tight as a drum (as) tight as a drum 1. "Thyme heals all wounds". Yes! Meaning: I bought it cheaply and will prove it. Of income you've lost off acquisitive overtures wound up with. ~Submitted by Angela (Irvine, Ky ), You might be a redneck if your weekly mass is the prayer before the national anthem at the PBR events. Fact: Charlotte Thomas Bespoke linens weave 22k gold thread into thousandcount Egyptian cotton. Those days are over you don't have to sell your body to the night" Meaning: Something which ruins or spoils everything else; a nuisance or problem; an unpleasant or disagreeable detail. Note: In earlier times, a corncob was used by some for personal hygiene conducted in the outhouse. a whip. No guarantees, but maybe, its just about probable, that you will most certainly probably. And why are you eating that giant bowl of herbs? I grew up in the country, on Boggs Run, in Marshall County, West Virginia. Im as confused as a blind lesbian in fish market.. Well dip my balls in sweet cream and squat me in a kitchen full of kittens. report. (Or a hot brick). A friend of mine was kicked out of the army because his wound leaked onto the sergeants uniform. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. "slower than molasses in January" She was so tall she could hunt geese with a rake. "Couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel." "like a fart in a glove" ~Submitted by unknown. While crude, vulgar, and possibly offensive to some, I believe they should somehow be memorialized. Note: One of the authors all-time favorites. ", He wound up with a massive correction and his wife was heavily censored, Oh it's just a flesh wound don't lose your head over it, I had a little mishap with a pruning saw in the yard and asked my wife to patch my finger up. Why, its so cold herewe got dogs stuck to fire hydrants all over town. Im happier than a punk in a pickle patch. Jeez Louise! 3 comments. Holy canole! Note: The word grace literally means favor In Hebrew. That boy is about as sharp as a cue ball. Privacy Policy. I've heard "tighter than a duck's arse" and "So tight when they pull a fiver out their pocket the Queen blinks" but what are your favourites? One of the photos wound up in the final print, and the rest is swimsuit history. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. "thigh high to a mule" He talks like hes got a mouthful of mush. Note: A very unpleasant way of saying that someone is excessively suave and polished. "that dog don't hunt" - bad idea or flawed logic If I had earned that doctorate I would have wound up teaching in a college. "Ugly enough to scare buzzards off a gut wagon". Taking a dip has nothing to do with water. What does a clock do when he's still hungry, There was an explosion at the numbers factory. Drew another puzzle for the weekend. "Colder than a well-digger's feet in Alaska" So deep in jail hell have to be fed beans with a slingshot! You could start an argument in an empty house. Note: Pulp wood trucks are rough riding and usually noisy. Baryshinkov wound up finding a home with ABT, while Nureyev moved between the Royal Ballet in London and the Paris Opera Ballet. Redneck Laughter:very funny you might be a redneck one liners. He wound up on an IV drip, simply for falling asleep on sentry duty. Tim Heaton is an Ole Miss Alumnus from Southaven, Mississippi who supports The Flagship in a variety of public relations efforts. From Detroit. If you have any favorite redneck sayings or you might be a redneck sayings you would like to share with us, I would love to see them. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Looks like Hell with everyone out to lunch. Pro Tip: If you have a gashed wound, it is cheaper to go to a comedy club than the emergency room. Meaning: The edge of the world, look out youre going to fall off, far. "He draws me in to him in a kiss. milk dud. Synonyms for Tightly wound. Meaning he is very frugal. Linda Cunningham Fluharty Jiminy cricket! ", "actin like she's got bees in her bonnet", "actin' like her tits got caught in a wringer", "You look like you have been drug through a knot hole ass backwards. "Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra" Whiter than a hound dog's tooth. Rather than: Screamed like an 8th lived mashed cat. whirlwind." "Prettier than a blue-nosed mule." Note: The houndstooth fabric is a duotone textile pattern made famous by Bear Bryant. Your mom gives you tips on how to sneak booze into sporting events. They strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. "may be small but he's wound tight" "Colder than a fart in a dead eskimo" Her presence would have the same calming effect on Dusty, who was the most wound-up man Jule knew. Your toilet paper has page numbers on it. Note: The ivorybilled woodpecker is one of the largest woodpeckers in the world. You have probably read it. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. So tight that when you ring on his door his missus has to shout ding dong. I bought it for a song and you can sing it yourself. Wife: "Yeah, the Police." Marty and I are playing with the same intensity. Jay Leno Tighter than a straight man's butt cheeks in prison Kim Harrison Calories," Emily said on a sigh. Great chunks of shit! They could worry the horns off a billy goat. He's one of these type A personality guys who's always wound up tighter than a springwears whatever face suits the crowd. To conquer the there's not that remains wound up principals jay asher. ", Because nothing should be tighter than an altar boy's bond with god. You will recognize many of the examples of clichs below. See more ideas about nursing memes, wound care nursing, wound care. March 4, 2023 March 3, 2023 Quotes by Igor. Note: Dodge ball is played the collegiate level in Europe. | About Us C'mon ni is you trickin or what? Busier than a one armed monkey with two peckers. "cuter than a speckled pup" His pants were so tight if hed a farted itd blow his boots off. The average coefficient of friction of a banana on linoleum was 0.066. "so drunk he couldn't find his ass with both hands" It'll take your mind off of it. Life with the Yorkshiremen always carried menacing undertones and Everton were on a short fuse, fully wound up and all ready to go. Thats so hard to do itd be like trying to put butter up a wildcats ass with a hot poker! The life of a nurse.hahahahaha!!!! Wound tighter than a two dollar watch A very high degree of stress. Chiggers are included on your list of top 5 hygiene concerns. Fact: In the Maldives, bigamy is permitted for anyone, most other Middle Eastern countries require you be a Muslim. ~ Submitted by Jan (st.louis MO), Busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Youve been married three times and still have the same in-laws. He has been awarded over a dozen US Patents in technology and is also a published author, chef and physical fitness enthusiast. Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). Leisa Rayven, It had seemed like a good idea at the time, a sure-fire way to impress this girl, who was as cute as hell but wound tighter than one of his father's antique clocks. Slower than a herd of turtles stampedin' through peanut butter. The tighter you squeeze, the less you have. Most Important questions and their answers. "a crock of shit" 1. 1 comment. You think a turtleneck is key ingredient for soup. The term first appeared in the 1870s. That boy was shaking like a dog shittin hammer handles. Hes so country he thinks a seven-course meal is a possum and a sixpack. Fact: The average American male weighs 191 pounds. soy beans. You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are Gentlemen, start your engines.. Get Your Laugh on with these funny redneck sayings: He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Youve ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog. "Lying like a snake in the grass" "Shakier than and old coon" Holy mackerel! Five gallons of shit in a 2 gallon bucket. Yup that stings. Sophie sighed with relief and had to control the urge to rub her hand. Did you hear about the guy that mistook the whiteout bottle for the viagra bottle? | Sitemap |. If a frog had wings he wouldnt bump his butt when he hops. 11102008 Im wound up tighter than a wind up toy mechanical presidential candidate a week before re election. Hopefully the related words and synonyms for "term" are a little tamer than average. ), Linda Cunningham Fluharty "don't have one penny to rub against another one" Simply use the form below to share your favorite redneck sayings. I'll be dipped in bacon fat! Your sister is the third generation of women in your family to conceive a baby as a result of an alien abduction. "ass as big as a $40 cow" Your wife has ever said, Come move this transmission so I can take a bath.. "Now I know my destiny. You think a quarter horse is a ride in front of the Wal Mart. That looks like two pigs fightn over a Flow tighter than a d..k in the butt. As the French poet Grard de Nerval said, "The first man who compared a woman to a rose was a poet, the second, an imbecile.". "Clay, I don't need to rest." No higher than corn and no lower than taters. based paint, and thought that it might form a substitute for India rubber. Busier than a cat covering up shit on a concrete floor. "Heavier than a dead preacher" "more nervous than a whore in church" Aprilynne Pike, He smiles sadly. and tightly wound chronically tense, unable to relax, highly reactive My cat is so tightly wound he springs up off the floor if anything startles him, and he startles at the drop of a feather. Note: Powder puffs have been made of very fine down feathers, cotton, and fine fleece. A reminder to posters and commenters of some of our subreddit rules, Don't be a dickhead to each other, or about others, or other subreddits, Assume questions are asked in good faith, and engage in a positive manner, Avoid political threads and related discussions, No medical advice or mental health (specific to a person) content. You think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone book. Didnt last long though. "not worth a patch on his (another person's) ass" Meaning: Common. Note: This phrase is probably nautical from catonine tails, i.e. close as bark on a tree = very close. Thats about as useful as a trap door on a canoe. "like the kettle calling the pot black" With enough hours of practice, they become clockwork to deliver. What do you say when someone wants to stitch their own wound? Note: If you plan to drive through mud on a regular basis it is wise to outfit your truck with a winch. Wife: Sing a song. "Uglier than the east end of a horse headed west." So Deaf people may enjoy them too. This aint a science book. "slow as mud" Your mother has ammo on her Christmas list. The whole weekend turned out to be one giant round of excruciating foreplay, and if he doesn't stop stalling and give me some relief pretty damn pronto, there's going to be a girl-parts rebellion the likes of which he's never seen. You have ever bar-b-qued Spam on the grill. She arched one eyebrow at her husband. They rushed the child to hospital when his abdomen became tight as a drum because of the swelling. ", "Hotter than a whore house on dollar day. "That (plan, idea, action, etc) amounts to about as much as a fart in a wound them off; wound them on; wound them onto; wound them round my finger; wound them round my little finger; wound them round your finger; wound them round your little finger; wound them up into; wound them up into something; wound these off; wound those around; wound those off; wound those on; wound those onto; wound through; wound tight . Meaning: Frustrated. Meaning: So obvious it could not be missed. Go figure. She has more chins than a Chinese phone book. "colder than a well digger's ass" "Slipperier than snot on a glass doorknob" "Two ax handles wide across the ass"or for REALLY wide, "2 ax handles and a rain barrel" "Uglier than the east end of a horse headed west. To conquer the there's not that remains wound up principals jay Asher. His knickers are in a knot. Note: Imitation Bacon Bits are made from textured vegetable protein (TVP) i.e. "may be small but he's wound tight" "It takes a big boy to whip a little man" "took off like a cat hit in the ass with a boot jack" "face as red as a jaybird's ass in pokeberry time" "not tough enough to kick the shit out of your own pants" "smell bad enough to stink a dog off a gut wagon" "so weak you couldn't knock a sick whore off a shit pot" Boost your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks tightly wound Note: Bacteria thrive in the mouth of any animal that eats a fat and meat heavy diet. I think hes one fry short of a Happy Meal. | Contact Us Tomas Transtromer Screw the beaten path! Enjoy reading and share 5 famous quotes about Wound Tighter Than with everyone. The following expressions were used in everyday conversation by my dad, uncles, and grandfathers, and were a part of our culture. All rights reserved. Grandpa gently bent down and began to clean the wound, removing the little pebbles now embedded in my skin as I cried John Cena emerges from a deep slumber only to find he has wound up in the hospital. As if their kiss bridged the gap between the two worlds, even if only for that one brief, sparkling moment.A sigh that held the weight of years shuddered out of Tamani as their faces drew apart. I promise. Boy you got about as much sense as god gave a goose. The muscles in his arms and back bulged as he lifted the crate, his skin as tight as a drum. https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/5vemhh/texas_hunters_who_accidentally_shot_each_other/. She's a nurse, so I figured she'd dress my wound better than I could. Darlin.Youre hotter than donut grease at a fat man convention. Jiminy christmas! ", "jumping from the frying pan into the fire", "didnt know whether to shit or go blind", "so drunk he couldn't find his ass with both hands", "never cut a fat hog in the ass with a dull knife", "can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear", "you never miss a slice off a cut loaf" (cut loaf= a non-virginal woman), "It takes a big boy to whip a little man", "took off like a cat hit in the ass with a boot jack", "face as red as a jaybird's ass in pokeberry time", "not tough enough to kick the shit out of your own pants", "smell bad enough to stink a dog off a gut wagon", "so weak you couldn't knock a sick whore off a shit pot", "don't let your mouth run off til your brain's in gear", "you would give a bull dog's ass the heartburn", "didn't know whether to shit or wind his watch", "not worth the scrapings off a hound dogs ass", "hotter than a June bride in a feather bed", "dumber (or crazier) than a shit house rat", "busier than a one-legged man in an ass kickin contest", "hornier than a two (or 3) peckered billy goat", "looks like a crow shit him on a fence post & the sun hatched him out", "don't have one penny to rub against another one", "can't burn both ends of a stick (or candle) at the same time", "tighter than a gnats ass stretched over a rain-barrel", "don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out" (poor), "Up and down like a whore on Saturday night. 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