cases, hair loss can be accompanied by severe itching which can be painful and uncomfortable. Alopecia: or other hormonal imbalance that affects hair follicles. types of mites. Stress can also lead to other health problems such as digestive issues, so its important to try and keep your rabbit as relaxed as possible. If your rabbit is losing fur around their mouth, its important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Allergies: Like humans, rabbits can suffer from allergies to pollen, dust, dander, certain foods, etc. Fur that is wet for long periods of time can eventually lead to hair loss. Many rabbit owners have noticed their rabbits shedding more fur than usual and wonder if something is wrong. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So it would seem like your rabbit is exhibiting cold symptoms if it has snuffles. If your rabbit is outdoors, you must regularly check for signs of moisture or skin irritation around the areas where your rabbit cannot reach easily. It is important to know that alopecia is a symptom and not a disease. We can differentiate between barbering in rabbits and other types of alopecia by looking to see if they have any other symptoms. She has never met another rabbit, and rarely leaves her room. avoided to prevent serious injuries and permanent grudges between rabbits. As a result, malnourishment can also lead to hair loss in rabbits. If they have a parasitic infection, it could lead to severe itching, which would, in turn, lead to your bunny scratching its body so hard that its fur falls out. Allergies can be caused by anything from dust or pollen to certain foods or medications. Once you've done a thorough brushing, pet your rabbit with a few long strokes down their back. 4. If your rabbit has ringworm, it will cause them to lose patches of fur. The first thing to know about rabbit hair shedding (also known as molting) is that it is a perfectly normal. Does can also pull hormones from other pregnant female rabbits and have a false pregnancy, otherwise known as a phantom pregnancy. This happens because it is losing old fur faster than it is growing new fur. Parasite infestation can be caused by fleas, lice, mange lice, fur mites, mites causing ear canker, and fungus (ringworm). In the meantime, here are some possible causes of hair loss . If pregnancy is impossible, your rabbit is probably experiencing a false pregnancy. Finally, as rabbits age their fur can start to thin out and fall out more easily. Your email address will not be published. If problems develop, immediate care, such as providing warmth, corticosteroids and warm IV fluids will be needed. Ringworm fungus may cause slight irritation to the skin, sometimes accompanied by tiny, raised, red spots. loss from the ears and infections that can damage the inner ear and reach the This is when the rabbit sheds its old fur in preparation for new growth. Take action when you notice that your bunnys front teeth are noticeably sticking out. Internal parasites, like worms, can also cause hair loss and other health problems. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible problems. Over grooming (licking and chewing more than usual). Beyond these, be sure that your rabbit's cage is as clean as . In such cases, there will be other signs to look for, so it is important for every owner to be prepared on how to recognize them. Fur loss may be restricted to the region under the chin, in the folds of the dewlap or down the chest. All rights reserved. Important: These are Affiliate links. If left untreated, the crust would cover more areas of the body, causing a lot of itching from your rabbits and would lead to fur falling off. Keep your rabbit comfortable while your veterinarian finds the cause of urine A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to a condition called alopecia, which causes the hair follicles to stop growing. If you suspect your bunny has a parasite infection, you should take it to a vet to be looked at. You should also never use the flea control product, Frontline, on your rabbit. This genetic anomaly also generally comes with other health issues and results in the premature death of the rabbit. Fungal infections in If so, youre not alone. 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