The South Vietnamese government, on the other hand, fought to preserve a Vietnam more closely aligned with the West. The National Archives has custody of a wide assortment of both textual documents and electronic records related to the Vietnam conflict. Through the years, the memorial has matured and developed into a unique place of tranquility and honor. According to the Vietnamese government, unexploded ordnance has killed some 42,000 people since the end of the war. [91] Around 3035% of American deaths in the war were non-combat or friendly fire deaths; the largest causes of death in the U.S. armed forces were small arms fire (31.8%), booby traps including mines and frags (27.4%), and aircraft crashes (14.7%). troops. But it was still missing this until now. The American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress sponsors the Veterans History Project, which includes detailed first-hand accounts of war experiences, including those of Vietnam veterans. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union and China poured weapons, supplies, and advisers into the North, which in turn provided support, political direction, and regular combat troops for the campaign in the South. 31, 1973 See image 154; Register of Vietnam War casualties from Kentucky; Directory of United States prisoners of war and missing in action as a result of the Vietnam War Kinston, North Carolina : Last Firebase Veterans Archive Project . Those who argue that the United States opponents won the war cite the United States overall objectives and outcomes. In my report I described them as so many women between fifteen and twenty-five and so many childrenusually in their mothers' arms or very close to themand so many old people." [49] The Second Marine Brigade perpetrated the Phong Nh and Phong Nht massacre on 12 February 1968. The Coffelt Database of Vietnam War casualties has its roots in an effort begun by Richard Donham Coffelt. [65], According to the Vietnamese government's official history, the PAVN suffered over 100,000 casualties during the 1972 Easter Offensive, including 40,000 killed. [95][98] As a result, by the war's completion, total black casualties averaged 12.5% of US combat deaths, approximately equal to percentage of draft-eligible black men, though still slightly higher than the 10% who served in the military. He estimated that victims of democide (deliberate killing of civilians) included 214,000 by North Vietnam/VC and 98,000 by South Vietnam and its allies. November 11, 1982. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died. No estimate given for deaths caused by Viet Cong/North Vietnam (195475). On the west wall, the symbol precedes the name; on the east wall, the symbol follows the name. [71] The official US Department of Defense figure was 950,765 communist forces killed in Vietnam from 1965 to 1974. Some photos that have been submitted are obituary photos, high school yearbook photos or Polaroids from Vietnam.. Kennedys expansion stemmed in part from Cold War-era fears about the domino theory: if communism took hold in Vietnam, it would topple democracies throughout the whole of Southeast Asia, it was thought. As a result, the software improperly truncated or abbreviated names. Zita is the editor of both Military History Quarterly and Vietnam Magazine. The goal was to collect at least one photograph of each of the 58,281 Vietnam War service members whose names are inscribed on the Wall began in 2001. Ronald H. Spector is Professor of History and International Affairs in the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. [1] [11], Author Mark Woodruff noted that when the Vietnamese Government finally revealed its estimated losses (in April 1995) as being 1.1 million dead or missing, U.S body count figures had actually underestimated enemy losses. Long before the Vietnam conflict had ended, the "Huey" (its original Army designation was HU-1A, for Helicopter, Utility, Model 1A) was probably the most recognizable helicopter in the world. If a name was particularly long, it would be swapped with a shorter name. The Wall That Heals has a large-screen TV and slideshow, Hoehn said. [92], African Americans suffered disproportionately high casualty rates in Vietnam. In October 1966, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara initiated Project 100,000 which further lowered military standards for 100,000 additional draftees per year. The Wall in Washington, D.C., had 58.281 names of Vietnam War casualties on it. According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, between 200,000 and 400,000 boat people died at sea. among the more than 58,000 names on the Vietnam . [3], A 1995 demographic study in Population and Development Review calculated 791,0001,141,000 war-related Vietnamese deaths, both soldiers and civilians, for all of Vietnam from 196575. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). This is the genius of Mayas design, said Scruggs. Inscribed dots in the margins of every other panel mark every 10 lines to aid in counting. "The Vietnam Wars." We are hoping for better photos of many of them.. [45], Air force captain, Brian Wilson, who carried out bomb-damage assessments in free-fire zones throughout the delta, saw the results firsthand. Australia deployed over 60,000 servicemen and women to the conflict in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975; Australians served between 1962 and 1973, and again for a brief period in 1975. Encounter Books, December 2022. Defense Department officials believed that these body count figures need to be deflated by 30 percent. This change prompted the addition of 110 names in 1986. [101], Agent Orange and similar chemical defoliants have also caused a considerable number of deaths and injuries over the years, including among the US Air Force crew that handled them. Doubek was tasked with identifying all of the names to be included on the Wall. Mary Klinker,. : 325 6 January. On the stencil printouts, each line contained five names per row. Here's What to Know About Them 1st. [62], According to American writer Joseph Babcock, the Vietnamese government estimated 300,000 PAVN/VC missing-in-action (MIA) in 2019, but that the real number of MIA is widely believed to be closer to 500,000 people, whose bodies were either never found or buried anonymously and never identified. A Korean War era soldier and later an attorney in Hays, Kansas, Richard became aware that the government had not made public a central source of information regarding the servicemen and women who died as a result of service in Vietnam. [66][67] After the U.S.'s withdrawal from the conflict, the Pentagon estimated PAVN/VC deaths at 39,000 in 1973 and 61,000 in 1974. Accurate assessments of PAVN/VC losses, he wrote, were 'largely impossible due to lack of disclosure by the Vietnamese government, terrain, destruction of remains by firepower, and [inability] to confirm artillery and aerial kills.' You can scroll down to see the names of casualties listed under their official city. At the heart of the conflict was the desire of North Vietnam, which had defeated the French colonial administration of Vietnam in 1954, to unify the entire country under a single communist regime modeled after those of the Soviet Union and China. John on March 28, 1966 and David on April 21, 1969 Brothers George and James Wright were both killed in Vietnam. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Significant numbers resettled in the United States, Canada, Italy, Australia, France, West Germany, and the United Kingdom. Eight Women's Names Are Among the Thousands on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. The human costs of the long conflict were harsh for all involved. Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950 - 1976 NAID 745 RG, 472, Meritorious Unit Commendations, 1967 - 1971 NAID 4726287 Medal of Honor Awards Case Files, 1965 - ca. They went to the grave, where Salois placed a single red . [35], For official US military operations reports, there was no established distinctions between enemy KIA and civilian KIA. For families who have worked to have their loved ones name added, the journey can be long and exhausting. The gun had been randomly lobbing in rounds for over a week and was hidden in an abandoned FSB nearby.Two of our six 105mm howitzer crews took direct hits during a night mortar attack. Vietnam emerged from the war as a potent military power within Southeast Asia, but its agriculture, business, and industry were disrupted, large parts of its countryside were scarred by bombs and defoliation and laced with land mines, and its cities and towns were heavily damaged. The job of cross-referencing the information of individual branches with the DoD fell to Doubek. The Memorial is dedicated to honor the courage . Two people were killed and four others were wounded after gunfire erupted at Chickasaw Park in Louisville on Saturday night, authorities said. Vietnam War, (195475), a protracted conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, against the government of South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. Rummel calculated PAVN/VC deaths at 1,062,000 and ARVN and allied war deaths of 741,000, with both totals including civilians inadvertently killed. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial provides a searchable database of names included on the Memorial, as well as lists of casualties. Civilian deaths caused by both sides amounted to a significant percentage of total deaths. He estimates that between 30 and 46% of the total war deaths were civilians. Several hundred such designation changes have been made since the Wall was built in 1982. American soldiers and Vietnamese refugees returning to the town of Hue, in Vietnam. Once additions are approved by DoD, VVMF receives the list of approved names, coordinates the inscribing and absorbs the costs. [22], Thomas Thayer in 1985 estimated that during the 196572 period the VC killed 33,052 South Vietnamese village officials and civil servants.[23]. As of 2017, there are 58,318 names inscribed on The Wall. The last 18 names listed on the bottom of Panel 1, West, also at the apex, are from May 15, 1975. According to RJ Rummel, from 1964 to 1975, an estimated 1,500 people died during the forced relocations of 1,200,000 civilians, another 5,000 prisoners died from ill-treatment and about 30,000 suspected communists and fighters were executed. The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. In reality, it is a collection of ideas, images, and information that enough people have chosen to preserve and disseminate. You can also visit the mobile exhibit. [50][51] South Korean Marines reportedly perpetrated the H My massacre on 25 February 1968. [93][94] With the draft increasing due to the troop buildup in South Vietnam, the military significantly lowered its admission standards. The lists are based on the home of record state data provided by the serviceman or woman upon last entrance into military service. She is currently pursuing a masters degree in military history. The war lasted from 1955 to 1975 and most of the fighting took place in South Vietnam; accordingly it suffered the most casualties. [2], Guenter Lewy in 1978 estimated 1,353,000 total deaths in North and South Vietnam during the period 19651974 in which the U.S. was most engaged in the war. Many black men who had previously been ineligible could now be drafted, along with many poor and racially intolerant white men from the southern states. For this figure, Guenter Lewy assumes that one-third of the reported enemy killed may have been civilians, concluding that the actual number of deaths of the VC and PAVN military forces was probably closer to 444,000. The Wall in Washington, DC has the names listed in the order of the date of death or when the person became missing. Those totals include only Vietnamese deaths, and do not include American and other allied military deaths which amounted to about 64,000. The mission of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is to honor and preserve the legacy of service and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War. OR To shorten the name list, enter 2 or more letters of any part of a name in the box below. This resulted in a dramatic decrease in the proportion of black casualties, and by late 1967, black casualties had fallen to 13%, and were below 10% in 1970 to 1972. [5], In 1995, the Vietnamese government released its estimate of war deaths for the more lengthy period of 195575. The United States entered Vietnam with the principal purpose of preventing a communist takeover of the region. Thus, there were 211,455 killed and wounded, or one in every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. [citation needed] Black people often made up a disproportionate 25% or more of combat units, while constituting only 12% of the military. The question of who won the Vietnam War has been a subject of debate, and the answer depends on the definition of victory. PAVN and VC losses were reported as 1.1 million dead and civilian deaths of Vietnamese on both sides totaled 2.0 million. 20% of black males were combat soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Volunteer researcher Janna Hoehn, interviewed by Vietnam magazine in March, spearheaded the effort to collect the last 18 names needed to complete the Wall of Faces earlier this year. (At least 100 names on the memorial are those of servicemen who were actually Canadian citizens.) Ho Khang, ed, Marilyn Young. During one review, Doubek found a glitch with the computer software: it did not recognize the spaces that appeared within a last name, such as van der Meide. Nor could it properly discern a compounded first name, such as Billy Bob, versus a traditional first and middle name. [19], Other casualties for the ARVN included up to 1,170,000 military wounded,[59] and 1,000,000 surrendered or captured. Vietnam's government claimed that 400,000 people were killed or maimed as a result of after effects, and that 500,000 children were born with birth defects. 2040 Broadway Street for records of U.S. Army casualties documenting the period 1961-1981. The United States has spent over $65 million since 1998 as part of unexploded ordnance clearing operations. Ambassador to Vietnam David Shear. harvnb error: no target: CITEREFTurse2013 (. Locate the line on which the name is inscribed. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. The U.S. Military estimated that approximately 200,000 to 250,000 South Vietnamese perished in the Vietnam War. This series contains records of U.S. military officers and soldiers who died as a result of either hostile or non-hostile occurrence or who were missing in action or prisoners of war in the Southeast Asian combat area during the Vietnam War, including casualties that occurred in Cambodia, China, Laos, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and Thailand. [19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. Democide is the murder of persons by or at the behest of governments. Data for deaths in Laos is incomplete. My Lai (4) and My Khe (4) (collectively the My Lai Massacre) claimed the largest number of victims with 420 and 90 respectively, and in five other places a total of about 100 civilians were executed. Lins intention from the beginning was to have the names appear chronologically, beginning and ending at the apex. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war. On the other end of that phone call was an former Air Force officer who had served in Vietnam. State-Level Lists of Fatal Casualties of the Korean War (6/28/1950 - 3/10/1954) and the Vietnam War (6/8/1956 - 5/28/2006) Korean War State-Level Fatal Casualty Lists sorted Alphabetically by Last Name Vietnam War State-Level Fatal Casualty Lists sorted Alphabetically by Last Name [70], RJ Rummel estimates 1,011,000 PAVN/VC combatant deaths. We were tickled to death," Raymond Klug told Milkovits. Those who argue that the United States won the war point to the fact that the U.S. defeated communist forces during most of Vietnams major battles. Johnson raised the number of South Vietnam deployments to 23,000 U.S. soldiers by the end of his first year in office. The Vietnamese newspaper Nhn Dn reported in 2012 that the U.S. government was providing $41 million to the project, which aimed to reduce the contamination level in 73,000 m of soil by late 2016. [36][37][41] All individuals killed in declared free-fire zones, combatants or not, were considered enemy killed in action by US forces . Alfred M. Gray Research Center With the glitch discovered, Doubek and his team located and hand-corrected each error. He did so after a chance encounter at a VVMF event that brings a smaller replica of The Wall to communities across America. The boat people's first destinations were the Southeast Asian locations of Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. "UCDP/Prio Armed Conflict Database", Uppsala University, sfn error: no target: CITEREFRummel1997 (. The study came up with a most likely Vietnamese death toll of 882,000, which included 655,000 adult males (above 15 years of age), 143,000 adult females, and 84,000 children. [79], The total number of American personnel who were KIA or died non-hostile deaths, were enlisted personnel with a casualty number of 50,441. [68] Per the official Vietnamese history, over 10,000 more PAVN soldiers were killed in the final offensive of early 1975. These estimates probably include deaths of Vietnamese soldiers in Laos and Cambodia, but do not include deaths of South Vietnamese and allied soldiers which would add nearly 300,000 for a grand total of 3.4 million military and civilian dead. By Age: Age at Time of Death Casualties 17 12 18 3,103 19 8,283 20 14,095 21 9,705 22 4,798 Nick Turse, in his 2013 book, Kill Anything that Moves, argues that a relentless drive toward higher body counts, a widespread use of free-fire zones, rules of engagement where civilians who ran from soldiers or helicopters could be viewed as VC, and a widespread disdain for Vietnamese civilians led to massive civilian casualties and endemic war crimes inflicted by U.S. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. "Triumph Regained: The Vietnam War, 1965-1968." The last 18 names listed on the bottom of Panel 1, West, also at the apex, are from May 15, 1975. Some have tried for years before receiving approval from DoD. Two further massacres were reported by soldiers who had taken part in them, one north of c Pho in, 426 killed in action, 74 died of other causes, 6 missing in action (all accounted for and repatriated), This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 15:30. From refugee camps in Southeast Asia, the great majority of boat people were resettled in more developed countries. Not far away in another grove of eight trees is a sculpture of three servicewomen caring for a wounded soldier - the Vietnam Women's Memorial. from Johns Hopkins and his MA and Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. With this list in hand, he went to the various locations where individual service records were kept to review files. [11][23]:106 R.J. Rummel estimated that ARVN suffered between 219,000 and 313,000 deaths during the war, including in 1975 and prior to 1960. These were caused by assassinations, massacres, terror tactics, artillery, extensive aerial bombing, and the use of firepower in military operations conducted in heavily populated areas. The war also spilled over into the neighboring countries of Cambodia and Laos which also endured casualties from aerial bombing and ground fighting. Search and destroy was a term to describe operations aimed at flushing the Viet Cong out of hiding, while body count was the measuring stick for operation success and this resulted in exaggeration and listing civilian deaths as enemy KIA. 1:50. Another challenge was ensuring the accuracy of the names. Kirby on June 8, 1968 and Lanny on October 14, 1969 Brothers Jerry and Joseph Hailey were both killed in Vietnam. [57], The ARVN suffered 254,256 recorded combat deaths between 1960 and 1974, with the highest number of recorded deaths being in 1972, with 39,587 combat deaths. An additional 232,000 military personnel were still missing as of 2017, a total of 1,081,000 dead and missing for the American War. This approach would allow veterans, friends and family members to find a loved one by his or her date of casualty. The terms of this expansion included yet more funding and arms, but a key alteration was the commitment of U.S. soldiers to the region. Even if a veterans family is gone, we still need to honor him, Hoehn had said in her interview. Another potential limitation is the relatively small sample size of the study. [62] According to the Vice Minister Nguyn B Hoan, in 2022, nearly 200,000 PAVN/VC were still MIA (whose bodies were have not been found), and 300,000 whose bodies have been found, but buried anonymously and never identified. Between October 1966 and June 1969, 246,000 soldiers were recruited through Project 100,000, of whom 41% were black; black people only made up about 11% of the population of the US. U.S. casualties were listed as 72 killed and 372 wounded. An estimate by the Department of Defense after the war gave a figure of 1.2 million civilian casualties, including 195,000 deaths. The overwhelming majority of the MIA are from northern Vietnam. Search by SSN, name, date of casualty, etc. [36][37][38][39] The My Lai Massacre was initially written off as an operational success and covered up. Washington Navy Yard Your donation to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund will help expand our mission to honor, educate and heal. The names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, better known as the Wall, will no longer stand alone. In order to have your name on the Wall, you had to have died within the war zone, explained Doubek. The Wall of Faces gallery, an initiative of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, is now finally complete after more than two decades of research, the VVMF has announced. [29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants. [62] Across all three wars including the First Indochina War and the Third Indochina War there was a total of 1,146,250 PAVN/VC confirmed military deaths, included 939,460 with bodies recovered and 207,000 with the bodies unfound. On that panel, above the names is this inscription: In honor of the men and women of the armed forces of the United States who served in the Vietnam War. Textual documents relating to the Vietnam conflict are spread across several record groups (RGs). I asked if he wanted to see his picture, Reckinger said. According to a 2009 study, one third of land in the central provinces of Vietnam is still contaminated with unexploded mines and ordnance. The chronological order allows veterans who were in a battle to see their friends forever united on the Wall, he explained. Unfortunately, the Department of Defense and the individual service branches maintained separate casualty lists with slightly differing criteria. Count down from the top of the panel. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Researchers should also contact the Marine Corps Archives & Special Collections at, Marine Corps Archives and Special Collections McNamara claimed this program would provide valuable training, skills and opportunity to America's poora promise that was never carried out. The names are listed in chronological order, according to the date of casualty. [20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity. He would become instrumental in helping Doubek identify names and check spellings. This memorial was built with private contributions from the American people. Not until 1995 did Vietnam release its official estimate of war dead: as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters. Some are drawn to the Wall like pilgrims to Mecca. [60] Prior to the 1975 spring offensive, at least 5,336 ARVN were captured, being released in the aftermath of the Paris Peace Accords. Necessarily, more is lost to time than is remembered. The officially-reported numbers and categories below cover American Vietnam War deaths by age group, branch of service, service component, type of death, reason for death, race, religion, sex, state/protectorate and deaths by war year (including post-war). [14], German historian Bernd Greiner mentions the following war crimes reported and/or investigated by the Peers Commission and the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group, among other sources:[43]. Fallen comrades could be together on the Wall, as theyd been in death. The list of names goes down panel 1 East, then to the right to line 1 of panel 2 East. "[56] Investigations by Korean civic groups have alleged that at least 9,000 civilians were massacred by ROK forces. [26], RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000. It specified the geographic areas of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and surrounding coastal areas as combat zones. Chapter 14: "The cease-fire war claimed 26,500 ARVN dead in 1973, and almost 30,000 in 1974. The two countries finally resumed formal diplomatic relations in 1995. The idea behind adding faces to the names on The Wall was that even a simple image of a human face not only preserves the memory of the dead but touches the lives of people today. A wounded U.S. paratrooper grimaces in pain as he awaits medical evacuation at base camp in the A Shau Valley near the Laos border in South Vietnam on May 19, 1969 during the Vietnam War. All would be represented equally, with generals listed alongside infantrymen. I went through the whole list of names eight times, because I was concerned about the correct formatting, remembered Doubek. Although the records may not be complete, the U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished, and categorized the deaths as follows. The above figures on missing and wounded were calculated using Hanoi's declared casualty ratios for the period of 1945 to 1979, during which time the Communists incurred 1.1 million killed, 300,000 missing, and 600,000 wounded. We worked very hard with volunteers from the Gold Star Mothers, recalled Doubek. [102] The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or suffer health problems due to Agent Orange exposure. CNN's Victor Blackwell has more on the latest. According to statistics from the South Vietnamese Ministry of Health, 44.5% of civilians admitted to hospitals between 1967 and 1970 were wounded by mines or mortars, 21.2% by guns or grenades, and 34.3% by artillery or bombing. [25][30], 18.2 million gallons of Agent Orange, some of which was contaminated with Dioxin, was sprayed by the U.S. military over more than 10% of Southern Vietnam[31] as part of the U.S. herbicidal warfare program Operation Ranch Hand during the Vietnam War, from 1961 to 1971. The following is a chart of all casualties, listed by race, and in descending order. By nearly every metric, the Vietnam War was, in the common sense of the word, a war. (The estimates for 195564 are much higher than other estimates). Vietnam War, 1961-1975. The United States had provided funding, armaments, and training to South Vietnams government and military since Vietnams partition into the communist North and the democratic South in 1954. People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) forces attacked a U.S. 23rd Infantry Division night defensive position near c Ph Base Camp.In the four hour battle 29 PAVN and seven U.S. soldiers were killed. I looked at the record to determine whether mortal wounds were sustained, Doubek said of the men whose names were listed by the Army, but not by DoD. [55] These policies were also reported on by US commanders, with one US Marine General stating "whenever the Korean marines received fire "or think [they got] fired on from a village they'd divert from their march and go over and completely level the village it would be a lesson to (the Vietnamese). 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Surrounding coastal areas as combat zones with slightly differing criteria at 1,062,000 and ARVN and allied war were... In 1973, and information that enough people have chosen to preserve a Vietnam more aligned. Of Mayas design, said Scruggs claimed 26,500 ARVN dead in 1973, and the United has! 1995, the symbol follows the name list, enter 2 or more letters any... Deaths, and the individual service records were kept to review files symbol follows the name on... A Vietnam more closely aligned with the principal purpose of preventing a communist takeover of the names are among more. ] Investigations by Korean civic groups have alleged that at least 100 names on Wall... Educate and heal and ARVN and allied war deaths for the more lengthy period of 195575 symbol follows name... Final offensive of early 1975 people died at sea hard with volunteers from the Gold Star Mothers recalled! Documents relating to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions 14, 1969 Jerry. Be included on the Wall was built with private contributions from the American war and. Who won the war zone, explained Doubek the Gold Star Mothers, recalled.! In South Vietnam ; accordingly it suffered the most casualties the total war deaths the... Tranquility and honor he estimates that between 30 and 46 % of black males were combat soldiers,,...

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