{22:21} Couple of things. You can go to our Facebook page and get it right there on Facebook as we do it live each Monday and sometimes additional days from there. Theres one individual then in another group, Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist and he was put in prison by the fascist. Anybody who knows anything about anything says if I have a gun and you reach to grab my gun, one of us is in trouble. But even living in the UK was so different from the US and it just really made me appreciate America. The term intersectionality is another dimension of this minority status. Why? And it was right there and it was huge and it was heavy. So yes I was a fatherless, young black man growing up in the ghetto in south L.A. drug infested, gang infested south L.A. 2 yr. ago Panentheist, Post-Christian It's not even just a boogeyman it's a phrase that was used by the nazis. What does understanding our culture's worldview have to do with preaching the Gospel? The police who policed my neighborhood were from the famous or infamous, depending on who youre asking, Rampart Division. This man sat under an overt Marxist pastor for decades. Thats a problem. Its a sin. It saw people becoming passive recipients of political and ideological information, instead of being activists. Guess what? {32:40} Well theres another group of individuals the Frankfurt School. So, what we did was every week, we would pray for our leaders. Now that place where your not whiteness and your not maleness intersects is where you feel the weight of your oppression. So thats where I come from. @w 3]i<. Itll be vitally important to restoring our nation and bringing back these principles that made America great in the first place. The same way, if youre a longtime listener, WallBuilders Live, you know, we have a legislators conference where we have a lot of great speakers come in and we try to share as many of those sessions with you as we can. Is that part of what made us ripe for this right now? In a speech given on "Cultural Marxism," Baucham blamed cultural change on a group called the Frankfurt school, a collection of Jewish scholars who he said set out to intentionally. Racism in the heart of an individual. If youre not white and youre not male and youre not heterosexual and youre not cisgendered and youre not able-bodied Or youre not a native-born American, youre an immigrant. Required fields are marked *. It's crazy how our bodies work. But both sides recognize that thats a way to shut the other down because right now these are not issues that are being debated. Weve got way too many people in prison in this country. And its a topic that I have been talking about for a long time, and its a topic that most people didnt want to hear me talk about, but now for some strange reason people are finding it more relevant. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice.". advocated socialistic values and socialist revolution, LAPD Rampart Division - 1960s Police Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, Tagged: Voddie Bacham, Founders Ministries, Racism, Marxism, Sermons, Sermon Videos, Barack H. Obama, Gangs, Los Angeles, California, Cultural Marxism, Hatred, Hate, Police Officers, Police, Politics, Immigration, U.S. Laws, U.S. It was kind of right here, you know. However, as this is transcribed from a live talk show, words and sentence structure were not altered to fit grammatical, written norms in order to preserve the integrity of the actual dialogue between the speakers. LEARN MORE I mean, we had prayer services and God is very clear about prayer. Thats part of whats made us right for this, is more sinister than that. Cultural Marxism is an agenda, not just an idea. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." Voddie, I love you, brother. SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES " *" indicates required fields. And so thats my decision here; my decision here is to give that. Its a disruptive, transformative agenda. Why do we think about each other that way? He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. with David Barton, Tim Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. A weekly brief of our new teaching resources. Podcast description: Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. How does Marxism and biblical worldview compete in America right now from your perspective? He also saw religion as the opiate of the masses that allowed them to be oppressed by capitalism, so he was rabidly atheistic. 7 Steps to Family Worship Voddie Baucham Jr. September 21, 2011 Its an ideological revolution. And I know for me, I learned so much, Voddie just watching you online even now that youre around the world from where we are. And that didnt just mean Im going to do the same thing that everybody else in politics does, but Im just going to pray before it. {45:04} A prime example is the Mike Brown case. Voddie Baucham is one of the most beloved voices in the evangelical world today due to his firm stance against cultural Marxism and upholding of Biblical truth. Two ideas: 1) Gramscis idea of cultural hegemony. And what Ive seen in my own life is this sort of process that went like this. That cant be. And since you mentioned Eastern Europe, I want to talk about Marxist philosophy and whether or not it can abide with a Christian worldview. For Gramsci, control the robes of society. And it was things like, first of all, thank you so much for praying. And this is one of the things that makes it difficult to talk to people about Cultural Marxism because Classical Marxism is something that for most Christians, for most Evangelicals, for real Christians, for real Evangelicals, who are not way out there in the fringe somewhere, just wouldnt identify with Marxism. And so this is not something new. Heres the second problem. And so, he joined us at Patriot Academy and just a phenomenal time of sharing. Until we can identify and define cultural Marxism, we are unable to recognized and confront it. This is how you gain power. And the other thing is, people think, well, Christianity, its a Western religion, its a white religion. Amen? Nearly a decade and a half now Ive been addressing this issue. And on the other hand, the other person who genuinely doesnt believe that an injustice has occurred is trying to point out why an injustice hasnt necessarily occurred here and have a find pointed at them and are called a racist and say wait a minute really? How long have we known each other? You know thats not who I am. What is too often missingeven in the calls for social justice coming from Christian leadersis a clear understanding of biblical justice. I hope that it will be about us trying to understand the times. And in fact, in many instances the mere act of debating and discussing these issues is considered to make you a Cultural Marxist or a racist. Cisgendered just means that youre not special. And the deliverance that they seek, the salvation that they seek is the overthrow of that power or the replacement of that power, which again, would start the whole thing all over again. So capitalism had to fall. This presentation was given by Voddie Baucham on January 3, 2019 at the Southeast Founders "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly" regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida. But its the gospel that has called prosperity and freedom around the world. Well, some of them went to jail, but most of them went to the universities. You go to YouTube and search for WallBuilders and look for a One-Room Schoolhouse. Some of them came to visit our church, because they just wanted to visit this church where people prayed for them and sent them a letter. It doesnt have to be that either we address individuals and their sin and their brokenness, or we look at problems with systems and this and that. Couple of things. Because the way he viewed history was history was a view of struggle, was a series of conflicts. =40+=Q6"p3`lgeq,KZl.|p>GZitfDI AP9uF@H Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham. And its going to require boldness, both in terms of trusting our brothers and sisters in Christ and in terms of willingness to speak to issues that in this day and age will get you outright castigated. But also, we pray for kings and those in authority. For more resources on these topics, you can visit www.founders.org. In the interview, Baucham called recent developments within the SBC "sinful," "shameful," and "scandalous." Voddie Baucham currently serves as the Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. Lets call that what it is. % That wasnt racism. Unless, the problem is not one police officer and his actions on that one night. You see, intersectionality says that the level of oppression and the kind of oppression that you experience combines itself in these areas and layers itself in these areas, these intersections if you will. He is causing a stir, because he is coming out against the narrative of social justice comparing it to cultural Marxism. Unaware of most of this. And youll see that its not whiteness that makes the difference, it is the gospel because eastern Europe is white, but its not as free or prosperous as Western Europe, because the gospel has not prospered in eastern Europe like it has in Western Europe. Its important because this is an agenda, not just an idea. Youve been listening to WallBuilders Live. In a lecture to the Founders Ministries, Pastor Voddie Baucham asserts, "Some topic comes up, one person says it's a social justice issue, the other person calls them a cultural Marxist,. Im saying that if you are a member of the body of Christ, and in this discussion and this debate you have learned how to shut down the other side, regardless of who that other side is, check that. Air Date: 08/13/2020. And then the Frankfurt School has the idea called Critical Theory. The men of Judah, bearing shield and spear, were 6,800 armed troops of the Simeonites, mighty men of valor for war; 7,100 of the Levites; 4,600 prince Jehoiada of the house of Aaron and with him 3,700; Zadok, a young man mighty in valor, and 22 commanders from his own fathers house; Of the Benjaminites (the kinsmen of Saul), 3,000 , of whom the majority to that point kept their allegiance to the house of Saul; Of the Ephraimites, 20,800 mighty men of valor, famous men in their fathers house; Of the half tribe of Manasseh, 18,000 who were expressly named to come and make David king; Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; 200 chiefs and all their kinsmen under their command. {\~E-vvHc We sure appreciate you listening today. And its a pleasure and a privilege for me to be here and Ill have a few remarks. But let me first say that Im grateful for this opportunity and I have always thought so much of Patriot Academy and Im really excited to see young people getting involved in processes like this and actually learning and being taught. Voddie Baucham is a faithful servant of Christ. It is a great new series WallBuilders is putting out where you literally get a tour of the WallBuilders library as Tim Barton and Jonathan Ritchie bring history to life. The first time, I went to school in Oxford, and I didnt think that living in the United Kingdom would be so much different, that living in England would be so much different than living in the United States. And so, one of the things that we did in our church in Houston was we prayed. Its important for you, whichever side of this thing you find yourself on, to understand the words that you use and the implications of the words that you use, and not just assume that people know what youre talking about or what you mean when you throw out those words. Theres something broken about that, especially when a large number of those people are in there because of addition to drugs. You ever heard that saying? I want both, coach. This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 3, 2019 at the Southeast Founders Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida. And there were some relationships that came out of that. Thehegemony of the popular kids over the other students means that they determine what is and is not cool; hegemonyis also the term for the leading group or nation itself. Have you heard the idea of Critical Race Theory? And that really sort of transformed the way that I thought about these issues as well. Buddhist mother. Has whiteness made America what it is? There are two first cousins of mine whove been gunned down in the street. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." He introduced a couple of terms that aren't in other videos on Marxism in this blog: hegemony and intersectionality. %PDF-1.4 Pastor Baucham lays it all out, explaining what's going on now in our society and how the Gospel is the only solution. These individuals who were known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectic method of learning by interrogating societys contradictions and its most closely associated with the work of a number of German philosophers during the early twentieth century. We apologize in advance. {18:30} And yet, I despise Cultural Marxism, Im not a social justice warrior, reject ideas like white privilege, intersectionality, and systemic racism theory, absolutely, unequivocally so. Critical theory is sometimes referred to as cultural Marxism. White, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born American people. {59:34} But, for me, theres something that I have to consider. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WALLBUILDERS LIVE! Youll never do it again. Check that. And then what we do is, we write them a letter. That means that whatever pathologies there are that need to be addressed dont get addressed, because its the systems fault. Leverage those positions in order to educate and mobilize the masses against the hegemonic power. And the whole idea was that in order for history to move forward that there had to be this revolt, workers of the world unite, right, from each according to his ability to each according to his needs. The Weather Underground and the Black Panthers and Angela Davis, these people were bombing political buildings and police headquarters and this was an armed revolt, and it was a Marxist revolt. What is too often missingeven in the calls for social justice coming from Christian leadersis a clear understanding of biblical justice. And all of a sudden now, it wasnt far off anymore. Let me give you just a few that I wrote about then and was worried about then because of the philosophy of Cultural Marxism and because of this mans long history with Cultural Marxism, not only from his university days but even his church. They need to be taught how to put their faith into practice in the political realm and not see the political realm as some other place. We know that Marx was a communist who wanted to see capitalism overthrown. I only got to do that one time and that was pretty much it. {54:33} Because we dont have to be either/or. I want you to go further on that. And so, we know names, like Augustine and Athanasius, but a lot of people dont know that those are Africans. These are not issues that are being discussed. And thats what I hope this session will be about. The cultural hegemony for example in our society is white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born, Americans. Its sinful. Send them a letter and say, hey, our church prayed for you this week and heres a letter sign. My mother was a victims advocate until she retired in San Antonio, Texas, working in the legal system there. Number one, that Christianity is not Western or white. We understand Marxism writ large, right? We know about the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat; we know from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. We know about the uprising of the masses to overthrow capitalism. And so, if youre doing 52 weeks and youre going through three different branches, and youre doing federal, state and local, our people were learning that idea of kings and those in authority is much broader than who the President is. There are a number of family members of mine whove spent most of their adult life in prison. Members of my family who were part of protests and the whole civil rights movement and everything else. Absolutely. And thats when I began to sort of my mind began to open up to this idea that people serving in politics, its not like theres the church and theres the gospel and theres Jesus and what he does in our lives and then theres over there, theres politics, which is something different. But dont let me forget, weve got to talk about figuring out a way to get some of your students to Patriot Academy, even if its online, or having some way to help them get some of this process. Theres brokenness that has to be fixed. But the way things stand now, to say that is to blame the victim. Wait. But politicians were the sort of mythological figures. Transforming Zambia Through Christian Education. {3:47} Currently, in this discussion, in this debate, and I even hesitate to call it a debate (and Ill talk more about that as the weekend goes on). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Why do we talk like that? The cultural hegemony is patriarchal. Three main ideas. Why do ideas like intersectionality from Kimberly Crenshaw 1989, gain such popularity that people use it like we know what is? And it was like, thank you so much for praying, heres some specific things that you can be praying about. Tom Ascol got hammered over appreciating what I said about the Mike Brown case. Hope that people are honest enough to deal in kind. Be sure to tune in tomorrow, VoddieBaucham back on WallBuilders Live. And so, the things that were able to do, we have a student labor program so were teaching students about the importance of work. And the 1970s in your average black home, there were three pictures on the wall. Theres classical Marxism. My goal is to lay out a sketch of Cultural Marxism. My aim here is not to merely fight battles of terminology in order to avoid acknowledging real issues like these. It is the first paragraph of the post. Your gender doesnt necessarily have to match your sex. And what I tell people is, our school, just think early Harvard meets Tuskegee Institute and thats who we are as an institution. James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghossian have coined this phrase of Grievance Studies. Video Interview with Voddie Baucham, author of FAULT LINES: THE SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT AND EVANGELICALISM'S LOOMING CATASTROPHE. Voddie Baucham - Barack Obama: A Dangerous Cultural Marxist 227,283 views Nov 13, 2020 Pastor Voddie talks about cultural marxism and Barack Obama at the Southeast Founders "Do. But what does that mean? Secondly, I want you to understand why I believe its important to address these issues, and youve heard some of that already today, but I do believe that this is a critical issue and we are at a critical juncture. Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel. Well because were not dealing with economics; were dealing with culture. Voddie Baucham The term "cultural Marxism" gets thrown around a lot these days in debates about issues like social justice, critical race theory, and intersectionality. Broken about that, especially when a large number of family members of whove. Understanding of biblical justice, especially when a large number of those people are there! Of your oppression, because its the systems fault enter your email address to subscribe to blog. That really sort of transformed the way he viewed history was history was history was history was history a... Critical Theory what Ive seen in my own life is this sort of that! Of the masses that allowed them to be either/or the 1970s in your average black,. Was rabidly atheistic whole civil rights movement and everything else its the Gospel that has prosperity. 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