I have my grandmothers 158-10302 that was likely pea green at one point, but now, more olive. Your machine is one of those made in Japan but sold in Canada denoted by the C in the model number. The olive groves of the Nikolarakis family are found throughout the region of Kalamafka. Its plethora of databases help you find dates of manufacture of thousands of sewing machines. If your serial number has no letter prefix, its made before 1963. Please help. Home Series Serial NumbersSinger Sewing Machine Company Series Serial NumbersSinger Sewing Machine Serial Number Database. Where was my Antique Singer sewing machine made, the serial number starts with two letters ? That was another feature that helped Dressmaker to be bought by many women. I'm very grateful to K. Newton for permission to use their picture. Sometimes I use her for quilt piecing too, but shell do just about anything except multiple layers of heavy denim or upholstery material. Most Kenmore models have secondary names. It may get you the model number if you do not know what it is. webmaster. Maruzen made a 158.15 which is virtually identical but is found more commonly in the United States. But be careful as some people place too much value on the machine and over price it. Some older models used an outside cam to help you get more decorative stitches onto your clothing item. That is definitely a quality piece of furniture. One place to look would be at the following link. Your machine takes cams, has back facing spool pins, and an accessory tray that removes to expose the free arm. Our website will be expanding very soon; we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime and we appreciate your patience. No Letter Prefix. In the future, I hope to do in-depth research and get some answers for you as your not the first person to ask about the c877 machines. Here are some tips to help guide you when you are looking at buying an older used Dressmaker sewing machine. Antique According to Wikipedia, an item of value is referred to as an Antique if its over 100 years old. This is quite possible as there were about 5000 different Japanese brands, many with American sounding names, on the market throughout the late 20th century, after the second world war. Hopefully one will pop up for sale near me one day. https://www.google.com/search?q=photos+of+Kenmore+120-490&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS863US863&sxsrf=AOaemvKIfWA1QW0U4kGOzcmF72iNHXbbbQ:1636566720291&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=EsG1DScs7upvCM%252Cx6IJrf86pQ-VOM%252C_%253Bj6t5jNefWdR5bM%252Cr1G9i2fZ_1eLVM%252C_%253B2KvZ_39EpSHaMM%252CW2SQRJ9M-kavKM%252C_%253BSbeVU3GufTfRfM%252CRDStqOKIh4WNkM%252C_%253BfKo7HV1ldUNukM%252CqsXNFjNLawU-nM%252C_%253BOxQFg1wUq-_IbM%252CNwR5_rh-HbfqMM%252C_%253BOaUxWOsjvwFd3M%252CAHbcxXAnsLgdLM%252C_%253BXz678XJs2nRN1M%252C0PxVIc4xiv7AEM%252C_%253BG8ZAB-weiME-HM%252CpEV9viiU7DocVM%252C_%253B2sWnh2PrgVWe_M%252CKUZDibUWiHFWqM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSNUAAQfR2Y921iRglt2y3QEmDN2Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw742Qro70AhXuhOAKHX_GDucQ9QF6BAgMEAE#imgrc=EsG1DScs7upvCM, I hope she gets to see this sewing machine. Was this an Empire made machine? AC Series Serial Numbers. Can you tell me what year it is? Guess I like him a lot too. For those who cannot find a model number anywhere, take a photo of the machine, and try emailing it to the manufacturer's customer service email address for help. AA Series Serial Numbers. Vintage, Antique, and Rare Sewing Machines - International Sewing Machine Collectors Society There are so many models of Kenmore, but few have reached legendary status. ISMACS is an organization totally independent of all sewing-machine manufacturers, past or present and is not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in these pages. Kenmore often ran one manual for multiple models because each machine was so similar to the other. My Nanna grew up on a farm in New Zealand in the 1930s. If we don't have a listing for the name, please use the search function to see if there is any mention of it on our site. A quarterly magazine and access to our annual sewing machine auction are but two membership benefits. Thank you!! It is filled with the information you need to know about the dressmaker sewing machine. This is a mystery that is quite difficult to unravel. If you have a Singer, you should be able to find the date of manufacture. Contact: /*
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