After recent shootings in Indianapolis, Chicago and Minneapolis, its natural to wonder why a sovereign God allows suffering. Some of the most faithful believers in the Bible experienced pain. They just make the suffering worse. Lee Strobel wrote an excellent piece that I adapted some of the points below from. And then death crept in. Those who have been abused wear scars that seemingly never heal. The last chapter of the Bible makes it clear that there is a happy ending to what is NOT a fairy tale. For now, in this life, we see things imperfectly. God allows evil that leads to pain and suffering, but he is not the source of evil. 10 To find out why God allows suffering, we need to think back to the time when suffering began. Im not saying every time you stub your toe you become a better person. Read this: When it feels like God has forgotten about you. Pain is promised. Compounding the pain of suffering are the answers often given by Christians. In contrast, in our personal lives, we cant stand even the smallest pain. Trials take our minds off of things of the world and put them back on the Lord. Being in perfect communion with God they had everything they needed to trust God in all things, but sadly they chose to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit. Can Gods children avoid pain? Pain is, in most cases, a good thing. Moody. Ground yourself in these Bible-based truths Billy Graham once shared. Thanks to us, the moral . The church is also meant to be a refuge for those who are suffering. It can bring us to the end of ourselves and cause us to turn to the God of comfort: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. Writer. Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions.. Its not by Gods design, its by our sin. Please see his About page for details. Suffering happens in community and we have a responsibility to be of support and aid to those who are suffering around us. See you next time! Why do you allow so much pain?" Be it a job loss, illness, or loss of a spouse or child, these are questions we've all had. But there is another possible answer: God's purpose for human beings is to bring them to know and love him. The reality is our understanding of God, of suffering, and of love are all severely limited. Since suffering exists, the assumption is God is either loving but impotent, or powerful but calloused. God didn't design the earth to have evil and suffering in it; he made it perfect. The closest he ever came was when he said, Show me why You contend with me (Job 10:2). Billy Graham As Christians, we need to listen to the whole biblical narrative to appreciate its multifaceted handling of the problem. Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father, and He sees our suffering. Failing to recognize or master these things often creates suffering for others. Why is God letting this happen? God didn't stop Adam from sinning (see Genesis 3:1-9 in context). Also see How Can You Get Right With God? These experiences remind us of who God is and what He can do. One day "there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4). #christianyoutubechannel #viral #tyetribbett #pain All told, 2,974 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks, which President George W. Bush called "evil, despicable acts of terror" and "acts of mass murder.". The Bibles approach to the problem of suffering makes it clear that discernment is necessary every step of the way. Thousands of years later He would give up His one and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, for us to be saved from sin and be restored to Him who loved us so much (see John 3:16). Rather, Satan questioned Jehovah's right to rule. Sin is the reason that we have afflictions, including death. Telling someone youre with them and all hope is not lost goes a lot further. He can bring good out of evil. The loss of mystery Our culture lost something vital through the Enlightenment, and that is a love of mystery, or the acceptance of concepts that are difficult to understand or explain. It's common to wonder if our suffering is God's Will. You might also like: 7 Surprising Truths About Death. Ask God to help you have a trusting, patient attitude, and flee from bitterness. I can build my world without You. God said, If you take that position, you will suffer and die. Man took that position, and he began to suffer, and he has been dying ever since. Our loving and merciful God has a perfect plan to use that suffering to accomplish His threefold purpose. Growth is spurred by failures, losses, challenges, difficult situations, break ups, financial woes, and the rest of the calamities that hit our life In other words, pain is what causes us to grow. "But if God is not the author of pain and suffering where did it come from? Believers are saved but not fully sanctified. Many times God brings good from our chronic pain by teaching us to rely more on Him. Paul alludes this in Galatians 6:2, when he writes, Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. The church is not meant to be an association of loosely bound individuals but a community of individuals bound together. Then Jesus dies on the cross, and in the mystery of faith, all the junk of the world, all the junk that's in our hearts, all the junk that's in our relationships, all of that junk dies with him. It was not in His original plan that suffering would take place. We might not like it, but its true. Without it, we cannot truly experience love. If you touch a hot stove your body reacts with pain that causes you to quickly move your hand. Help me get equipped andbe encouraged so I am empowered to know, live, and share my faith. To Kill Sin and Grow Godliness. Their pain may be the result of their own choices, which God allows them to experience, or it may be a judgment upon them that is independent of a specific choice they made. In a polytheistic worldview, as noted above, pain and suffering are simply factors caused by malevolent gods. Doesnt God care that Im suffering? Thats the hardest thing of all, to be patient, to have songs in the night. Colossians 4:2 "Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.". Have you ever heard the question, If God is love (good) and is all-powerful why doesnt He just get rid of suffering? But if you are looking for more on suffering, you can check out this article Ive written: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Its temporary. Pain promotes humility. We dont know the answer. And we may never know until God explains all things to us. If it did would you share this post with a friend or two? Betrayal leaves many wondering if they will ever be whole again. He will give us the comfort, peace, patience and strength we need. He knows what you are experiencing and wants to walk with you through it. Whatever the reasons behind pain and suffering, we all experience it because of sin having entered the world. He not only faced pain (that he didnt deserve) he promised it many times to his followers. If the Bible offers a range of perspectives on God and suffering, then we must be willing to sort and weigh them when we are faced with difficulty. Paul writes, We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose, (Romans 8:28). Id love to hear from you! We are obsessed with stories of people overcoming pain. In fact, our suffering is a sign of God's love. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.. (John 17), Thats My King! Weve established why pain and suffering exists, but we also know that God has the power to stop pain and suffering. One of the first things we think of when it comes to suffering is that we must avoid it at all costs, but God brings suffering in our lives for the sake of our eternal joy and glory, even if we cant understand why at this time. God gave us free will and wants us to exercise it. We see that God actually comes to the planet, he actually lives among us so that he understands our suffering, our hurt, our pain. Why does God allow pain? The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of sin. Jesus encourages pain. In our pain, we long to know why God allows grief and hardship into our lives. Just pray more. The life of Christ argues against this idea because he was without sin (2 Cor. We all experience pain, and even suffering at some time in our lives. All of our problems and our suffering, including death itself, are a result of man's rebellion against God. Dont forget to share your thoughts! The first thing we must recognize is that God sees the larger picture and is orchestrating everything for His glory, which is to our benefit. Will we turn from God because we think Hes not good, not loving, not trustworthy because of our pain? "It is safe to say that both skeptic and believer alike share one opinion in common: The question of pain and suffering provides the greatest challenge to belief in God." In WHY SUFFERING?, Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale provide the 10 primary reasons why a loving God might allow suffering --- why the existence of suffering does not negate . Also see Why Does God Let People Suffer? And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his . Its also important that we recognize that our suffering doesnt happen without purpose. Much pain consequently comes from our sin, but not all pain does. Am I being punished? Suffering carries a message of mystery. 1. But thats exactly what God is in the business of doing. It is likely that you will be confronted with suffering that cannot be adequately understood through a single approach. So lets dive a little deeper into why does God allow suffering? Some illnesses are a result of not taking care of ones body. Pauls idea is not that we must suffer the same thing as another person in order to minister the hope and comfort of God. Easter Greeting from Reasons for Hope* Jesus. Until we understand that there are things we will not see this side of heaven, this question will cause us to stumble. Thats a different topic that you can read here: Why Does God Allow Suffering? But the God of the Bible charts a different course. We never ask that question about the pain and suffering of a life term sentence for someone who has committed murder because, we understand it was a consequence of their actions, and we reason that they deserve it as a result of what they did. Challenges as something to be avoided. What Does it Mean to Taste and See that the Lord is Good? And how quickly, he said, the music has stopped.. 20. God never wastes pain. de Russell, Bob sur - ISBN 10 : 0802411975 - ISBN 13 : 9780802411976 - Moody Publishers - 2014 - Couverture souple If we seek God, He is faithful and He will provide. But pain isnt our enemy. He sees our life every day and knows exactly where we stand. Fallen is a theological term that refers to the worlds nature being contrary to what God intended because people, starting with Adam and Eve, chose sin rather than obedience. Nevertheless, Satan was allowed access to the earth, and he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. When someone in the church is in need, we are to come alongside them to help them through their suffering. Reconciling how a good and loving God could allow such pain in their lives (or someone close) is difficult. So even in the sorrow you feel right now, you can look forward with hope to the fulfillment of this plan. For example, David wrote, "My soul is in deep Christianity FAQ exists to help people understand the Christian faith. lets look at what the Bible says about suffering. In suffering there is also, I believe, a message of warning. April 16, 2021 Or the millions that have no access to basic human needs. Theres also pain and suffering that occurs from the consequences of our sin or when we are a victim of anothers sinful actions. Now the earth was tohu va-vohu Genesis 1:2. God wants us to realize that and freely do what is good and right by our own choice, not because He is forcing us to. To pick up one theme of suffering in Scripture is to miss the entire picture. And thats the Gospel, right? If you are in the middle of suffering I would encourage you to go read: Why Did Jesus Weep? Home Harm that was brought upon us by another human. He is a God of love, hope, and peace. Writer. Why does God allow evil, pain, and suffering? For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? Some day, for all of you, if you dont know God, the music will stop. Thats why its so important to not run away from failures, challenges, difficulties, and pain so fast. I hope that this teaching on why does God allow suffering helped you rethink parts of your life and faith. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. The lives we live are a starch contrast to the stories we are drawn too. Rather, pain has a purpose and is a blessing. That means we can choose to sin, and the natural consequence of disobedience to God's beneficial laws is suffering. All content on this site is copyrighted. The Enigma of Suicide: Answers From Billy Graham. A failing grade on a test is a result of not effectively or sufficiently studying. The answer to this question is that none of us are truly innocent or undeserving. These are questions central to the Christian faith, and questions that have not gone unexplored in the cannon of Christian philosophy. God does not put you through pain, but rather the pain you go through comes as a result of disobedience or wrong choices you make, or sometimes from the wickedness in the world. God allows and sometimes even causes pain in our lives. Pain and suffering are realities in our everyday life. When will this end? The good news is that even though we royally screwed up. Genuine Praise & Real Hope, The Prayer Guide Us With Faith; Give Us Grace; Keep Us Safe, The Cross from the Fathers, Sons, and Believers Perspectives. But we shouldnt run from pain. Twice in the verse below Paul states that the reason for his thorn in the flesh was to keep him from becoming conceited. Reasons God allows pain in the life of unbelievers include showing them their need for God and as judgment for sin. Now you ask, why does God allow pain, suffering, and failure in our lives? Also see How To Listen To God to learn more. The end result is that He is redeeming and restoring all the evil, pain and suffering of this sin-sick world. Jesus is the prime example of this. Jesus told his followers, "Go and make disciples of all nations.". We will get to why does God allow suffering? While the Bible has valuable things to say on the topic of suffering, it doesnt directly answer our question. Which I think is why God rarely responds to our demands for answers when we are suffering. Now you ask, why does God allow pain, suffering, and failure in our lives? Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. Its through pain that we will grow and develop into who God has created us to be. This attitude leads to a lack of growth. Does the existence of evil disprove Christianity? So, lets look at what suffering is and how a good God can allow suffering to exist. God came to earth and suffered with us in His pursuit of us. In this article on what of focus on our response to pain and how its a good thing. Of course, its not just physical pain that brings about suffering, nonphysical suffering is often silent, but just as painful. You just need to believe more. Thats why Christ died on the cross. But one-day suffering will end and the final chapter will be written. Compounding the pain of suffering are the answers often given by Christians. What mentality should believers have toward pain? Instead, he responds with, Im with you. Human experience also argues against this false idea, as followers of Christ suffer at the same rate as non-believers. But then sin entered the world. If youre going through a tough time, take heart. Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.". On Nov. 21, 1980, when the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas burned, survivors were brought into the Convention Center, where our Crusade meetings were being held. Do Gods children experience pain? The Bible contains a lot of suffering, but surprisingly says little about it. An accident that leads to lifelong pain. Pain and a loving God can co-exist. Jeffery Curtis Poor | March 1, 2022May 17, 2021 | Featured, Following Jesus (Practical Faith), What Does the Bible Say About Why would a good God, a loving God, allow suffering to exist in this world? C.S. The assumption is that the story is over. Because He allows us to have free choiceto be humans and not preprogrammed robots. So what should we do the next time we experience some kind of pain? Yet, we know all too well in our world pain can quickly move to suffering. That's the way I usually think about trying to come to terms with why I or somebody else might be suffering. Each of us knows firsthand what it means to suffer as a result of someone elses sin. But God isnt finished yet. Yes, God the Father remained good through it all. Why Does God Allow Suffering in the First Place? What it does mean is that in his providential will (when He causes something to happen) or in His permissive will (when He allows something to happen),andwhen we areunable to handle, ifwe turn to God He will provide us what we need to go through it. Thats why He rose from the dead. When someone in our church is hurting, the church tends to that members wounds. We should not waste the trials in this life, but rather use them as an opportunity to turn to the Lord and draw close to Him in trusting faith, remembering that the goodness of God endures continually (Psalm 52:1b) and His mercies are new every morninggreat is His faithfulness. Pain is, in most cases, a good thing. But what we don't usually look for is God's purpose for our weaknesses in the lives of others. And the list goes on. There is a mystery as to why He put people on this earth. But Jesus sent them anyway. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. Most English Bibles render this verse as: "The earth was empty and without . We are finite beings trying to grasp at an infinite God. Even Satan knows that there is no limit to Jehovah's power. Job was sharing his agony of spirit with the very God he could not understand. Of course, we knew the consequences of free will. Find hope, peace, and security today. An expensive speeding ticket is a result of breaking a traffic law. Jesus said, for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me (Matthew 25:35-36). When Satan led Adam and Eve into disobeying Jehovah, an important question was raised. Put your email in the box below! Want articles like this one delivered straight to your email? God allows pain in the life of a believer, so they will know him better. Drop a comment down below! Jeffery Curtis Poor | June 5, 2020January 20, 2020 | Featured, Following Jesus (Practical Faith), What Does the Bible Say About Why does God allow pain? Suffering is in our lives because we are living in a broken world. When we think of suffering, we often think of God being far away from us. As mentioned above, when Adam and Eve sinned, their bodies began the dying process and they became susceptible to disease and death; and their minds and wills were no longer governed by being in perfect communion with their Creator. My guess is that what caused the most growth in your life was some kind of pain. This question takes on a whole different (and painful) reality when we are the ones suffering. Sometimes the emotional or physical pain of suffering is prolonged. Pastor. The problem is often in our world pain can quickly move to suffering. One day it will all make sense. Please click here to learn how. Consider what God told Paul when he was in pain: "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." There is no indication in Pauls description that God was chastising him for sin. Harm that was brought upon us by another human. The loving, omnipotent God of our imagination would move swiftly from creation to new creation, from the garden of Eden of Genesis to the heavenly Jerusalem of Revelation. In Matthew 10 Jesus sent his disciples out to heal the sick and cast out demons. He never allows Satan, nor circumstances, nor any ill-intending person to afflict us unless He uses that affliction for our good. God uses pain, in part, to refine the hearts and minds of people. Privacy One important answer to this question is to say they should imitate Christ, who suffered more than anyone. There could be no "bad, worse, and unconscionable.". Its a common question that is used to argue that either God is not all-good or He is not all-powerful. We also know that God created man with a free will giving Adam and Eve the ability to make choices. Thats why its imperative that when we are going through a time of trial and suffering that we remember how much God loves us. Personal Pain. At the first sign of a headache, we pop a few Tylenol. It's common to wonder if our suffering is God's Will. Job never asked why those things were happening to him. This is at no cost to you and helps keep Rethink up and running. When we suddenly bear an affliction, our pride, impatience, and unbelief will often surface. Husband. In doing so they broke the perfect communion that they had with God and plunged the world into sin and darkness. You can check it out here: Lee Strobel Reflecting On A Mass Shooting. Again the question not so quietly arises. C.S. Dont forget to leave a comment! In suffering there is a message of unity. to learn more. They're actually meant to make us see our grave need for Him. To mature from a teen to an adult? Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross, but God raised Him from the dead. When a member is down and discouraged, the church is called to lift that person up. While that might sound like a good thing, its not, its more like hell living in this world without pain. @ 2021-2023 Copyright | All Right Reserved. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." 3. Thankfully, God is good and gave us the answers in His Word. Before we go any further we need to define the difference between pain and suffering. What is needed is an experience of deliverance from affliction, comfort in grief and restoration in brokenness. No, because the sacrifice of all those innocent souls ;who are now living in paradise and realize why their pain was put upon them, gave us the knowledge to prevent something similar from happening in the future. Suffering spurs us to action. When God created mankind, He intended for us to live in perfect harmony with Him, without pain, suffering or evil. But often doubt that God can use our suffering for anything of value. Want to learn more about why does God allow suffering? God sees and understands what we cannot. Last and most importantly, in God our pains and failures aren't meant to harm us. For to this you have been called, because Christ also . [12] Suffering seems meaningless and cruel when not taken in the context of faith. Acts of God: Why Does God Allow So Much Pain? The suffering we experience we see as too harmful, the damage too extreme, to be repaired much less be used for something good. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Or will we turn to God trusting that while things dont make sense now, one day God will reveal the grandeur picture? We are the creators of suffering. He. (see Genesis 3). Because of this, some people will get angry with God, believing He did nothing to stop the sin that unfolded. While God didnt create suffering, He is in the business of redeeming it. He knows it will bring little comfort. What do you have to do to be ready? He uses it to test our faith, discipline us, and to grow our character. Many of us think that if God is so good, why would He allow us to undergo pain and suffer failures in our lives. For example, you might be passed over for a seemingly great job opportunity, only to get a better one later. We love stories of other peoples suffering being used for good. Cancer Patient's Pain and Suffering show their faith in action to you. He confirms that the world is fallen because we are out of the relationship with God that we are meant to live in. God is redeeming all things for His good and our benefit. 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The question is: If God (or Allah) is the most merciful, why does He allow pain and suffering to happen? (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). There are a few things that are important things on the topic of suffering we should know. Our culture is both obsessed with pain and terrified of it at the same time. However, God allows Christians to suffer for reasons that go beyond the curse. Suffering was the cost to God of forgiveness. But in a monotheistic worldview, why would God allow pain and suffering? Paul the sufferer turns his pain into a Christ-exalting experience by showing Christ's all-sufficiency in his weakness. Its a painful picture of what we must give up to follow Jesus. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affliliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links. Some physical evil may be the result of the original sin of Adam and Eve ( Genesis 3:6, Romans 5:12-14 ). We should recognize that, but theres a larger point I want to make. Those are two very different responses. Many have walked away from their faith because of the suffering they've experienced. It will all be over. Why is there pain in the world? Pain isnt something we need to get rid of. A disease that ravages our body. If you want more about Gods response to the pain we face check out: Why Did Jesus Weep. He was a pastor for 10 years. According to the Bible, reasons that God allows pain in the life of a believer include chastisement, humility, stimulating spiritual maturity, and imitating Jesus Christ in his sufferings. For more about the effects of sin and the work of Jesus check out: What Is Sin? Consider the following: - God is good and all-powerful, but our world isn't perfect. It's important to make this distinction. We can easily understand those kinds of suffering, but when we try to understand the suffering that comes from the death of a child, from affliction or disease, from evil and injustices inflicted on people, and other such circumstances of life, its all too easy to fall into a trap of Christian karma and argue that someone didnt deserve such trials or tribulations. Of other peoples suffering being used for good this verse as: & quot ; at the First?! Weve established why pain and terrified of it at the First sign why does god allow pain... Unconscionable. & quot ; all have sinned and fall short of the Bible charts a different course see. In perfect harmony with him, firm in your life was some kind pain! To you not taking care of ones body law of Christ for with. Directly answer our question is at no cost to you and helps keep rethink up and.! Fulfill the law of Christ allows pain in our personal lives, we know all well! Does it Mean to Taste and see that the Lord free will wear that... 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S all-sufficiency in his Word ( and painful ) reality when we are meant to us. Put them back on the Lord and so fulfill the law of Christ for dealing the!

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